WinForms Edition Documentation
Working with Windows 7 Control Pack for WinForms / Working with C1TaskbarButton / Jump List Elements
Jump List Elements

A jump list is a collection of jumps (or links) to documents, commands, files, programs, or links that can accessed by right-clicking a taskbar button. In the C1TaskbarButton component, the C1JumpList class represents a jump list. A jump list may contain the following elements:


There are several things you can do to modify the jump list. For example, you can set the maximum number of items that will appear on the jump list using the MaxSlots property. You may also set the known category section and the position of the known category section via, respectively, the KnownCategory property and the KnownCategoryPosition property.

There are three settings for the KnownCategory property: Recent, Frequent, and Neither. If you choose Recent, the list will display a series of links to files that you've recently used. If you choose Frequent, the list will display a series of links to applications and files you frequently use. If you select Neither, the user will never see a Recent or a Frequent category associated with your. list.

C1JumpPaths, C1JumpLinks, and C1JumpTasks

C1JumpPaths and C1JumpLinks are both of the C1JumpItem class, whereas a C1JumpTask is represented by the C1JumpTask class. The first two, C1JumpPaths and C1JumpLinks, are added to the C1JumpList by way of the C1JumpLists Tasks property, while C1JumpTasks must be added using the C1JumpLists Tasks property.

To read more about C1JumpPaths, C1JumpLinks, and C1JumpTasks, see C1JumpPath Basics, C1JumpLink Basics, and C1JumpTask Basics.

Applying Changes to the Jump List

To apply changes to the jump list, you will need to call the C1JumpList.Apply method.

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code

To write code in C#

Copy Code
See Also