Appearance and Behavior / Header Template
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Header Template
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Header Template

The StepHeaderTemplate property contains the HTML template for the header of each step of the C1Wizard control.  By default, the C1Wizards StepHeaderTemplate property is set to "<h2>#{title}</h2>#{desc}", and if your stepd have their Title and Description properties set, the headers will appear similar to the following:

But you can easily change this just by making a few changes to the template. As an example, replacing the the current setting of the StepHeaderTemplate property with "#{desc}<h5>#{title} Added Text </h5>" would result in this:

Note that in the above example, we switched the location of the Description ("{desc}") and Title ("{title}") templates. In addition, the title now appears in a Heading 5 style, and the title is followed by the string "Added Text".  Each step that you add to the control adopt this header template format. 

Content Template

The PanelTemplate property contains the HTML template for the content area of each step of the C1Wizard control. By default, this is set to "<div></div>" and all content rests within that <div> block, but you can alter this template if you'd like the content area of each step to conform to a specific list of styles. You can do this

See Also