Appearance / Client-Side Events
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Client-Side Events
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C1SuperPanel includes several client-side events that allow you to manipulate the C1SuperPanel control when an action such as dragging and hiding the tooltip occurs.

You can use the sever-side properties, listed in the Client Side Event table, to specify the name of the JavaScript function that will respond to a particular client-side event. For example, to assign a JavaScript function called "Scrolling" to respond when scrolling through the panel, you would set the OnClientScrolling property to "Scrolling".

The following table lists the events that you can use in your client scripts. These properties are defined on the server side, but the actual events or the name you declare for each JavaScript function are defined on the client side.

Client Side Event table

Event Server-Side Property Name Event Name Description
OnClientDragStop DragStop The name of the function which will be called when thumb buttons of scrollbars dragging stops.
OnClientPainted Painted The name of the function which will be called after panel is painted.
OnClientResized Resized The name of the function which will be called when resized event is fired.
OnClientScrolled Scrolled The name of the function which will be called after scrolling occurs.
OnClientScrolling Scrolling The name of the function which will be called before scrolling occurs.
See Also