ComponentOne Slider for ASP.NET WebForms
Task-Based Help / Customizing Appearance / Using CSS Selectors
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    Using CSS Selectors
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    Setting C1Slider's CSS Selectors gives you control over the slider's appearance.

    Complete these steps:

    1. Click View | Properties in the Visual Studio toolbar.
    2. In the Properties window, locate the CssClass property and use the drop-down list to set it to wijmo-wijslider.
    3. Switch to Source View and locate the first set of <asp:Content> tags. Insert the following tag set:
      Copy Code
      <style type="text/css"></style>

    4. Insert the following CSS script into the <style> tags. This will set the appearance properties of the slider control.
      Copy Code
              background: #308014;
              background: #308014;
              border-color: #000000; border-width: medium; background-color: #3d9140;
              .wijmo-wijslider-incbutton .ui-icon-triangle-1-e
              background-color: #ffffff;
              .wijmo-wijslider .ui-slider-handle
              background: #308014;
              .wijmo-wijslider .ui-state-active
              background: #ffffff;
    5. Press F5 to run your application. The slider control should appear as in the following image:

      Note that when you click on the handle, it turns white: