C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Maps.GeoJson Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Maps.GeoJson Namespace
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON Feature object.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON FeatureCollection object.
ClassReprensents a general GeoJSON object.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON GeometryCollection geometry object.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a GeometryCollection.
ClassRepresents a general GeoJSON geometry object.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON LineString geometry object.
ClassRepresents the coordinates of a line.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a LineString.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON MultiLineString geometry object.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a MultiLineString.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON MultiPoint geometry object.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a MultiPoint.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry object.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a MultiPolygon.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Point geometry object.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a Point.
ClassRepresents the GeoJSON Polygon geometry object.
ClassRepresents the coordinates of a polygon.
ClassRepresents a GeoJSON Feature object which geometry is a Polygon.
ClassRepresents the coordinates of the geometry position.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of the GeoJSON object.
See Also