C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.C1Schedule Namespace / MappingCollectionBase<T> Class
The type of the objects for mapping. It should be derived from the BasePersistableObjectclass and have the default parameter-less constructor.

MappingCollectionBase<T> Class
Represents a collection of mappings for properties of the BasePersistableObject object to the appropriate data fields. Names of properties are keys in this collection.
Object Model
MappingCollectionBase<T> Class
Public Class MappingCollectionBase(Of T As {New, BasePersistableObject}) 
   Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection(Of String,MappingInfo)
Type Parameters
The type of the objects for mapping. It should be derived from the BasePersistableObjectclass and have the default parameter-less constructor.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also