LinearGauge for ASP.NET Web Forms includes several unique features, including the following:
- Styling Made Easy
All gauge elements can be customized to fit your needs. Restyling the ComponentOne Gauge controls is as simple as changing a property. All of the key elements in the gauge are surfaced. You can create gauges with custom colors, fills, fonts, and more.
- Ranges
Add colored ranges to the gauge to draw attention to a certain range of values. Use simple properties to customize their start and end points, as well as location, size, and appearance. Create non-linear ranges by specifying a start and end width to show growth and add visual appeal to any gauge.
- Tick Marks and Labels
Define marks and labels. Use simple properties to customize their interval, location, and appearance. Apply formatting to the gauge labels; for example, format labels in currency or percentage format using standard .NET format strings.
- Orientation
You can place the linear gauge horizontally or vertically on the page with the Orientation property.
- Rich Customization
Create any look desired by customizing the face and cover shapes of the gauge using the rich set of style attributes available. You can even simulate a glassing effect using simple shapes. If shapes are not enough, you may add images. It's possible to apply various effects to images, such as rotation, flipping, changing the hue, saturation, lightness, and opacity.
- Scale Customization
Use simple properties to set the start and sweep angle of the gauge scale.
- Pointer Customization
Choose from many predefined pointer shapes, customize the shape, or import your own custom image to use as the pointer. Specify the exact position of the pointer origin in radial and linear gauges. This allows you to decentralize the pointer to either side or the bottom of the gauge.
- Animation
Gauges come out-of-the-box with smooth animations. You can customize the animations. For example, for the pointer animation, you may set the time interval for the animation as the value changes. You can also decrease the frequency of redrawing for the gauge control if the source value is changed too frequently for observation.
- Live Data
Gauges are optimized for streaming live data. The gauge will animate as the data changes.
- Logarithmic Markers
With the Islogarithmic and LogarithmicBase properties, you can get the logarithmic markers.