ComponentOne Expander for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.C1Schedule Namespace / ReminderCollection Class

In This Topic
    ReminderCollection Class
    In This Topic
    The ReminderCollection is a collection of all Reminder objects that represents the reminders for all pending items.
    Object Model
    ReminderCollection Class
    Public Class ReminderCollection 
       Inherits C1.C1Schedule.C1ObservableCollection(Of Reminder)
       Implements INotifyCollectionChanged 
    Use the C1ScheduleStorage.Reminders property to get a reference to the Reminders collection. Reminders are created programmatically when a new Appointment object is created with a reminder. For example, a reminder is created when an Appointment object is created and the ReminderSet property is set to true.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also