Appearance / ThemeRoller Overview
ThemeRoller Overview

One of the most convenient features of Wijmo is its ThemeRoller compatibility. ThemeRoller is a Web application for creating unique jQueryUI themes to skin your Web app's widgets. With its simple interface and WYSIWYG preview, you can create a skin for all of your Wijmo widgets and other ThemeRoller-compatible widgets in less time than it would take to open a graphic editor.

We can find the ThemeRoller Web app at Once you've arrived at the app, take a gander at the column on the left-hand side of the page and observe that it holds three tabs: Roll Your Own, Gallery, and Help.


The Roll Your Own Tab

Roll Your Own is where the magic happens. From this tab, we have the power to tweak your theme to perfection. To change an element, all we have to do is expand a node and get to work.

The Gallery Tab

Clicking the Gallery contains a list and preview of ThemeRoller's premium themes. From here, we can preview, download, or edit one of the ready-made themes in the following ways:

The Help Tab

Clicking the Help tab will give us a quick reference and special information regarding the ThemeRoller, such as information for plugin developers and browser support notices.

For more information on using the ThemeRoller and for a short tutorial, visit our Wijmo website.