ComponentOne EventsCalendar for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.C1Schedule Namespace / RecurrenceStateEnum Enumeration

In This Topic
    RecurrenceStateEnum Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Determines the type of the Appointment object.
    Public Enum RecurrenceStateEnum 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum RecurrenceStateEnum : System.Enum 
    ExceptionRepresents a recurring appointment, which was changed and now doesn't satisfy the pattern of the recurring series.
    MasterRepresents the appointment which serves as the pattern for the other recurring appointments. The pattern for recurring appointments is specified via the Appointment.Recurrence property.
    NotRecurringRepresents a standard (non-recurring) appointment.
    OccurrenceRepresents one of recurring appointments whose pattern appointment is specified via the Appointment.Recurrence property.
    RemovedRepresents a recurring appointment, which was deleted and now doesn't satisfy the pattern of the recurring series.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also