C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Report Namespace / DataSource Class

In This Topic
DataSource Class Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see DataSource members.

Public Methods
Public MethodReturns true if the cursor is pointing at the first record in the data source.  
Public MethodReturns true if the cursor is pointing at the last record in the data source.  
Public MethodReturns the current cursor position.  
Public MethodGets the value of the given field, at the cursor position.  
Public MethodProcesses the PARAMETERS clause in the RecordSource string and returns the result.  
Public MethodMoves the cursor to the first record in the data source.  
Public MethodMoves the cursor to the last record in the data source.  
Public MethodMoves the cursor to the next record in the data source.  
Public MethodMoves the cursor to the previous record in the data source.  
Public MethodSets the current cursor position to supplied value.  
Public MethodReturns a string representation of DataSource object.  
See Also