C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1LightBox Namespace / PlayerName Enumeration

PlayerName Enumeration
Determines the name of player to host the content.
Public Enum PlayerName 
   Inherits System.Enum
AutoDetectAutomatically detect the player by URL.
FlvContent is an flash video and will be hosted in flash player.
IframeContent will be hosted inside an IFrame.
ImgContent will be hosted in an Img tag.
InlineContent is an inline section.
QtContent will be hosted inside quick time object.
SwfContent will be hosted in flash object.
WijvideoContent will be played by the Wijmo HTML5 Video Player.
WmpContent will be hosted inside windows media player object.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also