The following tables list the members exposed by Unit.
| Name | Description |
 | Units | Gets the unit of measurement of the current unit. |
 | Value | Gets the value of the current unit (in Units). |
| Name | Description |
 | Convert | Overloaded. Converts value of this Unit structure to value in specified units of measurement. |
  | Parse | Parses a string and creates a Unit instance from that string, throws an exception if string is invalid. |
  | StringToUnitType | Converts a string to a UnitTypeEnum value. The string can be one of the following: "doc", "in", "mm", "pc", "dsp", "pt", "tw", "inhs", "cm", "dip". This method is case-insensitive. |
 | ToString | Converts the current object to a string. |
  | TryParse | Overloaded. Parses a string and gets Value and Unit.Utits from that string. |
  | UnitTypeToString | Converts a UnitTypeEnum value to a string representation as in the following table:
- Document"doc"
- Inch"in"
- Millimeter"mm"
- Pica"pc"
- Point"pt"
- Twip"tw"
- InHs"inhs"
- Centimeters"cm"
- Dip"dip"