C1.WPF.FlexReport.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.WPF.FlexReport Namespace
C1.WPF.FlexReport Namespace
ClassRepresents a collection of allowed values for a ReportParameter.
ClassRepresents barcode in the C1FlexReport.
ClassSpecifies compatibility options for a C1FlexReport. Properties in this class can be used to control compatibility with older versions and with C1Report.
ClassRepresents the dynamic list of the labeled values, the count of values is defined by the count of records in the linked DataSource, ValueExpression used to calculated actual value, LabelExpression used to calculated a label of value.
ClassGenerates data-based banded reports that can be rendered to printer, preview, or exported to various portable formats (including HTML, PDF and other).
ClassRepresents a checkbox field in a report.
ClassDefines the visual properties of the check mark of the CheckBoxField.
ClassSystem.Exception that is thrown when a data access error occurs.
ClassRepresents field in the DataSource.
ClassCollection of the fields in the DataSource.
ClassRepresents a data enumerator in a C1FlexReport. Provides access to data used in reports.
ClassRepresents a data scope in a C1FlexReport.
ClassRepresnts a data source in a C1FlexReport.
ClassRepresents a collection of DataSource objects.
ClassExecutes specified script and generates the report.
ClassRepresents legacy field with same functionality as Field of C1Report.
ClassAbstract base class for all C1FlexReport field types.
ClassRepresents the collection of the FieldBase objects.
ClassRepresents a report field with a chart which is implemented using the FlexChart control.
ClassAbstract base class for report fields with FlexChart-based charts.
ClassRepresents platform independent Font object. Under WinForms encapsulates a C1.WPF.Document.Util.Font object and provides get/set access to the font properties.
ClassRepresents platform independent Font object. Under WinForms encapsulates a C1.WPF.FlexReport.FontHolder.Font object and provides get/set access to the font properties.
ClassObject used to sort and group report data.
ClassRepresents a collection of Group objects.
ClassRepresents a report field containing a data bound or static image.
ClassThe Layout object controls how the report is rendered on pages.
ClassRepresents a field containing a paragraph of formatted text.
ClassAbstract base class for objects representing fragments within a ParagraphField.
ClassRepresents a collection of ParagraphItem objects.
ClassRepresents run of text in the ParagraphField.
ClassRenders the report with specified set of parameters.
ClassProvides data for C1FlexReport.ReportError event.
ClassProvides data for C1FlexReport.StartPage, C1FlexReport.EndPage, C1FlexReport.StartSection, C1FlexReport.PrintSection events.
ClassProvides data for C1FlexReport.GetScriptObject event.
ClassRepresents a hyperlink in a report.
ClassClass that contains report metadata.
ClassRepresents a value with an associated label. Both label and value can be specified as constants or as expressions.
ClassDescribes the target of a ReportHyperlink. This is an abstract base class for the following derived classes: ReportLinkTargetBookmark, ReportLinkTargetUrl.
ClassDescribes a ReportLinkTargetBase pointing to a some position within a report or another report.
ClassDescribes a ReportLinkTargetBase that executes a script.

When the hyperlink is clicked in a viewer, the specified script is executed and then the report is re-generated.

The script is executed when the data source is not yet open, so fields' values are unavailable.

This script can be used to change the report parameters' values, properties of the report's fields, sections and so on.

ClassDescribes a ReportLinkTargetBase pointing to an external document, file or URL. The hyperlink jump is performed using the ShellExecute OS shell API, so the result depends on the operating system and installed programs.
ClassRepresents a named object, this is base class for FieldBase, Section, SubSection and another report's objects.
ClassRepresents the collection of the ReportObject objects.
ClassRepresents the list of the ReportObject objects, in compare with ReportObjectCollection<TItem> this class addes List member containing members.
ClassRepresents the list of strong named report objects.
ClassRepresents a field containing Rich Text Format text (RTF).
ClassRepresents an enum value that can be specified as a constant or as an expression.
ClassRepresents an object value that can be specified as a constant or as an expression.
ClassRepresents a string that can be specified as a constant or as an expression.
ClassThe abstract base class for types such as ScriptStringValue, ScriptObjectValue and others that allow to specify a value either as a literal or as an expression.
ClassRepresents a report band.
ClassCollection of the Section objects.
ClassRepresents a field containing a geometric shape.
ClassDefines the sorting parameters.
ClassRepresents a strong named object, this is base class for DataSource, ReportParameter.
ClassField used to show subreports in C1FlexReport.
ClassRepresents a band within a Section. Each Section contains at least one SubSection.
ClassRepresents collection of the SubSection objects.
ClassRepresents a field containing a uniformly formatted databound or static text.
ClassAbstract base class for ParagraphField, TextField and CheckBoxField.
ClassBase class for all visual report objects like FieldBase, Section, SubSection. Defines common visual properties: Border, Background etc.
ClassRepresents a watermark or an overlay in a C1FlexReport.
InterfaceRepresents an external record set residing in a separate assembly.

If an assembly contains a type supporting this interface, that assembly and type can be selected in the report designer as the data source for a report. A reference to that type and the record set initialization parameters (see Params) are then saved in the XML report definition file. When the report is loaded, the recordset object is created based on the saved info, and used as the data source for the report.

InterfaceInterface used to allow C1FlexReport to access data stored in a data object of a type for which C1FlexReport does not have built-in support.

C1FlexReport has built-in support for the following data object types: System.Data.DataTable, System.Data.DataView and System.Collections.IList.

InterfaceRepresents a local context for script evaluation and execution.
StructureDefines parameters for working with string: search, replace, etc.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle C1FlexReport.ReportError event.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle C1FlexReport.StartPage, C1FlexReport.EndPage, C1FlexReport.StartSection, C1FlexReport.PrintSection events.
DelegateRepresents the method that will handle C1FlexReport.GetScriptObject event.
EnumerationDetermines how the field is positioned with respect to its containing subsection when the subsection grows or shrinks as a result of the subsection's SubSection.AutoHeight and SubSection.AutoHeight properties.
EnumerationDefines options controlling how an object's size changes automatically depending on its content.
EnumerationSpecifies the Field’s border style.
EnumerationSpecifies how boolean values are translated into check boxes.
EnumerationGets or sets the style of a check mark.
EnumerationSpecifies the layout for the columns (down or across).
EnumerationSpecifies the type of the data source. Different data sources use different connection string and query command syntaxes.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of text within the field's rectangle.
EnumerationSpecifies the syntax of the DataSource.Filter expression.
EnumerationThe type of embed of fonts into the report.
EnumerationDetermines whether page breaks should be inserted before or after a field, subsection or section.
EnumerationSpecifies the logic for handling CanGrow/CanShrink fields.
EnumerationSpecifies where the Page Footer and Page Header sections are displayed.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the group should be kept together on a page.
EnumerationSpecifies the page orientation.
EnumerationSpecifies the mode of passing parameters to the data source.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of images within the field's rectangle.
EnumerationSpecifies the scaling of images within the field's rectangle.
EnumerationSpecifies where the background picture is displayed.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of the record source, such as a table, a stored procedure, or an SQL query.
EnumerationDetermines whether to calculate a running sum.
EnumerationSpecifies the section type, which is equivalent to a the index of a Section object in the control's C1FlexReport.Sections collection.
EnumerationDefines the types of sorting.
EnumerationSpecifies how groups should be sorted.
EnumerationDefines the splitting behavior of a report object.
EnumerationSpecifies where watermark or overlay is displayed.
See Also