Name | Description | |
FlexGrid Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the FlexGrid class. |
The following tables list the members exposed by FlexGrid.
Name | Description | |
FlexGrid Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the FlexGrid class. |
Name | Description | |
propertyMapper | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) |
Name | Description | |
ActiveEditor | Gets the cell editor that is currently active. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ActualAlternatingRowStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the cells of an odd-numbered row. | |
ActualBottomLeftHeaderStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the bottom-left header cells. | |
ActualCellStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ActualColumnFooterSelectedStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the column-footer cells when they are selected. | |
ActualColumnFooterStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the column-footer cells. | |
ActualColumnHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the column-header cells when they are selected. | |
ActualColumnHeaderStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the column-header cells. | |
ActualCursorStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the cell when the cursor is in it. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ActualErrorStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells with errors. | |
ActualGroupRowStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells of a group row. | |
ActualNewRowStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells of a new-row. | |
ActualRowErrorStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells with errors. | |
ActualRowHeaderErrorStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to row-header cells with errors. | |
ActualRowHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the row-header cells when they are selected. | |
ActualRowHeaderStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the row-header cells. | |
ActualRowStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the cells of a row. | |
ActualSelectionStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to cells when they are selected. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ActualTopLeftHeaderStyle | Gets the actual style that will be applied to the top-left header cells. | |
Adapter | Gets or sets the adapter that provides the grid with the cells and editors, dimensions of columns and rows, freezing dragging and resizing capabilities. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
AllowDeleting | Determines whether row deleting is allowed. | |
AllowDragging | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to move rows and columns to new positions. | |
AllowFiltering | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to filter this column. | |
AllowGrouping | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to group the grid. | |
AllowMerging | Gets or sets a value that indicates which parts of the grid support cell merging. | |
AllowRefreshing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid can be refreshed by pulling. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
AllowResizing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to resize rows and columns. | |
AllowSorting | Gets or sets whether users are allowed to sort columns by tapping or clicking the column header cells. | |
AlternatingRowBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of odd-numbered rows. | |
AlternatingRowForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of odd-numbered rows. | |
AlternatingRowStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the odd-numbered rows cells. | |
AnchorX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
AnchorY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
AutoGenerateColumns | Gets or sets a value to determine whether columns are generated automatically from the properties of the items of ItemsSource. | |
AutomationId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
AutoSizeMode | Gets or sets which cells should be taken into account when auto-sizing a row or column. | |
Background | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
BackgroundColor | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Behaviors | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
BindingContext | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
BorderBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush used to paint the border. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
BorderThickness | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Thickness of the border. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
BottomLeftCells | Gets the GridPanel that contains the cells in the lower left corner of the grid. | |
BottomLeftHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of the cell at the bottom-left corner of the grid. | |
BottomLeftHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the bottom-left header text and glyphs. | |
BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between bottom-left header cells. | |
BottomLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating bottom-left header cells are shown. | |
BottomLeftHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the bottom-left headers. | |
Bounds | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
CellFactory | Gets or sets the factory of cells. | |
CellPadding | Gets or sets the cell padding. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
Cells | Gets the GridPanel that contains the data cells in the grid. | |
CellStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the normal cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ChildItemsPath | Gets or sets the name of the property used to generate child rows. | |
class | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) | |
ClassicStyle | Gets a style that mimics excel-style. | |
ClassId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
Clip | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ClipboardCopyMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates how content is copied to the clipboard. | |
ColumnFooterBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the column footer background. | |
ColumnFooterFontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes applied to column footer cells. | |
ColumnFooterFontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to column footer cells. | |
ColumnFooterFontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to column footer cells. | |
ColumnFooterForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the column footer text and glyphs. | |
ColumnFooterGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between column footer cells. | |
ColumnFooterGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating column footer cells are shown. | |
ColumnFooterRows | Gets the collection of rows of the column footers. | |
ColumnFooters | Gets the GridPanel that contains the column footer cells. | |
ColumnFooterSelectedBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint column footer background for selected cells. | |
ColumnFooterSelectedForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint column footer foreground for selected cells. | |
ColumnFooterSelectedStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to the selected column footers. | |
ColumnFooterStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the column footers. | |
ColumnHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the column header background. | |
ColumnHeaderFontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes applied to column header cells. | |
ColumnHeaderFontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to column header cells. | |
ColumnHeaderFontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to column header cells. | |
ColumnHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the column header text and glyphs. | |
ColumnHeaderGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between column header cells. | |
ColumnHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating column header cells are shown. | |
ColumnHeaderRows | Gets the collection of rows of the column headers. | |
ColumnHeaders | Gets the GridPanel that contains the column header cells. | |
ColumnHeaderSelectedBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint column header background for selected cells. | |
ColumnHeaderSelectedForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint column header foreground for selected cells. | |
ColumnHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to the selected column headers. | |
ColumnHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the column headers. | |
ColumnOptionsIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed in the column header showing there are options. | |
ColumnOptionsMenuVisibility | Gets or sets the visibility of the column-header menu. | |
Columns | Gets the collection of columns of the grid. | |
CornerRadius | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.CornerRadius of the border. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
CursorBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of cursor cell. | |
CursorForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the text of cursor cell. | |
CursorRange | Gets the GridCellRange that corresponds to the cursor cell. | |
CursorStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the cursor cell. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
DataCollection | Gets the inner collection view. | |
DefaultColumnHeaderRowHeight | Gets or sets the default height of the rows used to display column headers. | |
DefaultColumnWidth | Gets or sets the default width of the columns. | |
DefaultGroupRowHeight | Gets or sets the default height of the group rows. | |
DefaultRowHeaderColumnWidth | Gets or sets the default width of the columns used to display row headers. | |
DefaultRowHeight | Gets or sets the default height of the rows. | |
DesiredSize | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Dispatcher | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
EditIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed in the header when a row is being edited. | |
EditorBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of cells in edit mode. | |
EditorForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the foreground of cells in edit mode. | |
EditorRange | Gets the GridCellRange that corresponds to the cell currently being edited. | |
Effects | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
ErrorIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed in the header when a row has an error. | |
ErrorStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to cells with errors. | |
FilterIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the filter icon used throughout the control. | |
FlowDirection | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
FontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
FontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
FontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
Foreground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush used to paint the foreground (text and icons). (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
Frame | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
FrozenBottomRows | Gets or sets the number of frozen rows at the bottom. | |
FrozenColumns | Gets or sets the number of frozen columns. | |
FrozenLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between frozen and scrollable areas of the grid. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
FrozenRows | Gets or sets the number of frozen rows. | |
FullEdit | Gets a value indicating whether the grid is in full edit mode. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
GestureRecognizers | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
GridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
GridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating inner cells are shown. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
GridLinesWidth | Gets or sets the width of the lines between cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
GroupCollapsedIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed when the group is collapsed. | |
GroupExpandedIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed when the group is expanded. | |
GroupHeaderConverter | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.IValueConverter used to create the content shown in GridGroupRow cells to summarize group information. | |
GroupHeaderFormat | Gets or sets the format string used to create the group header content. | |
GroupRowBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the group row background. | |
GroupRowFontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes applied to group row cells. | |
GroupRowFontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to group row cells. | |
GroupRowFontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to group row cells. | |
GroupRowForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the text and glyphs of the group rows. | |
GroupRowPosition | Gets or sets a value that indicates where group rows should be displayed with respect to the data. | |
GroupRowStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the group-row cells. | |
GroupSummariesPosition | Gets or sets a value that indicates where the group-summaries are shown. | |
Handler | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
HeadersVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates the visibility of row and column headers. | |
Height | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
HeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
HorizontalOptions | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
Id | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
InheritProperties | Gets or sets whether the general purpose properties like foreground or fonts are inherited to the children automatically. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
InputTransparent | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
IsAnimated | Gets or sets whether the control is animated during navigation. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
IsDisposed | Gets whether this instance is disposed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
IsFocused | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
IsLoaded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value to determine whether the grid is read-only. | |
IsVisible | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Item | Overloaded. Gets or sets the value of the cell specified by its row and column. | |
ItemsSource | Gets or sets the collection of items. | |
KeyActionEnter | Gets or sets the action to perform when the Enter key is pressed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
KeyActionTab | Gets or sets the action to perform when the Tab key is pressed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
Margin | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
MaxColumnWidth | Gets or sets the maximum width of columns in the FlexGrid. | |
MaxGroupLevel | Gets the maximum group level present in the grid. | |
MaximumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
MaximumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
MaxRowHeight | Gets or sets the maximum height of rows in the FlexGrid. | |
MergeManager | Gets or sets the merge manager. | |
MinColumnWidth | Gets or sets the minimum width of columns in the FlexGrid. | |
MinimumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
MinimumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
MinRowHeight | Gets or sets the minimum height of rows in the FlexGrid. | |
MouseOverBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to highlight cells when the mouse is over. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
MouseOverMode | Gets or sets how the mouse over mode. | |
Navigation | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) | |
NewRowBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the new row background. | |
NewRowForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the text and glyphs of the new row. | |
NewRowIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the icon displayed in the header of a new row. | |
NewRowPlaceholder | Gets or sets the message displayed in the new row template. | |
NewRowPosition | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the new row template should be displayed at the bottom or at the top of the grid, or if there should not be displayed. | |
NewRowStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the new-row cells. | |
Opacity | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Padding | Gets or sets the padding of the Content. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
Parent | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
Resources | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Rotation | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
RotationX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
RotationY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
RowBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint row backgrounds. | |
RowErrorStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to cells whose row has errors. | |
RowForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint row foreground. | |
RowHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the row header background. | |
RowHeaderColumns | Gets the collection of columns of the row header. | |
RowHeaderErrorStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to row header cells whose row has errors. | |
RowHeaderFontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes applied to row header cells. | |
RowHeaderFontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to row header cells. | |
RowHeaderFontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to row header cells. | |
RowHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the row header text and glyphs. | |
RowHeaderGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between row header cells. | |
RowHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating row header cells are shown. | |
RowHeaders | Gets the GridPanel that contains the row header cells. | |
RowHeaderSelectedBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint row header background for selected cells. | |
RowHeaderSelectedForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint row header foreground for selected cells. | |
RowHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style applied to the selected row headers. | |
RowHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the row headers. | |
Rows | Gets the collection of rows of the grid. | |
RowStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the normal rows cells. | |
Scale | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ScaleX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ScaleY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ScrollPosition | Gets or sets the scroll position. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the selected row index. | |
SelectedItem | Gets or sets the selected data item. | |
SelectedItems | Gets the collection of selected data items. | |
SelectedRanges | Gets or sets the current selected ranges. | |
Selection | Gets or sets the current selection. | |
SelectionAdornerBorderBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the selection adorner border. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
SelectionAdornerBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the selection adorner. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
SelectionBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of selected cells. | |
SelectionForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the selected text. | |
SelectionMode | Gets or sets how the cells, columns or rows are selected. | |
SelectionStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the selected cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
Shadow | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ShowDesignTimeData | Gets or sets whether the control generates design-time data. | |
ShowErrors | Gets or sets whether the errors are shown. | |
ShowFilter | Gets or sets whether the grid should display filter indicators in the column headers. | |
ShowMarquee | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows an Excel-style marquee around the current selection. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ShowOutlineBar | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should display the outline button bar. | |
ShowSelectionMenu | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows menu when select rows or cells. | |
ShowSort | Gets or sets whether the grid should display sort indicators in the column headers. | |
SortAscendingIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template of the sort icon when it is sorted ascending. | |
SortDescendingIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template of the sort icon when it is sorted descending. | |
SortIconPosition | Gets or sets the position of the sort icon inside the column header. | |
SortIndeterminateIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template of the sort icon when it is not sorted yet. | |
Style | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) | |
StyleClass | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) | |
StyleId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
SummaryIconTemplate | Gets or sets the template used to create the summary row icon used throughout the control. | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
TopLeftCells | Gets the GridPanel that contains the cells in the upper left corner of the grid. | |
TopLeftHeaderBackground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the background of the cell at the top-left corner of the grid. | |
TopLeftHeaderForeground | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush of the top-left header text and glyphs. | |
TopLeftHeaderGridLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint the lines between top-left header cells. | |
TopLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating top-left header cells are shown. | |
TopLeftHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style of the top-left headers. | |
TranslationX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
TranslationY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
TreeColumnIndex | Gets or sets the index of the column that will display the expand/collapse buttons in GridGroupRow's. | |
TreeExpandMode | Gets or sets the mode the tree created after setting the property ChildItemsPath. | |
TreeIndent | Gets or sets the indent used to offset each group of rows in the grid. | |
TreeIndentMode | Gets or sets how cells are indented. | |
TreeLinesBrush | Gets or sets the Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Brush that is used to paint tree-lines. | |
TreeLinesDashArray | Gets or sets the dash-array of the tree-lines. | |
TreeLinesMode | Gets or sets whether and how the tree-lines are displayed to connect parent-children rows. | |
TreeLinesRadiusX | Gets or sets the horizontal radius of the tree-lines. | |
TreeLinesRadiusY | Gets or sets the vertical radius of the tree-lines. | |
TreeLinesThickness | Gets or sets the width of the tree-lines. | |
Triggers | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
UpdateAnimation | Gets an object containing the animation settings that will be applied when updating cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
VerticalOptions | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
ViewRange | Gets a GridCellRange value that indicates the range of cells currently visible on the grid. | |
Visual | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Width | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
WidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Window | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
X | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Y | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ZIndex | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ZoomMode | Gets or sets the zoom mode. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) |
Name | Description | |
Arrange | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
AutoSizeColumn | Resizes a column to fit their visible content. | |
AutoSizeColumns | Resizes a column range to fit their visible content. | |
AutoSizeRow | Resizes a row to fit their visible contents. | |
AutoSizeRows | Resizes a row range to fit their visible contents. | |
BatchBegin | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
BatchCommit | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ChangeView | Changes the scroll and zoom of the grid to the specified part of the viewport. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ClearValue | Overloaded. (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
CoerceValue | Overloaded. (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
CollapseGroups | Collapses the groups. | |
Copy | Copy the current selection to the clipboard. | |
Cut | Cut the current selection and copy to the clipboard. | |
Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden. | |
FindByName | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
FinishEditing | Overloaded. Commits or cancels any pending edits and exits edit mode. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
FinishRowEditing | Finishes the row editing. | |
Focus | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
GetCellDisplayValue<T> | Gets the value to display corresponding to the cell in the specified row and column. | |
GetCellText | Overloaded. Gets the text corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
GetCellValue | Overloaded. Gets the raw value corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
GetChildElements | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
GetSelectedState | Overloaded. Gets a GridSelectedState value that indicates the selected state of the cells in a specified column and row. | |
GetSelectedTimes | Overloaded. Gets the number of times a cell is selected. | |
GetValue | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
IsSet | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
Layout | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Measure | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Paste | Pastes the content of the clipboard to the grid. | |
PasteAsync | Pastes the content of the clipboard to the grid. | |
Refresh | Overloaded. Recreates all the cells. | |
RemoveBinding | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
RemoveDynamicResource | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
Save | Overloaded. Saves the contents of the grid to a file. | |
ScrollIntoView | Overloaded. Scrolls the grid to bring a specific cell into view. | |
Select | Overloaded. Selects a given cell and optionally scrolls it into view. | |
SelectAll | Selects all the cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
SetBinding | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
SetCellValue | Overloaded. Sets the value corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
SetCursor | Overloaded. Sets the cursor of the grid to the specified row and column. | |
SetDynamicResource | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
SetValue | Overloaded. (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
StartEditing | Overloaded. Overridden. Starts editing a specific cell. | |
StartEditingAsync | Overloaded. Starts the editing of the specified cell asynchronously. | |
Unfocus | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
UnselectAll | Unselects all the cells. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
UpdateMouseOver | Updates the mouse-over state of the specified range. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) |
Name | Description | |
ApplyBindings | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
ArrangeOverride | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Finalize | Finalizes this instance of the C1.Maui.Core.C1View class. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
GetAlternatingRowStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the alternating row cells. | |
GetBottomLeftHeaderStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the bottom-left header cells. | |
GetCellStyle | Overridden. Gets the style that is applied to the cells. | |
GetColumnFooterSelectedStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the selected column-footer cells. | |
GetColumnFooterStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the column-footer cells. | |
GetColumnHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the selected column-header cells. | |
GetColumnHeaderStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the column-header cells. | |
GetCursorStyle | Overridden. Gets the style that is applied to the cell when the cursor is in it. | |
GetErrorStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the cells with errors. | |
GetGroupRowStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the group-row cells. | |
GetNewRowStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the new-row cells. | |
GetRendererOverrides | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
GetRowErrorStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the cells whose row has errors. | |
GetRowHeaderErrorStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the row-header cells whose row has errors. | |
GetRowHeaderSelectedStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the selected row-header cells. | |
GetRowHeaderStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the row-header cells. | |
GetRowStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the row cells. | |
GetSelectionStyle | Overridden. Gets the style that is applied to the cells when they are selected. | |
GetTopLeftHeaderStyle | Gets the style that is applied to the top-left header cells. | |
InvalidateAlternatingRowStyle | Flags the ActualAlternatingRowStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateBottomLeftHeaderStyle | Flags the ActualBottomLeftHeaderStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateCellStyle | Flags the C1GridControl.ActualCellStyle to be created again. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
InvalidateColumnFooterSelectedStyle | Flags the ActualColumnFooterSelectedStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateColumnFooterStyle | Flags the ActualColumnFooterStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateColumnHeaderSelectedStyle | Flags the ActualColumnHeaderSelectedStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateColumnHeaderStyle | Flags the ActualColumnHeaderStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateCursorStyle | Flags the C1GridControl.ActualCursorStyle to be created again. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
InvalidateGroupRowStyle | Flags the ActualGroupRowStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateMeasure | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
InvalidateMeasureOverride | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
InvalidateNewRowStyle | Flags the ActualNewRowStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateRowHeaderSelectedStyle | Flags the ActualRowHeaderSelectedStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateRowHeaderStyle | Flags the ActualRowHeaderStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateRowStyle | Flags the ActualRowStyle to be created again. | |
InvalidateSelectionStyle | Flags the C1GridControl.ActualSelectionStyle to be created again. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
InvalidateTopLeftHeaderStyle | Flags the ActualTopLeftHeaderStyle to be created again. | |
LoadDesignTimeData | Overridden. Loads dummy design time content visible in Storyboard and Android designer | |
MeasureOverride | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnAutoGeneratingColumn | Raises the AutoGeneratingColumn event. | |
OnBackgroundChanged | Called when the background changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnBeginningRowEdit | Raises the BeginningRowEdit event. | |
OnBindingContextChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) | |
OnBorderBrushChanged | Called when the border brush changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnBorderThicknessChanged | Called when the border thickness changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnChildAdded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnChildRemoved | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnChildrenReordered | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnCornerRadiusChanged | Called when the corner-radius changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnFlowDirectionChanged | Called when the flow direction changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnFontChanged | Called when any of the font properties changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnForegroundChanged | Overridden. Called when the foreground changed. | |
OnHandlerChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
OnHandlerChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
OnIsReadOnlyChanged | Called when the property IsReadOnly changed. | |
OnMeasure | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnPaddingChanged | Called when the padding changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
OnParentChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
OnParentChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
OnParentSet | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) | |
OnPropertyChanged | Overridden. | |
OnPropertyChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
OnRowEditEnded | Raises the RowEditEnded event. | |
OnRowEditEnding | Raises the RowEditEnding event. | |
OnSizeAllocated | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
OnStyleChanged | Called when the style changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Core.C1View) | |
SizeAllocated | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
UnapplyBindings | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) |
Name | Description | |
GetAllParents | Returns all the parents in the visual tree | |
GetImage | Get the byte array of the control image. This byte array comes from a UIImagePNGRepresentation in iOS, TrueColorAlpha of PNG format in WP, Bitmap in Android. | |
SetStyle |
Name | Description | |
AutoGeneratingColumn | Occurs when an auto-generated column is being created. | |
BeginningEdit | Occurs when the edit of a cell is about to start. | |
BeginningRowEdit | Occurs when the edit of a row is about to start. | |
BindingContextChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
CellDoubleTapped | Occurs when a cell is double tapped. | |
CellEditEnded | Occurs after the edit of a cell is committed. | |
CellEditEnding | Occurs before the edit of a cell is committed. | |
CellLongPressed | Occurs when a cell is being held. | |
CellTapped | Occurs when a cell is tapped. | |
ChildAdded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
ChildRemoved | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
ChildrenReordered | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
CreatingSelectionMenu | Occurs when the selection menu is created. This event can be used to customize the displayed menu. | |
CursorChanged | Occurs after the cursor is changed. | |
CursorChanging | Occurs before the cursor is changed. | |
DescendantAdded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
DescendantRemoved | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
Focused | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
GroupCollapsedChanged | Occurs after the GridGroupRow.IsCollapsed property of a GridGroupRow object changes. | |
GroupCollapsedChanging | Occurs before the GridGroupRow.IsCollapsed property of a GridGroupRow object changes. | |
HandlerChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
HandlerChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
ItemsSourceChanged | Occurs after the items source is changed. | |
ItemsSourceChanging | Occurs before the items source is changed. | |
Loaded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
MeasureInvalidated | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
ParentChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
ParentChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) | |
PrepareCellForEdit | Occurs when an editor cell is created and before it becomes active. | |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
PropertyChanging | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) | |
Refreshing | Occurs when the user pulls the grid to be refreshed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
ResizedColumn | Occurs when the user finishes resizing a column. | |
ResizedRow | Occurs when the user finishes resizing a row. | |
ResizingColumn | Occurs when the user starts resizing a column. | |
ResizingRow | Occurs when the user starts resizing a row. | |
RowEditEnded | Occurs when a row edit has been committed or canceled. | |
RowEditEnding | Occurs when a row edit is ending. | |
ScrollPositionChanged | Occurs when scroll position changed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Grid.C1GridControl) | |
SelectionChanged | Occurs after selection changed. | |
SelectionChanging | Occurs before selection is changed. | |
SizeChanged | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Unfocused | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) | |
Unloaded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |