| Name | Description |
 | AnchorX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | AnchorY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | AnimationLoad | Gets the options for load animatiom. |
 | AnimationSettings | Gets or sets the animation settings. |
 | AnimationUpdate | Gets the options for update animatiom. |
 | AutomationId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | Background | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | BackgroundColor | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Behaviors | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Binding | Gets or sets the name of the property that contains Y values for the series. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | BindingContext | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) |
 | BindingName | Gets or sets the name of the property that contains the name of the data item. |
 | Bounds | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | CascadeInputTransparent | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | Children | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | class | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) |
 | ClassId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | Clip | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Count | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | CustomPalette | Gets or sets the custom chart palette. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | DataContext | (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | DataLabel | Gets or sets the data label. |
 | DesiredSize | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Dispatcher | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindableObject) |
 | Effects | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | FlowDirection | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | FontAttributes | Gets or sets the font attributes. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | FontFamily | Gets or sets the font family. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | FontSize | Gets or sets the font size. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Footer | Gets or sets the chart footer text. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | FooterAlignment | Gets or sets chart footer alignment. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | FooterStyle | Gets or sets chart footer style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Frame | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | GestureRecognizers | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) |
 | Handler | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Header | Gets or sets the chart header text. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | HeaderAlignment | Gets or sets chart header alignment. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | HeaderStyle | Gets or sets chart header style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Height | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | HeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | HorizontalOptions | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) |
 | Id | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | IgnoreSafeArea | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | InnerRadius | Gets or sets the size of the pie's inner radius. |
 | InputTransparent | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | IsClippedToBounds | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | IsEnabled | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | IsFocused | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | IsLoaded | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | IsReadOnly | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | IsVisible | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Item | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | ItemsSource | Gets or sets the collection of objects that contains the series data. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendGroupHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the legend title style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendMaxWidth | Gets or sets the legend item MaxWidth. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendOrientation | Gets or sets the legend orientation. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendPosition | Gets or sets the chart legend position. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendReversed | Gets or sets whether the legend is reversed. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendScrollBars | Gets or sets which scroll bars should appear in legend. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendScrollBarStyle | Gets or sets the style of legend scroll bar. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendStyle | Gets or sets the legend style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendTextWrapping | Gets or sets legend text wrap mode. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendTitle | Gets or sets the legend title. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendTitleStyle | Gets or sets the legend title style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | LegendToggle | Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking legend items toggles the series visibility in the chart. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Margin | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) |
 | MaximumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | MaximumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | MinimumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | MinimumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Navigation | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) |
 | Offset | Gets or sets the offset of the slices from the pie center. |
 | Opacity | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Padding | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Layout) |
 | Palette | Gets or sets the chart palette. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Parent | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | PlotStyle | Gets or sets chart plot area style. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Resources | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Reversed | Gets or sets a value that determines whether angles are reversed (counter-clockwise). |
 | Rotation | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | RotationX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | RotationY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Scale | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | ScaleX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | ScaleY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the index of selected element. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | SelectedItemOffset | Gets or sets the offset of the selected slice from the pie center. |
 | SelectedItemPosition | Gets or sets the position of the selected slice. |
 | SelectionMode | Gets or sets the chart selection mode. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | SelectionStyle | Gets or sets the style of selected element. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Shadow | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | StartAngle | Gets or sets the starting angle for the pie slices, in degrees. |
 | Style | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) |
 | StyleClass | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.NavigableElement) |
 | StyleId | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Element) |
 | Titles | Gets or sets the pie titles. |
 | ToolTipContent | Gets or sets the chart tooltip content. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | TranslationX | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | TranslationY | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Triggers | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | VerticalOptions | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.View) |
 | View | Gets the chart view. (Inherited from C1.Maui.Chart.FlexChartBase) |
 | Visual | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Width | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | WidthRequest | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Window | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | X | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | Y | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |
 | ZIndex | (Inherited from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.VisualElement) |