| Name | Description |
  | AddAsync | Overloaded. Adds the specified item to the collection. |
  | AddRangeAsync<T> | Adds the specified item to the collection. |
  | AsDataCollection | Overloaded. Wraps an System.Collections.IEnumerable into a data collection. |
  | AsList<T> | Gets a list wrapping this data collection. |
  | AttachFilterChanged<T> | Attaches the specified handler to the filter changed event. |
  | AttachGroupChanged<T> | Attaches the specified handler to the group changed event. |
  | AttachPageChanged<T> | Attaches the specified handler to the page changed event. |
  | AttachSortChanged<T> | Attaches the specified handler to the sort changed event. |
  | CanFilter<T> | Returns whether the data collection is able to filter the specified expression. |
  | CanGroup | Overloaded. Returns true if the data collection supports sorting. |
  | CanInsert<T> | Determines whether a new item can be inserted in the collection at the specified index. |
  | CanInsertRange<T> | Determines whether a new range of items can be inserted in the collection at the specified index. |
  | CanLoadMoreItems<T> | Returns true if the data collection can load items on demand. |
  | CanMove<T> | Determines whether the item at fromIndex can be moved to toIndex. |
  | CanMoveRange<T> | Determines whether the item at fromIndex can be moved to toIndex. |
  | CanRefresh<T> | Returns true if the data collection can be refreshed. |
  | CanRemove<T> | Determines whether the item at the specified index can be removed from the collection. |
  | CanRemoveRange<T> | Determines whether the items at the specified index can be removed from the collection. |
  | CanReplace<T> | Determines whether the item at the specified index can be replaced in the collection. |
  | CanReplaceRange<T> | Determines whether the items at the specified index can be replaced in the collection. |
  | CanSort | Overloaded. Returns true if the data collection supports sorting. |
  | ConnectAsync<T> | Connects the collection to the source. |
  | CreateFilterFromString<T> | Creates a FilterExpression from a query string. |
  | CreateNewItem<T> | Creates a new item of the collection. |
  | CreatePredicate<T> | |
  | DetachFilterChanged<T> | Detaches the specified handler from the filter changed event. |
  | DetachGroupChanged<T> | Detaches the specified handler from the group changed event. |
  | DetachPageChanged<T> | Detaches the specified handler to the page changed event. |
  | DetachSortChanged<T> | Detaches the specified handler from the sort changed event. |
  | DisconnectAsync<T> | Disconnects the collection from the source. |
  | FilterAsync | Overloaded. Filters the data using specified filter parameters. |
  | GetConnectionState<T> | Gets the state of the connection to the source, or ConnectionState.Connected if the collection doesn't implement the ISupportConnection interface. |
  | GetCurrentPage<T> | Gets the current page number. |
  | GetFilterExpression<T> | Returns a the current filter expression. |
  | GetGroupDescriptions<T> | Returns a list of the current group descriptions. |
  | GetLoadedItems<T> | Returns all the items that has be loaded so far. |
  | GetPagesCount<T> | Gets the number of pages. |
  | GetPageSize<T> | Gets the maximum number of items per page. |
  | GetSortDescriptions<T> | Returns a list of the current sort descriptions. |
  | GetSource<T> | Gets the original source of the data. |
  | GetTextFields<T> | Gets the text fields of the items of this data collection. |
  | GetTotalCount<T> | Gets the total number of items in the collection. |
  | GroupAsync | Overloaded. Groups the data collection according to the specified group fields. |
  | IndexOf<T> | Gets the index of the specified item. |
  | InsertAsync | Overloaded. Inserts the specified item at the specified index in the collection. |
  | InsertRangeAsync<T> | Inserts the specified item at the specified index in the collection. |
  | IsPaginated<T> | Returns true if the data collection is paginated. |
  | IsVirtualizing<T> | Returns true if the data collection is virtualizing the data. |
  | LoadAsync<T> | Load the items between the specified indexes. |
  | LoadMoreItemsAsync<T> | Loads more items. |
  | MoveAsync | Overloaded. Moves an item from the specified position to the new one. |
  | MoveRangeAsync<T> | Moves the items specified by and to the new position. |
  | MoveToPageAsync<T> | Moves to the page . |
  | NeedsLoadAsync<T> | Returns true if the data collection needs loading the items asynchronously. |
  | RefreshAsync<T> | Refreshes the data collection. |
  | RemoveAsync | Overloaded. Removes the item at the specified index from the collection. |
  | RemoveFilterAsync<T> | Removes any filter applied to the collection previously. |
  | RemoveRangeAsync<T> | Removes the items at the specified index from the collection. |
  | ReplaceAsync | Overloaded. Replaces the item at the specified index by the specified item. |
  | ReplaceRangeAsync<T> | Replaces the items at the specified index by the specified items. |
  | SetPageSize<T> | Sets the maximum number of items per page. |
  | SortAsync | Overloaded. Sorts the data collection according to the specified sort parameters. |
  | ToDataCollection | Overloaded. Wraps an System.Collections.IEnumerable into a data collection. |