C1.DataCollection Assembly / C1.DataCollection Namespace / FilterTextExpression Class

FilterTextExpression Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see FilterTextExpression members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyThe current filter operation: e.g. for a text filter, the FilterOperation is one of: 'Contains', 'StartsWith'. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.FilterOperationExpression)
Public PropertyPath of the data item used get the value to which the expression will be applied. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.FilterOperationExpression)
Public PropertyTo know MatchCase mode is enable or not  
Public PropertyTo know MatchWholeWord mode is enable or not  
Public PropertyThe filter info value used when applying the filter. e.g. when creating a text filter: text.StartsWith("AAA"), the Value would be "AAA". (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.FilterOperationExpression)
See Also