C1.Blazor.Input Assembly / C1.Blazor.Input Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Blazor.Input Namespace
ClassEvent information for C1AutoComplete.Filtering event.
ClassThe auto-complete control is an editable input control that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu.
ClassRepresents a control that can be used to display and edit plain text,
ClassC1ComboBox is an extension of DropDown that contains an editable textbox in the header and a listview in the drop-down.
ClassC1DropDown provides a generic drop-down control with a Header property that determines what the user sees when the drop-down part of the control is closed, and a Content property that determines what goes into the drop-down section.
ClassThe C1MaskedTextBox control allows you to validate and format user input as it is entered, preventing users from entering invalid data.
ClassRepresents a control that can be used to display and edit numeric.
ClassEvent contains changed value.
ClassRange slider.
ClassRepresents a control that can be used to display and edit plain text,
ClassProvides data for the C1MaskedTextBox.MaskedTextChanged event.
ClassProvides data for the C1MaskedTextBox.OnMaskFormatChanged event.
ClassProvides data for the C1MaskedTextBox.OnMaskInputRejected event.
ClassBase class for sliders.
ClassContains information about the C1AutoCompleteTextBox.AutoComplete.
ClassContains information about the C1TextBox.TextChanged.
StructureThe min/max value used in C1TextBox.
StructureThe step attribute specifies the interval between legal numbers in an C1AutoCompleteTextBox.
EnumerationSpecifies how to filter items of autocomplete.
EnumerationSpecifies how to filter items of autocomplete.
EnumerationDisplay the numeric box with options
EnumerationDropDown interaction behavior.
EnumerationDropDown display mode.
EnumerationCustom displays mask
EnumerationDefines how to format the value inside of a C1MaskedTextBox.
EnumerationHit the key to finish editing
EnumerationRepresents the position of a popup element with respect to a reference element.
EnumerationSpecifies actions that trigger open/close the Popup controls.
EnumerationSpecifies how thumbs will be moved when mouse click will be performed outside selected area.
EnumerationDefines the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
EnumerationSpecifies how the thumb will be moved when a pointer click will be performed outside the area.
EnumerationCustom displays mask
EnumerationEnumerates the accepted kind of values for TextBoxMinMax.
EnumerationEnumerates the accepted kind of steps for TextBoxStep.
See Also