MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Export.Html Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Html.Section Namespace / HtmlCharacterSet Enumeration

HtmlCharacterSet Enumeration
An enumeration of values for the HtmlExport.CharacterSet property.
Public Enum HtmlCharacterSet 
   Inherits System.Enum
Big5Known as "Chinese for Taiwan Multi-byte set." The charset name is "Big5."
EucJpKnown as "Extended UNIX Code Packed Format for Japanese." The charset name is "EUC-JP."
HzGb2312Known as "ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese Character Encoding" per RFC1842 and RFC1843. The charset name is "HZ-GB-2312."
Ibm850Known only as "IBM850." The charset name is "IBM850."
Iso2022JpKnown as "Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages" per RFC1468. The charset name is "ISO-2022-JP."
Iso2022KrKnown as "Korean Character Encoding for Internet Messages" per RFC1557. The charset name is "ISO-2022-KR."
Iso8859_1Known as "Latin alphabet No. 1." The charset name is "ISO-8859-1."
Iso8859_2Known as "Latin alphabet No. 2." The charset name is "ISO-8859-2."
Iso8859_5Known as "Latin/Cyrillic alphabet." The charset name is "ISO-8859-5."
Iso8859_6Known as "Latin/Arabic alphabet." The charset name is "ISO-8859-6."
Koi8rKnown as "Russian Net Character Set." The charset name is "KOI8-R."
Ksc5601Known as "Unified Hangeul" (Korean). The charset name is "KSC5601."
ShiftJisKnown as "Shift-JIS" (Japanese). The charset name is "shift-jis."
UnicodeUtf16Per RFC 2781. An encoding for the Unicode character set in little-endian byte order using UTF-16 encoding.
UnicodeUtf8Per RFC 3629. An encoding for the Unicode character set using UTF-8 encoding.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also