public enum ValidationReportException.ErrorCodes : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum ValidationReportException.ErrorCodes Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
BadReportItemName | Bad report item name. |
CircularReferenceFromAnother | Circular reference from another item. |
CircularReferenceToItself | Circular reference to itself. |
DataRegionMissingDataSetName | Data region missing dataset name. |
DataRegionWithNoGrouping | Data region with no grouping. |
InvalidActionControlInPageHeaderFooter | Invalid action control in page header or footer. |
InvalidCustomDataDataGrouping | Invalid custom data grouping. |
InvalidDataRegionDataSetName | Invalid data region dataset name. |
InvalidDataRegionName | Invalid data region name. |
InvalidGroupingName | Invalid grouping name. |
InvalidGroupingParent | Invalid grouping parent. |
InvalidToggleControlInPageHeaderFooter | Invalid toggle control in page header or footer. |
InvalidToggleItemReference | Invalid toggle item reference. |
InvalidUserSortSortExpressionNoScope | Invalid user sort expression without scope. |
InvalidUsingPageNumberReference | Invalid reference to page number. |
InvalidUsingReportItemReference | Invalid using report item reference. |
MissingRequiredElement | Missing a required element. |
OverflowHeightTooSmall | Overflow height is too small. |
OverflowWidthTooSmall | Overflow width is too small. |
ReportItemExpressionReferenceMustBeInScope | Report item expression reference must be in scope. |
ReportItemExpressionReferenceShouldNotContainOtherReferences | Report item expression reference should not contain other references. |
SubreportNotFound | Subreport not found. |