| Class | Description |
 | Align | Represents the align canvas item. |
 | BackColor | Represents the background color. |
 | BackStyle | Represents the BackStyle. |
 | BitmapImage | Represents the abstract bitmap canvas item. |
 | Bookmark | Represents a bookmark. |
 | BookmarksCollection | Represents the bookmarks collection. |
 | BorderItem | Represents the border canvas item. |
 | CanvasItem | Represents an abstract class of a canvas element. |
 | CanvasItemCollection | Represents a collection of canvas elements. |
 | CanvasItemRenderer | Represents the rederer for canvas items. |
 | ClippingStack | Represents the clipping stack. |
 | ClipRect | Represents the rectangle of the clip. |
 | ControlInfo | Represents the inforamtion about control. |
 | ControlInfoEnd | Represents the end of the control information. |
 | DrawCanvas | Represents a canvas for painting. |
 | DrawText | Represents the text for drawing. |
 | DrawText2 | Represents the text for drawing. |
 | DrawTextLink | Represents a text link to draw. |
 | Ellipse | Represents the ellipse canvas item. |
 | EnhMeta | Represents the canvas item for WMF or EMF images. Represents the canvas item for WMF or EMF images. |
 | EnhMetaLink | Represents the canvas item for WMF or EMF images with hyperlink. Represents the canvas item for WMF or EMF images with hyperlink. |
 | EvaluationEnd | Represents the end of the evalution. |
 | EvaluationStart | Represents the beginning of the evaluation. |
 | FillRect | Represents a canvas element with a rectangular fill. |
 | ForeColor | Represents the foreground color. |
 | InputFieldCheckBoxItem | Represents the canvas item for checkBox fields. |
 | InputFieldItem | Represents the base canvas item for input field. |
 | InputFieldTabIndexItem | Represents the canvas item to specify tab order. |
 | InputFieldTextItem | Represents the canvas item for text fields. |
 | IntersectClip | Represents a canvas element with an intersection clip. |
 | JPEGImage | Represents the canvas item for JPEG image. |
 | JPEGLink | Represents the canvas item for JPEG image with hyperlink. |
 | LabelAttribute | Represents the class for setting the Label attribute. |
 | LineItem | Represents an line item element. |
 | LinkItem | Represents the abstract canvas item for image with hyperlink. |
 | Margins | Represents the margins. |
 | PageCell | Represents the page cell. |
 | PageDoubleLineExtensions | Provides extension methods for GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Core.Document.Page |
 | PageTable | Represents the table. |
 | PenStyle | Represents the style of pen. |
 | PenWidth | Represents the width of pen. |
 | PngImage | Represents the canvas item for PNG image. |
 | PngLink | Represents the canvas item for PNG image with hyperlink. |
 | Rect | Represents a rectangle canvas element. |
 | RenderState | Represents the rendering state |
 | ResetContext | Represents the context for reset. |
 | ResourcedCanvasItem | Represents a canvas element with resources. |
 | RoundRect | Represents a canvas element with a rounded rectangle. |
 | RoundRectEx | Represents the extended version of RoundRect canvas item. It provides ability to change radius of each corner separately. |
 | RTL | Represents the Right To Left canvas item. |
 | SectionInfo | Provides information about the section. |
 | SectionInfoEnd | Represents the end of the section information. |
 | SelectFont | Represents the selected font. |
 | SetCharacterSpacing | Represents the setter of character spacing. |
 | SetLineSpacing | Represents the setter of line spacing. |
 | SetPadding | Represents the setter of the padding. |
 | SetScaleX | Represents the setter of minimal character condensed rate for the X coordinate. |
 | StateChangedArgs | Represents the arguments of a state change. |
 | SVG | Represents a SVG canvas element. |
 | Table | Represents the table canvas item. The Table CanvasItems contains an arrayList of TableRow Object which contain an array list of TableCell Objects which contains an array list of canvasItems. This class saves, load, and renders a table. |
 | TabStopsItem | Represents an element of a collection of custom tab stops. |
 | TextAngle | Represents the angle of the text. |
 | TextBoundsRange | Represents the range of text boundaries. |
 | TextInfoItem | Represents the text information canvas item. Used for TextBox control while exporting report to Excel. |
 | TextOut | Represents the text output. |
 | TextRenderHintItem | Represents a hint when rendering text. |
 | UrlErrorEventArgs | Represents the arguments of the url error event |
 | UserPreferences | Represents the user preferences. |
 | VerticalText | Represents the vertical text. |
 | WordWrap | Represents the word wrap. |
 | WrapModeItem | Represents text wrap mode |