| Name | Description |
 | vbAbort | Represents the Abort button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the Abort button was pressed. |
 | vbAbortRetryIgnore | Specifies that the message box should display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons, providing options for error handling. |
 | vbApplicationModal | Specifies that the message box is application modal, meaning it will stay on top of the application and require user interaction before the user can continue with the application. This style makes the message box block input to all windows in the application until the user responds. |
 | vbArchive | Specifies the archive file attribute. This attribute indicates that the file has been modified since it was last backed up. It is used by backup programs to mark files for backup. |
 | vbArray | Represents an array variant type, indicating that the variant contains an array. This value is used for variables that store arrays of any type. |
 | vbBack | Represents a backspace character for print and display functions. |
 | vbBinaryCompare | Specifies that string comparisons should be performed using a binary comparison. |
 | vbBoolean | Represents a boolean variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Boolean keyword. This value is used for variables that store True or False values. |
 | vbByte | Represents a byte variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Byte keyword. This value is used for variables that store byte values. |
 | vbCancel | Represents the Cancel button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the Cancel button was pressed. |
 | vbCr | Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions. |
 | vbCritical | Specifies that the message box should be displayed with a Critical Message icon, indicating an error message or serious warning. |
 | vbCrLf | Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions. |
 | vbCurrency | Represents a currency variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Currency keyword. This value is used for variables that store monetary values with high precision. |
 | vbDate | Represents a date variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Date keyword. This value is used for variables that store dates and times. |
 | vbDecimal | Represents a decimal variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Decimal keyword. This value is used for variables that store decimal numbers with high precision. |
 | vbDefaultButton1 | Specifies that the message box should display only the OK button. This constant is used to set the default button to OK. |
 | vbDefaultButton2 | Specifies that the second button on the message box should be set as the default button. |
 | vbDefaultButton3 | Specifies that the third button on the message box should be set as the default button. |
 | vbDirectory | Specifies the directory attribute. This attribute indicates that the file is a directory. |
 | vbDouble | Represents a double-precision floating-point variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Double keyword. This value is used for variables that store double-precision floating-point numbers. |
 | vbEmpty | Represents an uninitialized variant, equivalent to the Visual Basic Empty keyword. This value is used to indicate that a variable has not yet been initialized. |
 | vbExclamation | Specifies that the message box should be displayed with an Exclamation icon, indicating a warning message. |
 | vbFalse | Represents a Boolean false value when calling number-formatting and other functions that accept a TriState parameter. |
 | vbFirstFourDays | Specifies that the first week of the year is considered to be the first week that has at least four days in the new year for date-related functions. |
 | vbFirstFullWeek | Specifies that the first week of the year is considered to be the first full week of the year for date-related functions. |
 | vbFirstJan1 | Specifies that the first week of the year is considered to be the week containing January 1st for date-related functions. |
 | vbFormFeed | Represents a form-feed character for print functions. |
 | vbFriday | Specifies Friday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbGeneralDate | Specifies the general date format option for the FormatDateTime function, which includes both the date and time. |
 | vbGet | Specifies that the property being accessed when calling the CallByName function is to retrieve its value. |
 | vbHidden | Specifies the hidden file attribute. This attribute indicates that the file is not visible in an ordinary directory listing. |
 | vbHide | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be hidden when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbHiragana | Specifies the Hiragana conversion type for the StrConv function, converting Katakana characters in a string to Hiragana. |
 | vbIgnore | Represents the Ignore button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the Ignore button was pressed. |
 | vbInformation | Specifies that the message box should be displayed with an Information icon, indicating a message that conveys information. |
 | vbInteger | Represents an integer variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Integer keyword. This value is used for variables that store integer values. |
 | vbKatakana | Specifies the Katakana conversion type for the StrConv function, converting Hiragana characters in a string to Katakana. |
 | vbLet | Specifies that the property being accessed when calling the CallByName function is to assign a value to a simple property or to an element of an array property. |
 | vbLf | Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions. |
 | vbLinguisticCasing | Specifies the linguistic casing conversion type for the StrConv function, applying the current culture's casing rules to the string. |
 | vbLong | Represents a long integer variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Long keyword. This value is used for variables that store long integer values. |
 | vbLongDate | Specifies the long date format option for the FormatDateTime function, which presents the date in a full textual representation. |
 | vbLongTime | Specifies the long time format option for the FormatDateTime function, which includes the hour, minute, second, and AM/PM designation in a 12-hour format. |
 | vbLowerCase | Specifies the lowercase conversion type for the StrConv function, converting characters in a string to lowercase. |
 | vbMaximizedFocus | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be maximized and receive focus when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbMethod | Specifies that the method being invoked when calling the CallByName function is a regular method. |
 | vbMinimizedFocus | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be minimized and receive focus when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbMinimizedNoFocus | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be minimized but not receive focus when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbMonday | Specifies Monday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbMsgBoxHelp | Specifies that the message box should display a Help button. This style is used to add a Help button to the message box, which can be linked to a Help file or Help context. |
 | vbMsgBoxRight | Specifies that the text in the message box should be right-aligned. This style is useful in certain locales or with specific text layouts. |
 | vbMsgBoxRtlReading | Specifies that the message box text should be displayed with right-to-left reading order. This style is used for languages that are read from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew. |
 | vbMsgBoxSetForeground | Specifies that the message box should appear in the foreground. This style ensures that the message box is displayed in the foreground, making it immediately visible to the user. |
 | vbNarrow | Specifies the narrow (half-width) characters conversion type for the StrConv function, converting characters in a string to their half-width equivalents. |
 | vbNewLine | Represents a newline character for print and display functions. |
 | vbNo | Represents the No button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the No button was pressed. |
 | vbNormal | Specifies the normal file attribute. This attribute indicates that the file does not have other attributes set. This is the default attribute for most files. |
 | vbNormalFocus | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be displayed in its normal size and position, and receive focus when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbNormalNoFocus | Specifies that the window of the invoked program should be displayed in its normal size and position but not receive focus when calling the Shell function. |
 | vbNull | Represents a variant with no valid data, equivalent to the Visual Basic Null keyword. This value is used to indicate the absence of a value or a null state. |
 | vbNullChar | Represents a null character for print and display functions. |
 | vbNullString | Represents a zero-length string for print and display functions, and for calling external procedures. |
 | vbObject | Represents an object variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Object keyword. This value is used for variables that store references to objects. |
 | vbObjectError | Represents the object error number. User-defined error numbers should be greater than this value. |
 | vbOK | Represents the OK button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the OK button was pressed. |
 | vbOKCancel | Specifies that the message box should display both the OK and Cancel buttons, allowing the user to cancel the operation. |
 | vbOKOnly | Specifies that the message box should display only the OK button. This is the default button configuration. |
 | vbProperCase | Specifies the proper case conversion type for the StrConv function, converting the first character of each word in a string to uppercase and the remaining characters to lowercase. |
 | vbQuestion | Specifies that the message box should be displayed with a Question icon, indicating a query requiring a user response. |
 | vbReadOnly | Specifies the read-only file attribute. This attribute indicates that the file cannot be written to. |
 | vbRetry | Represents the Retry button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the Retry button was pressed. |
 | vbRetryCancel | Specifies that the message box should display Retry and Cancel buttons, offering the option to retry an operation or cancel it. |
 | vbSaturday | Specifies Saturday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbSet | Specifies that the property being accessed when calling the CallByName function is to assign an object reference to a property. |
 | vbShortDate | Specifies the short date format option for the FormatDateTime function, which presents the date in a numerical format. |
 | vbShortTime | Specifies the short time format option for the FormatDateTime function, which includes the hour and minute in a 24-hour format. |
 | vbSimplifiedChinese | Specifies the simplified Chinese characters conversion type for the StrConv function, converting traditional Chinese characters in a string to simplified Chinese characters. |
 | vbSingle | Represents a single-precision floating-point variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic Single keyword. This value is used for variables that store single-precision floating-point numbers. |
 | vbString | Represents a string variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic String keyword. This value is used for variables that store text. |
 | vbSunday | Specifies Sunday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbSystem | Specifies the system file attribute. This attribute indicates that the file is part of the operating system or is used exclusively by the operating system. |
 | vbSystemModal | Specifies that the message box is system modal, meaning it will stay on top of all applications and require user interaction before the user can continue with any application on the system. This style makes the message box block input to all windows on the system. |
 | vbTab | Represents a tab character for print and display functions. |
 | vbTextCompare | Specifies that string comparisons should be performed using a textual comparison. |
 | vbThursday | Specifies Thursday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbTraditionalChinese | Specifies the traditional Chinese characters conversion type for the StrConv function, converting simplified Chinese characters in a string to traditional Chinese characters. |
 | vbTrue | Represents a Boolean true value when calling number-formatting and other functions that accept a TriState parameter. |
 | vbTuesday | Specifies Tuesday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbUpperCase | Specifies the uppercase conversion type for the StrConv function, converting characters in a string to uppercase. |
 | vbUseDefault | Represents the default behavior (as determined by the system) when calling number-formatting and other functions that accept a TriState parameter. |
 | vbUserDefinedType | Represents a user-defined type variant type, equivalent to the Visual Basic structure types. This value is used for variables that store user-defined types. |
 | vbUseSystem | Specifies that the system's setting should be used to determine the first week of the year for date-related functions. |
 | vbUseSystemDayOfWeek | Specifies the system's default as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbVariant | Represents a variant type that can contain any type of data, equivalent to the Visual Basic Variant keyword. This value is used for variables that can store data of any type. |
 | vbVerticalTab | Represents a carriage-return character for print functions. |
 | vbVolume | Specifies the volume label attribute. This attribute is used to mark a disk volume and is not valid on files. |
 | vbWednesday | Specifies Wednesday as the first day of the week for date-related functions. |
 | vbWide | Specifies the wide (full-width) characters conversion type for the StrConv function, converting characters in a string to their full-width equivalents. |
 | vbYes | Represents the Yes button on a message box. This constant is returned by the MsgBox function to indicate that the Yes button was pressed. |
 | vbYesNo | Specifies that the message box should display Yes and No buttons, allowing a choice between two actions without the option to cancel. |
 | vbYesNoCancel | Specifies that the message box should display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons, offering a choice between two actions or the option to cancel. |