MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Chart Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart Namespace / ColorPalette Enumeration

ColorPalette Enumeration
Specifies what color palette is used.
Public Enum ColorPalette 
   Inherits System.Enum
AutumnThe rich browns and golds of autumn.
BerriesA range of colors from blueberry through raspberry.
CascadeA cascade of eight cool colors ranging from deep teal down through pale orchid.
ConfettiA sprinkling of bright and pastel colors.
DefaultThe same color scheme as Cascade.
GreensA medley of greens from 70's refrigerator green through evergreen.
IcebergA range of the soft blues and greys found in an iceberg.
MurphyMuted greens, rusts and beiges.
NoneAll data is drawn using the same teal color.
SpringtimeThe colors of spring, in deep green, two vivid colors and five pastels.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also