| Class | Description |
 | _Imports | |
 | About | Represents the documentation links and application info. |
 | AboutButton | Represents the settings for the About button. |
 | App | Represents the main application class, providing access to application-level functionalities. |
 | AppBarSettings | Represents the settings for the App Bar, providing quick access to common actions and controls. |
 | Barcore | Represents the features for barcode items. |
 | BorderStyle | Represents the border style for a report item. |
 | BulletStyleContent | Represents the style content for a bullet report item. |
 | CellStyleContent | Represents the style content for a cell in a table report item. |
 | ChangedDocumentOptions | Represents the options for changed document information. |
 | CommonValues | Represents the settings for the common values section. |
 | ContainerStyleContent | Represents the style content for a container report item. |
 | ContextActionsTab | Represents the settings for the Context Actions tab. |
 | CreateDocumentInfo | Represents the information about a created document. |
 | CreateDocumentOptions | Represents an options for creating a new document. |
 | CurrentDocumentInfo | Represents the information about the currently open document. |
 | Dashboard | Represents the settings for RDL Dashboard. |
 | DataSets | Represents the settings for the data sets section. |
 | DataSetsInfo | Represents the information about data sets. |
 | DataSettings | Represents the settings related to data management. |
 | DataSources | Represents the settings for the data sources. |
 | DataSourcesOptions | Represents the options for data sources and the data source editor. |
 | DataTab | Represents the settings for the data tab. |
 | DesignerSettings | Represents the initialization settings for the Designer. |
 | Details | Represents the style content for the details section of a table report item. |
 | Document | Represents a document to open on app startup. |
 | DocumentExplorer | Represents the Document Explorer settings. |
 | Documents | Represents methods for managing documents, allowing the creation, opening, saving, and status checking of reports being edited. |
 | DocumentsSettings | Contains settings and handlers for managing documents. |
 | DocumentTemplate | Represents the information about a document template. |
 | FileView | Represents the settings for the File View. |
 | Font | Represents the configuration for a font. |
 | FontHeader | Represents the configuration for a font header. |
 | Footer | Represents the style content for the footer of a table report item. |
 | Fpl | Represents the settings for FPL. |
 | Handlers | Represents handlers for various document events. |
 | Header | Represents the style content for the header of a table report item. |
 | Help | Represents the designer-related documentation links. |
 | HomeTab | Represents the settings for the Home tab. |
 | InitTemplates | Represents the templates for creating new items from RDLX-JSON strings. |
 | InsertTab | Represents the settings for the Insert tab. |
 | Levels | Represents the style content for the levels of a table of contents report item. |
 | Library | Represents a library for report parts. |
 | Link | Represents the link. |
 | LocalizationResources | Represents localization resources for a specific language. |
 | Logo | Represents the logo settings. |
 | MasterReport | Represents the settings for RDL MasterReport. |
 | Menu | Represents methods to interact with the menu in the UI. |
 | MenuIcon | Represents a custom menu icon. |
 | MenuSettings | Represents the settings for the Main Menu, providing access to various features and tools. |
 | Msl | Represents the settings for RDL Multi-Section (MSL). |
 | Notifications | Represents methods for sending and managing notifications, allowing the sending of notifications of various levels (info, warning, error) and managing their display and dismissal. |
 | OpenButton | Represents the settings for the Open button. |
 | OpenDocumentInfo | Represents the information about an opened document. |
 | Panels | Represents access to the menu and sidebar panels. |
 | Parameters | Represents the settings for the Parameters section. |
 | ParametersTab | Represents the settings for the Parameters tab. |
 | PreviewSettings | Represents settings related to the document preview functionality, allowing configuration of the preview button visibility and integration of a viewer component. |
 | PropertiesModeButton | Represents the settings for the properties mode button. |
 | PropertiesTab | Represents the settings for the Properties tab. |
 | PropertyGridSettings | Represents the settings for the Property Grid, allowing the viewing and editing of properties of selected objects. |
 | RdlxReportItemsSettings | Represents the customizable features for various report items in RDLX. |
 | RdlxSettings | Represents the settings specific to the RDLX platform. |
 | ReportDesigner | |
 | ReportItemStyle<T> | Represents a style for a report item. |
 | ReportPartsSettings | Represents the settings related to the Report Parts feature. |
 | ReportStyles | Represents the styles for various report items. |
 | RequestInit | Represents the initialization settings for a request. |
 | RpxSettings | Represents the settings specific to the RPX platform. |
 | Rulers | Represents the settings for rulers. |
 | RulersButton | Represents the settings for the rulers button. |
 | SaveAsButton | Represents the settings for the Save As button. |
 | SaveButton | Represents the settings for the Save button. |
 | SaveDocumentInfo | Represents the information about a saved document. |
 | ScriptTab | Represents the settings for the Script tab. |
 | ServerSettings | Represents the settings related to the backend server, including the base URL and request modification handlers. |
 | SharedDataSourceOptions | Represents the options for shared data sources. |
 | Sidebar | Represents methods to interact with the sidebar in the UI. |
 | SnapStep | Represents the snap step value. |
 | SparklineStyleContent | Represents the style content for a sparkline report item. |
 | StatusBarSettings | Represents the settings for the Status Bar, providing various controls and information at the bottom of the designer. |
 | Stylesheet | Represents settings for the RPX report stylesheet. |
 | StylesSettings | Represents settings related to RPX Styles. |
 | StylesTab | Represents settings for the Styles tab in RPX reports. |
 | Table | Represents the features for table items. |
 | TableGroups | Represents the style content for the groups of a table report item. |
 | TableOfContentsStyleContent | Represents the style content for a table of contents report item. |
 | TableStyleContent | Represents the style content for a table report item. |
 | TableStyles | Represents the style content for the table styles of a table report item. |
 | Tablix | Represents the features for tablix items. |
 | TextBoxStyleContent | Represents the style content for a text box report item. |
 | TitleSettings | Represents a settings related to the document title, allowing configuration of whether the browser tab title can be updated by the designer. |
 | ToggleGridButton | Represents the settings for the toggle grid button. |
 | ToggleUnitsButton | Represents the settings for the toggle units button. |
 | ToolBarSettings | Represents a settings for the Tool Bar. |
 | ToolBox | Represents the Tool Box settings. |
 | ToolBoxContent | Represents report items on toolBox and their order. |
 | UpdateDocumentOptions | Represents the options for updating document information. |
 | ViewerSettings | Represents the settings for the viewer. |
 | ViewerSettings.ViewerDocumentInfo | Represents information about the document to be previewed in the viewer. |