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Namespace: ReportDesigner

Table of contents



Type aliases

Type aliases


Ƭ CustomInitTemplates: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
imperialTemplates? Report[]
metricTemplates? Report[]


Ƭ DataSetTemplate: Object

Defines a dataset template for data panel.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
canEdit? boolean Instructs if DataSet, created from template, can be edited
id string Template ID
nestedTemplates? DataSet[] RDLX definitions for nested DataSets
shouldEdit? boolean Instructs designer to show edit dialog
template DataSet RDLX definition of DataSet
title string Title


Ƭ DataSourceTemplate: Object

Defines the datasource template for data panel.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
canEdit? boolean Instructs if DataSet, created from template, can be edited
datasets? DataSetTemplate[] DataSet templates for DataSource based on template
id string Template ID
shouldEdit? boolean Instructs designer to show edit dialog
template DataSource RDLX definition of DataSource
title string Title


Ƭ DesignerCommand: "save" | "saveAs" | "create" | "open" | "render"

Command name.


Ƭ DesignerConfig: Object

Designer configuration

Type declaration

Name Type Description
appBar? { aboutButton?: { visible?: boolean } ; contextActionsTab?: { visible?: boolean } ; homeTab?: { visible?: boolean } ; parametersTab?: { visible?: boolean } ; visible?: boolean } App Bar* settings
appBar.aboutButton? { visible?: boolean } About* button settings
appBar.aboutButton.visible? boolean Specifies whether About button needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true
appBar.contextActionsTab? { visible?: boolean } Context Actions* tab settings
appBar.contextActionsTab.visible? boolean Specifies whether Context Actions tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true
appBar.homeTab? { visible?: boolean } Home* tab settings
appBar.homeTab.visible? boolean Specifies whether Home tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar. default true
appBar.parametersTab? { visible?: boolean } Parameters* tab settings
appBar.parametersTab.visible? boolean Specifies whether Parameters tab needs to be shown in Designer application bar for rdlx documents. default true
appBar.visible? boolean Specifies whether App Bar needs to be shown\ default true
customInitTemplates? CustomInitTemplates Templates with default values for report and report items.
data? { commonValues?: { visible?: boolean } ; dataSets?: { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } ; dataSources?: { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } ; dataTab?: { visible?: boolean } ; parameters?: { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } } *Data**-related settings
data.commonValues? { visible?: boolean } -
data.commonValues.visible? boolean Specifies whether Common Values section needs to be shown.\ default true
data.dataSets? { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } -
data.dataSets.canModify boolean Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) data sets.\ default false
data.dataSets.visible? boolean Specifies whether Data Sets section needs to be shown.\ default true
data.dataSources? { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } Data Sources* section settings
data.dataSources.canModify boolean Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) data sources default false
data.dataSources.visible? boolean Specifies whether Data Sources section needs to be shown default true
data.dataTab? { visible?: boolean } -
data.dataTab.visible? boolean default true
data.parameters? { canModify: boolean ; visible?: boolean } -
data.parameters.canModify boolean Specifies whether it is possible to modify (including add/edit/remove) report parameters.\ default true
data.parameters.visible? boolean Specifies whether Parameters section needs to be shown.\ default true
dateFormats? string[] Specifies the list of supported date formats
disableFocusTimer? boolean By default, focused elements (like buttons) are highlighted only for a small period of time after Tab key was pressed.\ This settings makes focused elements permanently highlighted. default false
disableHistoryHotkeys? boolean If set to 'true' disables default undo and redo report hotkeys.
disableOpenSaveHotkeys? boolean If set to 'true' disables default open and save report hotkeys,
disableSystemClipboard? boolean Disable usage of system clipboard. Copy-paste between designer instances will work only in the same browser in the same domain default false
editor? { gridSize?: string ; rulers?: { snapStep?: { cm: number ; in: number } ; visible?: boolean } ; showGrid?: boolean ; snapToGrid?: boolean ; snapToGuides?: boolean } Editor settings
editor.gridSize? string Specifies default grid size. If units = 'cm', value = 0.5cm by default. Else, value = 0,25in by default
editor.rulers? { snapStep?: { cm: number ; in: number } ; visible?: boolean } Rulers settings
editor.rulers.snapStep? { cm: number ; in: number } Specifies a snapStep value. By default snapStep = { in: 0.25, cm: 0.5 }
editor.rulers.snapStep.cm number -
editor.rulers.snapStep.in number -
editor.rulers.visible? boolean Specifies whether Rulers needs to be shown by default
editor.showGrid? boolean Specifies if grid must be shown or hidden by default
editor.snapToGrid? boolean Specifies default value for the snapToGrid option default false
editor.snapToGuides? boolean Specifies default value for the snapToGuides option default false
fontSet? FontSet Sets available set of fonts.
language? string Application language, for example 'en', 'ja or 'zh'. default 'en'
lockLayout? boolean When lockLayout is enabled, it is only possible to modify properties of existing report items.\ I.e., adding a new report item or deleting of an existing one is not possible as well as other operations that modify report layout structure.\ default false
menu? { documentExplorer?: { visible?: boolean } ; groupEditor?: { visible?: boolean } ; layerEditor?: { visible?: boolean } ; logo?: { custom?: MenuIcon ; visible?: boolean } ; toolBox?: { visible?: boolean } ; visible?: boolean } Menu* settings
menu.documentExplorer? { visible?: boolean } Document Explorer* settings
menu.documentExplorer.visible? boolean Specifies whether Document Explorer button needs to be shown default true
menu.groupEditor? { visible?: boolean } Group Editor* settings
menu.groupEditor.visible? boolean Specifies whether Group Editor button needs to be shown. default true
menu.layerEditor? { visible?: boolean } Layer Editor* settings
menu.layerEditor.visible? boolean Specifies whether Layer Editor button needs to be shown. default true
menu.logo? { custom?: MenuIcon ; visible?: boolean } Logo* settings
menu.logo.custom? MenuIcon Sets a custom logo to be shown in the menu
menu.logo.visible? boolean Specifies whether logo needs to be shown in the menu default true
menu.toolBox? { visible?: boolean } Tool Box* settings
menu.toolBox.visible? boolean Specifies whether left-side menu Tool Box needs to be shown default true
menu.visible? boolean Specifies whether Main Menu needs to be shown default true
propertyGrid? { collapsibleCategories?: { enabled?: boolean } ; mode?: "Basic" | "Advanced" ; propertiesTab?: { visible?: boolean } ; saveExpandEditorsState?: { enabled?: boolean } } Property Grid settings
propertyGrid.collapsibleCategories? { enabled?: boolean } -
propertyGrid.collapsibleCategories.enabled? boolean When set to true, Property Grid categories become collapsible, and app memorizes categories expanded/collapsed states. default true
propertyGrid.mode? "Basic" | "Advanced" Specifies default properties mode
propertyGrid.propertiesTab? { visible?: boolean } -
propertyGrid.propertiesTab.visible? boolean Specifies whether Properties tab needs to be shown default true
propertyGrid.saveExpandEditorsState? { enabled?: boolean } -
propertyGrid.saveExpandEditorsState.enabled? boolean When set to true, app memorizes editors expanded/collapsed states. default true
reportPartsLibraries? ReportPartsLibrary[] Settings for Report Parts library.
statusBar? { gridSizeEditor?: { visible?: boolean } ; propertiesModeButton?: { visible?: boolean } ; rulersButton?: { visible?: boolean } ; toggleGridButton?: { visible?: boolean } ; toggleUnitsButton?: { visible?: boolean } ; visible?: boolean } Status Bar settings
statusBar.gridSizeEditor? { visible?: boolean } -
statusBar.gridSizeEditor.visible? boolean Specifies whether Grid Size editor needs to be shown default true
statusBar.propertiesModeButton? { visible?: boolean } -
statusBar.propertiesModeButton.visible? boolean default true
statusBar.rulersButton? { visible?: boolean } -
statusBar.rulersButton.visible? boolean Specifies whether Show Rulers toggle needs to be shown default true
statusBar.toggleGridButton? { visible?: boolean } -
statusBar.toggleGridButton.visible? boolean Specifies whether Show Grid toggle needs to be shown default true
statusBar.toggleUnitsButton? { visible?: boolean } -
statusBar.toggleUnitsButton.visible? boolean Specifies whether Units Button button needs to be shown default true
statusBar.visible? boolean Specifies whether Status Bar needs to be shown default true
storeUserPreferences? boolean When storeUserPreferences is enabled, user preferences will be saved to a browser storage.\ In case storeUnsavedReport is disabled, the aforementioned functionality is not available default true
themeConfig? { initialTheme?: BuiltInUITheme ; themeSelector?: { availableThemes?: BuiltInUITheme[] ; isEnabled?: boolean } } Configures various theme-related settings.
themeConfig.initialTheme? BuiltInUITheme The initial theme to be applied. default "Default"
themeConfig.themeSelector? { availableThemes?: BuiltInUITheme[] ; isEnabled?: boolean } Controls Theme Picker behavior
themeConfig.themeSelector.availableThemes? BuiltInUITheme[] An array of available themes that can be picked by the user. These themes are built-in themes. default ["System", "Default", "DefaultDark", "DarkOled", "HighContrast", "HighContrastDark", "ActiveReports", "ActiveReportsDark"]
themeConfig.themeSelector.isEnabled? boolean shows Theme Picker in UI
toolBar? { visible?: boolean } Tool Bar settings
toolBar.visible? boolean Specifies whether Tool Bar needs to be shown default true
units? "in" | "cm" Specifies the default measurement units default 'in'
filterProperties? (descriptors: PropertyDescriptor[], item: Record<string, any>) => PropertyDescriptor[] Return filtered array of descriptors in the order in which descriptors should be rearranged


Ƭ DocumentChangedEventArgs: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
definition Report RDLX report definition.
isDirty boolean True if report is in dirty (not saved) state.


Ƭ EditorAPI: Object

Information about the availability of common actions with the report and selected items

Type declaration

Name Type
canCopy () => boolean
canCut () => boolean
canDelete () => boolean
canPaste () => boolean
canRedo () => boolean
canUndo () => boolean
copy () => void
cut () => void
delete () => void
paste () => void
redo () => void
undo () => void


Ƭ FontSet: "default" | "registered" | "all"

Fonts set.

default: predefined fonts
registered: fonts registered in FontStore
all: predefined an registered in FontStore fonts


Ƭ ImageResourceInfo: Object

Represents image information.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Resource display name.
id string Resource ID.
mimeType string Mime type.
thumbnail? string Thumbnail.

Ƭ MenuCssIcon: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
class string
type "css"

Ƭ MenuIcon: MenuCssIcon


Ƭ NewReport: Object

Report info representing new report to be created.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Report display name.
id? string Report id.
masterReportId? string Master report id.
reportType ReportType Type of report.


Ƭ NewReportInfo: Object

New report info.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
masterReportId? string Master report id.
reportType ReportType Type of report.


Ƭ NotificationsAPI: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
dismissAll () => void
error (caption: string, errorText?: string) => void
info (caption: string, text?: string) => void
send (level: "info" | "warning" | "error", caption: string, content?: string) => void
warning (caption: string, warningText?: string) => void


Ƭ PanelsAPI: Object

Contains access to the menu and sidebar panels

Type declaration

Name Type Description
menu { close: () => void ; open: (id: string) => void ; pin: () => void } Menu API *
menu.close [object Object] -
menu.open [object Object] -
menu.pin [object Object] -
sidebar { close: () => void ; open: (id: string) => void } Sidebar API *
sidebar.close [object Object] -
sidebar.open [object Object] -


Ƭ PropertyDescriptor: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
category string Specifies grouping for the property
label string Specifies label for the property
mode PropertyDisplayMode Specifies in which view mode the editor should be visible
type string Specifies type of the editor that will be rendered
valuePath string Path inside objectValue to the value of the property


Ƭ PropertyDisplayMode: "simple" | "advanced" | "both"


Ƭ Report: ReportLink | ReportDefinition

Report info representing report by ID or definition


Ƭ ReportDefinition: Object

Report info representing report by definition.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
definition Report RDLX report definition.
displayName? string Report display name.
id? string Report id.


Ƭ ReportInfo: Object

Represents current report information.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
definition Report RDLX report definition.
displayName string Report display name.
id string | null Report id.
isDirty boolean True if report is in dirty (not saved) state.

Ƭ ReportLink: Object

Report info representing report by ID.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Report display name.
id string Report ID


Ƭ ReportResourceInfo: Object

Represents external resource information.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Resource display name.
id string Resource ID.


Ƭ ReportType: "CPL" | "FPL" | "Pageless"

Type of report

CPL - Continuous Page Layout
FPL - Fixed Page Layout
Pageless - Pageless Report Layout


Ƭ SaveAsResult: Object

Represents result of "save new report" operation.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Report display name.
id string New report ID.


Ƭ SaveNewReportInfo: Object

Current report info to be saved as new one.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
definition Report Current RDLX report definittion.
displayName? string Current report display name.
id? string Current report ID.


Ƭ SaveReportInfo: Object

Current report info to be saved.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
definition Report Current RDLX report definittion.
displayName? string Current report display name.
id string Current report ID.


Ƭ SaveResult: Object

Represents result of "save report" operation.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Report display name after save.


Ƭ ThemeInfo: Object

Report theme short representation.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Accent1 string Accent1 theme color
Accent2 string Accent2 theme color
Accent3 string Accent3 theme color
Accent4 string Accent4 theme color
Accent5 string Accent5 theme color
Accent6 string Accent6 theme color
Dark1 string Dark1 theme color
Dark2 string Dark2 theme color
Light1 string Light1 theme color
Light2 string Light2 theme color
MajorFontFamily string Major text theme font family
MinorFontFamily string Minor text theme font family


Ƭ ThemeResourceInfo: Object

Represents theme information.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string Resource display name.
id string Resource ID.
info ThemeInfo Theme short representation.


Ƭ WhenDirty: "ask" | "override" | "throw"

Represents action to perform in case of dirty report.

ask: show comfirmation dialog
override: override dirty report
throw: throw error