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Namespace: Rdl


Table of contents

Type aliases

Type aliases


Ƭ Action: Object

Represents a hyperlink, bookmark link, or drillthrough action that is associated with a report item. Visit Interactive Reports for more information.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ApplyParameters? { Parameters?: ApplyParameterStep[] } An apply parameters action information.
ApplyParameters.Parameters? ApplyParameterStep[] Parameters collection to be applied within this action.
BookmarkLink? string Gets or sets the ID of the bookmark that is located in a report to go to when the containing report item for this action is clicked
Drillthrough? { Parameters?: { ParameterName: string ; Value?: string }[] ; ReportName?: string } Indicates a drillthrough report to be executed and viewed by clicking the containing report item for this action.
Drillthrough.Parameters? { ParameterName: string ; Value?: string }[] Indicates the parameters to be passed to a drillthrough report
Drillthrough.ReportName? string Gets or sets the ID of the Report to use as a drillthrough report. The value could be a path to the report template file, or an ID that is resolved by the custom resource locator
Hyperlink? string Gets or sets a hyperlink that is viewed by clicking the containing report item for this action


Ƭ ApplyParameterStep: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Name string The name of the parameter to be affected.
Type? "Set" | "Reset" | "Toggle" Parameter update type.
Value? string Parameter value for "Set" and "Toggle" types.


Ƭ BackgroundImage: Object

Represents the background images for a report item.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
BackgroundRepeat? "Repeat" | "NoRepeat" | "RepeatX" | "RepeatY" | `=$` Gets or sets a value indicating how a background image fills the available space within its container. value "Repeat" specifies that the image repeats both horizontally and vertically to fill the space. value "RepeatX" specifies that the image repeats horizontally to fill the space. value "RepeatY" specifies that the image repeats vertically to fill the space. value "NoRepeat" specifies that the image does not repeat to fill the space.
MIMEType? string Get or sets the image format of a background image. Supported values are "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", and "image/svg+xml".
Source? "External" | "Embedded" | "Database" Gets or sets the type of source that is associated with a background image value "External" indicates that the Value property specifies the location of an image value "Embedded" indicates that the Value property specifies the name of an embedded image within a report value "Database" indicates that the Value property specifies an expression (such as a field in the database) that evaluates to the binary data for an image
Value? string Gets or sets either the location or the actual data of a background image, depending on the value of the BackgroundImage.Source


Ƭ BandedList: Object

Represents properties of a Banded List in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Banded List for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
ConsumeWhiteSpace? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether all whitespace in a Banded List should be consumed when contents grow
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a Banded List.
Details? { Action?: Action ; CanGrow?: boolean ; CanShrink?: boolean ; Height?: string ; KeepTogether?: boolean ; Name?: string ; NewPage?: "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" ; PageBreak?: "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" ; ReportItems?: ReportItem[] ; Visibility?: Visibility } Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of detail bands in a Banded List.
Details.Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a Details
Details.CanGrow? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Details band can increase to match its contents
Details.CanShrink? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Details band can decrease to match its contents
Details.Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of the Details band in a Banded List
Details.KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of the Details band should be kept together on one Page if possible
Details.Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for the Details band
Details.NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
Details.PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by the Details band
Details.ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of reports item that are contained within the Details band of a Banded List
Details.Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Details band is hidden
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a Banded List
FixedHeight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed height of a Banded List
FixedWidth? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed width of a Banded List
Footer? BandedListFooter Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of footer bands in a BandedList.
Groups? BandedListGroup[] Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of banded list groups consisting of group expressions, group headers, and group footers for a Banded List.
Header? BandedListHeader Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of header bands in a BandedList.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Banded List
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Banded List should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Banded List that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Banded List from the left of the banded list's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Banded List
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating a Banded List has its page numbering
OverflowName? string Gets or sets a value indicating the name of the overflow place holder for a fixed Banded List layout
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Banded List
PreventOrphanedFooter? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely Banded List footer should be prevented.
PreventOrphanedHeader? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely Banded List header should be prevented.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Banded List at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Banded List from the top of the banded list's container
Type "bandedlist" Should be set to "bandedlist"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Banded List is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Banded List
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Banded List


Ƭ BandedListFooter: Object

Represents properties of the footer band of a Banded List

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a Footer
CanGrow? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Footer band can increase to match its contents
CanShrink? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Footer band can decrease to match its contents
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of the Footer band in a Banded List
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of the Footer band should be kept together on one Page if possible
Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for the Footer band
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by the Header band
PrintAtBottom? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a banded list footer always prints at the bottom of the page
RepeatOnNewPage? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether rendered footer bands are repeated on every Page where the footer’s parent Banded List is rendered
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of reports item that are contained within the Footer band of a Banded List
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Footer band is hidden


Ƭ BandedListGroup: Object

Represents a group in a Banded List

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Footer? BandedListFooter Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of bands in a Banded List Group Footer.
Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating expressions by which to group the data in a Banded List Group.
Header? BandedListHeader Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of bands in a Banded List Group Header.
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Banded List Group should be kept together on one Page if possible
PreventOrphanedFooter? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely Banded List Group Footer should be prevented.
PreventOrphanedHeader? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely Banded List Group Header should be prevented.
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to sort the data in a Banded List Group.
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of a Banded List Group.


Ƭ BandedListHeader: Object

Represents properties of the header band of a Banded List

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a Header
CanGrow? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Header band can increase to match its contents
CanShrink? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of the Header band can decrease to match its contents
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of the Header band in a Banded List
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of the Header band should be kept together on one Page if possible
Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for the Header band
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by the Header band
RepeatOnNewPage? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether rendered header bands are repeated on every Page where the header’s parent Banded List is rendered
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of reports item that are contained within the Header band of a Banded List
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Header band is hidden


Ƭ Barcode: Object

Represents properties for a Barcode in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
AztecOptions? BarcodeAztecOptions -
BarHeight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of the barcode's bars.
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Barcode for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CaptionGrouping? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to add spaces between groups of characters in the caption to make long numbers easier to read.
CaptionLocation? "None" | "Above" | "Below" Gets or sets a value indicating the vertical alignment of the caption in a Barcode.
CheckSum? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a barcode requires a checksum.
Code49Options? BarcodeCode49Options Gets or sets a value indicating options for a Code49 barcode
DataMatrixOptions? BarcodeDataMatrixOptions Gets or sets a value indicating options for a DataMatrix barcode
Gs1CompositeOptions? BarcodeGs1CompositeOptions Gets or sets a value indicating options for a GC1QRCode barcode
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Barcode
InvalidBarcodeText? string Gets or sets a value an expression indicating the text that shows in case a Barcode's value is invalid.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Barcode that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Barcode from the left of the barcode's container
NWRation? number Gets or sets a value indicating the multiple of the ratio between the narrow and wide bars in symbologies that contain bars in only two widths.
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a List
NarrowBarWidth? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of the narrowest part of the barcode.
Pdf417Options? BarcodePdf417Options Gets or sets a value indicating options for a Pdf417 barcode
QrCodeOptions? BarcodeQrCodeOptions Gets or sets a value indicating options for a QRCode barcode
QuietZone? { Bottom?: string ; Left?: string ; Right?: string ; Top?: string } Gets or sets a value indicating an area of blank space on each side of a barcode that tells the scanner where the symbology starts and stops.
QuietZone.Bottom? string -
QuietZone.Left? string -
QuietZone.Right? string -
QuietZone.Top? string -
Rotation? string Gets or sets the amount of rotation to use for the barcode. Supported values are value "Rotate90Degress" value "Rotate180Degress" value "Rotate270Degress"
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; Format?: string ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TextAlign?: "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=\({string}\` ; `TextDecoration?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"None"`` \| ``"Underline"`` \| ``"DoubleUnderline"`` \| ``"Overline"`` \| ``"LineThrough"`` \| \`=\)` ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for a Barcode
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Barcode The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Barcode
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Barcode
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of the caption in a Barcode The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for the caption in a Barcode.
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for the caption in a Barcode. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for the caption in a Barcode. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for the caption in a Barcode. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a Barcode caption is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Barcode
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a barcode and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a barcode and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a barcode and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a barcode and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Barcode
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the caption in a Barcode The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a barcode aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a barcode aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a barcode aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a barcode centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a barcode stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for the caption in a Barcode. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Barcode
Symbology? "None" | "Ansi39" | "Ansi39x" | "Aztec" | "BC412" | "Codabar" | "Code_11" | "Code_128_A" | "Code_128_B" | "Code_128_C" | "Code_128auto" | "Code_2_of_5" | "Code_93" | "Code25intlv" | "Code39" | "Code39x" | "Code49" | "Code93x" | "DataMatrix" | "EAN_13" | "EAN_8" | "EAN128FNC1" | "GS1DataMatrix" | "GS1QRCode" | "HIBCCode128" | "HIBCCode39" | "IATA_2_of_5" | "IntelligentMail" | "IntelligentMailPackage" | "ISBN" | "ISMN" | "ISSN" | "ITF14" | "JapanesePostal" | "Matrix_2_of_5" | "MaxiCode" | "MicroPDF417" | "MicroQRCode" | "MSI" | "Pdf417" | "Pharmacode" | "Plessey" | "PostNet" | "PZN" | "QRCode" | "RM4SCC" | "RSS14" | "RSS14Stacked" | "RSS14StackedOmnidirectional" | "RSS14Truncated" | "RSSExpanded" | "RSSExpandedStacked" | "RSSLimited" | "SSCC_18" | "Telepen" | "UCCEAN128" | "UPC_A" | "UPC_E0" | "UPC_E1" Gets or sets a value indicating the Barcode type. Supported values are value "Ansi39" value "Ansi39x" value "Codabar" value "Code_128_A" value "Code_128_B" value "Code_128_C" value "Code_128auto" value "Code_93" value "Code25intlv" value "Code39" value "Code39x" value "Code49" value "Code93x" value "DataMatrix" value "EAN_13" value "EAN_8" value "GS1QRCode" value "ITF14" value "JapanesePostal" value "Pdf417" value "QRCode" value "RSS14" value "RSS14Stacked" value "RSS14StackedOmnidirectional" value "RSS14Truncated" value "RSSLimited" value "UCCEAN128" value "UPC_A" value "UPC_E0" value "UPC_E1"
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Barcode at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Barcode from the top of the barcode's container
Type "barcode" Should be set to "barcode"
Value? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that is displayed for a Barcode
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Barcode is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Barcode
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Barcode


Ƭ BarcodeAztecOptions: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Encoding? string -
ErrorCorrection? number Percentage of "check digits" in barcode body. Typically is between 5% and 95%, default is 33%
Layers? number Barcode layers count. More layers - more data can be encoded. Can be from 1 to 32. 0 is auto. Values from -1 to -4 means 1 to 4 layers with compressed mode.


Ƭ BarcodeCode49Options: Object

Represents options of a Code49 Barcode

Type declaration

Name Type Description
GroupNumber? number Gets or sets a value between 0 and 8 indicating for the Code49 barcode grouping.
Grouping? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use grouping for the Code49 barcode.


Ƭ BarcodeDataMatrixOptions: Object

Represents options of a DataMatrix Barcode

Type declaration

Name Type
Ecc000_140SymbolSize? "Auto" | "Square9" | "Square11" | "Square13" | "Square15" | "Square17" | "Square19" | "Square21" | "Square23" | "Square25" | "Square27" | "Square29" | "Square31" | "Square33" | "Square35" | "Square37" | "Square39" | "Square41" | "Square43" | "Square45" | "Square47" | "Square49"
Ecc200EncodingMode? "Auto" | "Text" | "ASCII" | "C40" | "X12" | "EDIFACT" | "Base256"
Ecc200SymbolSize? "SquareAuto" | "RectangularAuto" | "Square10" | "Square12" | "Square14" | "Square16" | "Square18" | "Square20" | "Square22" | "Square24" | "Square26" | "Square32" | "Square36" | "Square40" | "Square44" | "Square48" | "Square52" | "Square64" | "Square72" | "Square80" | "Square88" | "Square96" | "Square104" | "Square120" | "Square132" | "Square144" | "Rectangular8x18" | "Rectangular8x32" | "Rectangular12x26" | "Rectangular12x36" | "Rectangular16x36" | "Rectangular16x48"
EccMode? "ECC200" | "ECC000" | "ECC050" | "ECC080" | "ECC100" | "ECC140"
Encoding? string
FileIdentifier? number
StructureNumber? number
StructuredAppend? boolean


Ƭ BarcodePdf417Options: Object

Represents options for a Pdf417 Barcode.

Type declaration

Name Type
Columns? number
ErrorCorrectionLevel? "Level0" | "Level1" | "Level2" | "Level3" | "Level4" | "Level5" | "Level6" | "Level7" | "Level8"
Pdf417Type? "Normal" | "Simple"
Rows? number


Ƭ BarcodeQrCodeOptions: Object

Represents options for a QRCodeBarcode.

Type declaration

Name Type
Connection? boolean
ConnectionNumber? number
Encoding? string
ErrorLevel? "L" | "M" | "Q" | "H"
Mask? "Auto" | "Mask000" | "Mask001" | "Mask010" | "Mask011" | "Mask100" | "Mask101" | "Mask110" | "Mask111"
Model? "Model2" | "Model1"
Version? number


Ƭ Body: Object

Represents the structure and layout information for the body of a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Height? string Gets or sets the height of the body of a report in Length units
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets the collection of report items contained in the body of a report
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents appearance information for the body of a report
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of the body of a report The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for the body of a report
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for the body of a report
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for the body of a report
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for the body of a report
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for the body of a report
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for the body of a report


Ƭ BorderStyle: Object

Represents appearance properties for a border for a report item

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Color? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the color of a border value should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the style of a border value "None" indicates that no border is drawn. value "Dotted" indicates a dotted line for a border. value "Dashed" indicates a dashed line for a border. value "Solid" indicates a solid line for a border. value "Double" indicates a double solid line for a border. value "Groove" indicates a 3D grooved border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Ridge" indicates a 3D ridged border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Inset" indicates a 3D inset border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Outset" indicates a 3D outset border. The effect depends on the border color value.
Width? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the width of a border value should be in Length units


Ƭ Bullet: Object

Represents properties for a Bullet chart in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
BestValue? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the upper value of a Bullet chart.
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Bullet chart for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Bullet chart.
Interval? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the interval between tick marks of a Bullet chart.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Bullet chart that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
LabelFontColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of Bullet chart labels. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
LabelFontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for Bullet chart labels.
LabelFontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for Bullet chart labels. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
LabelFontStyle? "Italic" | "Bold" | "Underline" | "Regular" | "Strikeout" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for Bullet chart labels. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
LabelFormat? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a Bullet chart label is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Bullet chart from the left of the chart's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Bullet chart
Orientation? "Horizontal" | "Vertical" Gets or sets a value indicating the orientation of a Bullet chart.
Range1Boundary? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the first range of values in a Bullet chart.
Range2Boundary? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the second range of values in a Bullet chart.
ShowLabels? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether labels of Bullet chart are displayed.
TargetLineColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground of the target value's graphical representation. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
TargetLineWidth? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the border thickness of the target value's graphical representation. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TargetShape? "Line" | "Dot" | "Square" Gets or sets a value indicating the shape of the target value graphical representation.
TargetValue? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the target value of a Bullet chart.
TickMarks? "None" | "Inside" | "Outside" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of tick marks relative to an axis of a Bullet chart.
TicksLineColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground of tick marks of a Bullet chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
TicksLineWidth? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the border thickness of tick marks of a Bullet chart. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Bullet chart at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Bullet chart from the top of the chart's container
Type "bullet" Should be set to "bullet"
Value? string -
ValueColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground of the actual value's graphical representation. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Bullet chart is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Bullet chart.
WorstValue? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the lower value of a Bullet chart.
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Bullet chart


Ƭ Checkbox: Object

Represents properties for a Checkbox in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a CheckBox
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a checkbox for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CheckAlignment? "MiddleLeft" | "TopLeft" | "TopCenter" | "TopRight" | "MiddleCenter" | "MiddleRight" | "BottomLeft" | "BottomCenter" | "BottomRight" Gets or sets a value indicating the checked or unchecked box position relative to the report item bounds.
Checked? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the box displayed along with the text is checked or unchecked
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Checkbox
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a checkbox that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Checkbox from the left of the checkbox's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Checkbox
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TopBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `WrapMode?`: ``"NoWrap"`` \| ``"CharWrap"`` \| ``"WordWrap"`` \| \`=\)` } Represents style information for a Checkbox
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Checkbox
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a textbox
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a textbox
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a Checkbox
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a Checkbox. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a Checkbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a textbox
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a Checkbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a Checkbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a Checkbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a Checkbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a textbox
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a Checkbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a textbox
Style.WrapMode? "NoWrap" | "CharWrap" | "WordWrap" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating how words should break when reaching the end of a line for a Checkbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "NoWrap" indicates that line breaks do not occur value "CharWrap" indicates that line breaks occur at any character value "WordWrap" indicates that line breaks occur at the end of words
StyleName? string -
Text? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the textual the content to be displayed in the checkbox.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a checkbox at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Checkbox from the top of the checkbox's container
Type "checkbox" Should be set to "checkbox"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Checkbox is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Checkbox
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a checkbox


Ƭ ConnectionProperties: Object

Represents information about how to connect to a data source

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ConnectString? string Gets or sets the information necessary to connect to a data source


Ƭ ContentPlaceHolder: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
ConsumeWhiteSpace? boolean
CustomProperties? { Name: string ; Value: string }[]
Height? string
LayerName? string
Left? string
Name string
ReportItems? ReportItem[]
Text? string
Top? string
Type "contentplaceholder"
Width? string
ZIndex? number


Ƭ DVOverlay: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
AggregateType? DVOverlayAggregateType
Axis? "X" | "Y"
BackwardForecastPeriod? number
DetailLevel? "Group" | "Total"
Display? "Front" | "Back"
End? number
Field? string
ForwardForecastPeriod? number
Intercept? number
LegendLabel? string
Name? string
Order? number
OverlayType? DVOverlayType
Period? number
Start? number
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle }
Style.BackgroundColor? string
Style.Border? BorderStyle
Value? string


Ƭ DVOverlayAggregateType: "Median" | "Max" | "Min" | "Average" | "Count" | "Sum" | "Percentile"


Ƭ DVOverlayType: "ReferenceLine" | "ReferenceBand" | "LinearTrendline" | "ExponentialTrendline" | "PowerTrendline" | "LogarithmicTrendline" | "PolynomialTrendline" | "FourierTrendline" | "MovingAverageTrendline" | "CumulativeMovingAverageTrendline" | "ExponentialMovingAverageTrendline" | "WeightedMovingAverageTrendline" | "MovingAnnualTotalTrendline"


Ƭ DataSet: Object

Represents information about a set of data to be used as a part of a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Fields? Field[] Gets or sets a set of fields to include in a DataSet
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a set of filters to apply to each row in a DataSet
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a DataSet
Query? Query Gets or sets the query information that is necessary to retrieve data from a data source


Ƭ DataSetReference: Object

Represent the DataSet to use to obtain a list of values and, optionally, labels for the valid values or the default value of a report parameter

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DataSetName string Gets or sets the name of the DataSet that is being referenced
LabelField? string Gets or sets the name of the field in the referenced DataSet from which values are retrieved to populate the labels of a parameter’s valid values
ValueField string Gets or sets the name of the field in the referenced DataSet from which values are retrieved to populate the values of a parameter’s valid values or default value


Ƭ DataSource: Object

Represents information about a data source

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ConnectionProperties? ConnectionProperties Gets or sets information about how to connect to a data source
Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a data source


Ƭ DefaultValue: Object

Represents the default values for a report parameter

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DataSetReference? DataSetReference Gets or sets the DataSet reference to use to obtain the default value or values for a report parameter
Values? string[] Gets or sets the default values to use for a report parameter


Ƭ DocumentMap: Object

Represents the structure and layout information for a report map

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Levels? ("None" | "Decimal" | "DecimalLeadingZero" | "CircledNumber" | "LowerRoman" | "UpperRoman" | "LowerLatin" | "UpperLatin" | "LowerGreek" | "UpperGreek" | "Katakana" | "KatakanaBrackets" | "KatakanaIrohaBrackets" | "KatakanaIroha" | "KatakanaLower" | "KatakanaIrohaLower" | "LowerArmenian" | "UpperArmenian" | "Georgian")[] Indicates the marker of items for individual hierarchy levels in the report map
NumberingStyle? "None" | "Decimal" | "DecimalLeadingZero" | "CircledNumber" | "LowerRoman" | "UpperRoman" | "LowerLatin" | "UpperLatin" | "LowerGreek" | "UpperGreek" | "Katakana" | "KatakanaBrackets" | "KatakanaIrohaBrackets" | "KatakanaIroha" | "KatakanaLower" | "KatakanaIrohaLower" | "LowerArmenian" | "UpperArmenian" | "Georgian" Gets or sets a value indicating the marker of an item in the report map
Source? "None" | "Labels" | "All" | "Headings" Gets or sets a value indicating which items are included in the report map


Ƭ DvChart: Object

Represents properties for a Chart in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
Bar? { BottomWidth?: number ; NeckHeight?: number ; Overlap?: number ; TopWidth?: number ; Width?: number } Represents the dimensions and form of columns and bars for Bar and Column charts.
Bar.BottomWidth? number Gets or sets a value indicating the size of a bottom or top part if columns or bars are split to two parts using the NeckHeight property.
Bar.NeckHeight? number Gets or sets a value indicating the point that breaks down the containing column or bar into two parts that may have different width or height.
Bar.Overlap? number Gets or sets a value indicating the gap between adjacent columns or bars relative to the containing category's size.
Bar.TopWidth? number Gets or sets a value indicating the size of a top or right part if columns or bars are split to two parts using the NeckHeight property.
Bar.Width? number Gets or sets a value indicating the column width or bar height relative to the size that the plot allocates for the containing category along the horizontal or vertical axis.
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Chart for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CustomPalette? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating the colors for a custom color palette. The array items should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a Chart.
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a Chart
Footer? DvChartHeaderFooter Gets or sets a value indicating the properties for the footer of a Chart.
Header? DvChartHeaderFooter Gets or sets a value indicating the properties for the header of a Chart.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Chart
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Chart that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Chart from the left of the chart's container
Legend? DvChartGlobalLegend Gets or sets a value indicating the properties for the global legend of a Chart.
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Chart
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NoRowsMessage? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text to render instead of the list layout when no rows of data are available for a Chart.
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Chart
Palette? DvChartPalette Gets or sets a value indicating the color palette of a Chart.
PlotArea? DvChartPlotArea Gets or sets a value indicating the properties for the plot area of a Chart.
Plots? DvChartPlot[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of chart plots.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundGradientEndColor?: string ; BackgroundGradientType?: "None" | "LeftRight" | "TopBottom" | "Center" | "DiagonalLeft" | "DiagonalRight" | "HorizontalCenter" | "VerticalCenter" | `=\({string}\` ; `BackgroundImage?`: [`BackgroundImage`](Core.Rdl#backgroundimage) ; `Border?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `BottomBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `Color?`: `string` ; `Direction?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"LTR"`` \| ``"RTL"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; Format?: string ; Language?: string ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TextAlign?: "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=\({string}\` ; `TextDecoration?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"None"`` \| ``"Underline"`` \| ``"DoubleUnderline"`` \| ``"Overline"`` \| ``"LineThrough"`` \| \`=\)` ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle ; VerticalAlign?: "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=\({string}\` ; `WritingMode?`: ``"lr-tb"`` \| ``"tb-rl"`` \| \`=\)` } Represents style information for a Chart
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundGradientEndColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the end color for the background gradient of a Chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundGradientType? "None" | "LeftRight" | "TopBottom" | "Center" | "DiagonalLeft" | "DiagonalRight" | "HorizontalCenter" | "VerticalCenter" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the type of background gradient of a Chart. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no background gradient value "LeftRight" indicates a horizontal background gradient value "TopBottom" indicates a vertical background gradient value "Center" indicates a circular background gradient value "DiagonalLeft" indicates a diagonal gradient that goes from top-left to bottom-right value "DiagonalRight" indicates a diagonal gradient that goes from top-right to bottom-left value "HorizontalCenter" indicates a horizontal gradient that goes out from the center to both the top and the bottom value "VerticalCenter" indicates a vertical gradient that goes out from the center to both the left and the right
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Chart
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Chart
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Chart
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a NoRowsMessage The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a NoRowsMessage is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a NoRowsMessage
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a NoRowsMessage.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Chart
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a Chart and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a Chart and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a Chart and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a Chart and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Chart
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a Chart aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a Chart aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a Chart aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a Chart centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a Chart stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Chart
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a NoRowsMessage is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Chart at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Chart from the top of the chart's container
Type "dvchart" Should be set to "dvchart"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Chart is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Chart
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Chart


Ƭ DvChartAggregate: "None" | "Max" | "Min" | "Average" | "Count" | "CountDistinct" | "CountOfAll" | "List" | "PopulationStandardDeviation" | "PopulationVariance" | "Range" | "StandardDeviation" | "Sum" | "Variance"

Represents the function that reduces many values into a single value.


Ƭ DvChartAggregateEncoding: Object

Represents the properties for an encoding of a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action -
Aggregate? DvChartAggregate Gets or sets a value indicating the aggregate function that applies to the encoding values.
Field? { Captions?: string[] ; Value?: string[] } Represents an encoding value
Field.Captions? string[] -
Field.Value? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of encoding expressions


Ƭ DvChartAxis: Object

Represents properties of an axis of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AxisLine? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis line is displayed.
AxisType? "X" | "Y" Gets or sets a value indicating the type of axis value "X" indicates an axis that handles categorical values value "Y" indicates an axis that handles data values
DateMode? "Default" | "Millisecond" | "Second" | "Minute" | "Hour" | "Day" | "Week" | "Month" | "Year" Gets or sets a value indicating date mode of X axis
Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Height? number -
LabelAngle? number Gets or sets a value from -90 to 90 indicating the labels' rotation in degrees relative to the axis line.
LabelField? string -
LabelRowCount? number Gets or sets a value from 1 to max indicating the X-axis label layout to multi-row.
LabelStyle? DvChartAxisLabelStyle Gets or sets a value indicating visual appearance of labels
Labels? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether axis labels are displayed.
LineStyle? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for an axis line
LineStyle.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the axis line properties.
LogBase? number Gets or sets a value indicating logarithm base for an axis with Logarithmic scale.
MajorGrid? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the major grid lines are displayed.
MajorGridStyle? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for the major grid lines of an axis.
MajorGridStyle.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the major grid lines properties.
MajorTickSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the size of the major ticks. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
MajorTickStyle? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for the major ticks of an axis.
MajorTickStyle.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the major ticks properties.
MajorTicks? "None" | "Inside" | "Outside" | "Cross" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of major ticks relative to the axis line.
MajorUnit? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the interval between major grid lines. The value or the expression result should be a number.
Max? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the lower bound of the range of values that an axis can handle.
MaxHeight? number -
MaxWidth? number -
Min? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the upper bound of the range of values that an axis can handle.
MinorGrid? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the minor grid lines are displayed.
MinorGridStyle? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for the minor grid lines of an axis.
MinorGridStyle.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the minor grid lines properties.
MinorTickSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the size of the minor ticks. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
MinorTickStyle? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for the minor ticks of an axis.
MinorTickStyle.Border? BorderStyle -
MinorTicks? "None" | "Inside" | "Outside" | "Cross" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of minor ticks relative to the axis line.
MinorUnit? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the interval between minor grid lines. The value or the expression result should be a number.
Origin? string Gets or sets a value of an expression indicating an axis's location relative to the orthogonal axis.
OverlappingLabels? "Auto" | "Show" Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of overlapping axis labels. value "Auto" hides some labels to prevent the overlapping value "Show" shows all labels even if the overlapping persists
Plots? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of plots for which an axis provides the coordinate system
Position? "None" | "Near" | "Far" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of an axis relative to the containing plot area.
Reversed? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default direction of a vertical axis should be set to Top-to-Bottom, and the default direction of a horizontal axis should be set to Right-To-Left.
Scale? "Linear" | "Logarithmic" | "Ordinal" | "Percentage" Gets or sets a value indicating the axis type. value "Linear" scale evenly distributes the range of available values along the axis. value "Logarithmic" scale uses the logarithm of values instead of the values themselves. value "Ordinal" applies to non-numerical values which evenly distribute along the axis as per their order. value "Percentage" scale used for Percentage Stacked plots.
Title? string Gets or sets a value of an expression indicating the title of an axis.
TitleStyle? DvChartAxisTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating visual appearance of the title of an axis.
Width? number -


Ƭ DvChartAxisLabelStyle: Object

Represets extended style information for textual elements of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text.
FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` -


Ƭ DvChartAxisTextStyle: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text.
FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
PaddingBottom? string -
PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of text area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough


Ƭ DvChartCategoryEncoding: Object

Represents properties of the categories for a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Field? { Captions?: string[] ; Value?: string[] } Represents categories value.
Field.Captions? string[] -
Field.Value? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of categories expressions
Sort? "None" | "Ascending" | "Descending" Gets or sets a value indicating the sort order of categories appearance.
SortingAggregate? DvChartAggregate Gets or sets a value indicating the aggregate function that applies to the SortingField values.
SortingField? string Gets or sets an expression indicating the order of categories appearance.


Ƭ DvChartDetailEncoding: Object

Represents the properties for category details of a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ExcludeNulls? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the details encoding should exclude null values.
Field? { Captions?: string[] ; Value?: string[] } Represents an encoding value
Field.Captions? string[] -
Field.Value? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of category details expressions
Group? "None" | "Cluster" | "Stack" Gets or sets a value indicating the arrangement of details within the parent category.
Sort? "None" | "Ascending" | "Descending" Gets or sets a value indicating the sort order of details appearance within the parent category.
SortingAggregate? DvChartAggregate Gets or sets a value indicating the aggregate function that applies to the SortingField values.
SortingField? string Gets or sets an expression indicating the order of details appearance within the parent category.


Ƭ DvChartEncodings: Object

Represents the graphical representation of the data for a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Category? DvChartCategoryEncoding Gets or sets a value indicating the categories for a plot of a chart.
Color? DvChartAggregateEncoding Gets or sets a value indicating the color encoding for a plot of a chart.
Details? DvChartDetailEncoding[] Gets or sets a value indicating the category details for a plot of a chart.
Shape? DvChartAggregateEncoding Gets or sets a value indicating the shape encoding for a plot of a chart.
Size? DvChartAggregateEncoding Gets or sets a value indicating the size encoding for a plot of a chart.
Texts? { Aggregate?: DvChartAggregate ; Field?: { Captions?: string[] ; FieldType?: "Simple" ; Value?: string[] } ; Target?: "ToolTip" | "Label" }[] -
Values? DvChartValueAggregateEncoding[] Gets or sets a value indicating the data values for a plot of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartGlobalLegend: Object

Represents the properties for the global legend of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Hidden? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the global legend of a chart is hidden.
Orientation? "Horizontal" | "Vertical" Gets or sets a value indicating the arrangement of labels in the global legend of a chart.
Position? "Left" | "Right" | "Top" | "Bottom" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of the global legend of a chart relative to the sides and corners of the plot area.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string } Represents style information for the global legend of a Chart.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of the global legend in a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the border properties for the global legend of a chart.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of the global legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of the global legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of the global legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of the global legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TextStyle? DvChartTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of labels in the global legend of a chart.
TitleStyle? DvChartTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of the title of the global legend of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartHeaderFooter: Object

Represents properties for the header or footer of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
HAlign? "Center" | "Left" | "Right" Gets or sets a value indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within the header or footer of a chart.
Height? string | number Gets or sets a value in the percentage of the containing chart's height indicating the height of the header of footer of a chart.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string } Represents style information for the header or footer of a chart.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of the header of footer of a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the border properties for the header or footer of a chart.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of the chart's header or footer and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of the chart's header or footer and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of the chart's header or footer and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of the chart's header or footer and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TextStyle? DvChartTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of text within the header or footer of a chart.
Title? string Gets or sets a value of an expression indicating the text displayed in the header or footer of a chart.
VAlign? "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" Gets or sets a value indicating the vertical alignment for the text within the header or footer of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartLegendOption: Object

Represents properties for a Color, Shape or Size Legend of a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Hidden? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a legend of a chart is hidden.
LegendType? "Color" | "Shape" | "Size" Gets or sets a value indicating the type of a legend.
MaxHeight? number Gets or sets a value in percentage relative to the plot area height indicating the maximum height of a legend.
MaxWidth? number Gets or sets a value in percentage relative to the plot area height indicating the maximum width of a legend.
Orientation? "Horizontal" | "Vertical" Gets or sets a value indicating the arrangement of labels in a legend of a chart.
Position? "Left" | "Right" | "Top" | "Bottom" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of a legend of a chart relative to the sides and corners of the plot area.
RangeOptions? { Title?: string ; To?: number }[] Represents custom ranges and titles for a size legend of a Chart.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string } Represents style information for a legend of a Chart.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a legend in a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the border properties for a global legend of a chart.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a legend of a chart and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
TextStyle? DvChartTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of labels in a legend of a chart.
Title? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the title of a legend.
TitleStyle? DvChartTextStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the appearance of the title of a legend of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartPalette: "Light" | "Office" | "Aspect" | "Blue" | "Blue2" | "BlueGreen" | "BlueWarm" | "Cerulan" | "Cocoa" | "Coral" | "Cyborg" | "Dark" | "Darkly" | "Flatly" | "Grayscale" | "Green" | "GreenYellow" | "HighContrast" | "Marquee" | "Median" | "Midnight" | "Modern" | "Office2010" | "Orange" | "OrangeRed" | "Organic" | "Paper" | "Red" | "RedOrange" | "RedViolet" | "Slate" | "Slipstream" | "Standard" | "Superhero" | "Violet" | "Violet2" | "Yellow" | "YellowOrange" | "Zen" | "Custom"

Represents the color paletter of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartPlot: Object

Represents properties for the plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Config? DvChartPlotConfig Gets or sets a value indicating the configuration for a plot of a chart.
Encodings? DvChartEncodings Gets or sets a value indicating the graphical representation of the data for a plot of a chart.
PlotChartSubtype? "Plain" | "Clustered" | "Stacked" Gets or sets a value indicating the sub-type for a plot of a chart.
PlotChartType? "Column" | "Bar" | "Custom" | "Line" | "Area" | "Scatter" | "HighLowOpenClose" | "Candlestick" | "Pie" | "Pyramid" | "Funnel" | "Bubble" | "Gantt" | "HighLowClose" | "PolarColumn" | "PolarBar" | "RadarArea" | "RadarBubble" | "RadarScatter" | "RadarLine" | "RangeArea" | "RangeBar" | "RangeColumn" | "Gauge" Gets or sets a value indicating the type for a plot of a chart.
PlotName? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a plot of a chart.


Ƭ DvChartPlotArea: Object

Represents properties of the plot area of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Axes? DvChartAxis[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of axes within the plot area of a chart.
Legends? DvChartLegendOption[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of legends within the plot area of a chart.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string } Represents style information for the plot area of a chart.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of the plot area of a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the border properties for the plot area a Chart.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of the plot area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of the plot area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of the plot area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of the plot area and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.


Ƭ DvChartPlotConfig: Object

Represents the configuration for a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a plot of a chart.
AxisMode? "Cartesian" | "Radial" | "Polygonal" Gets or sets a value indicating the type of axes for a plot of a chart. value "Radial" is applicable for "Pie", "PolarColumn", "PolarBar" plots. value "Cartesian" is applicable for "Bar", "Line", "Area", "Scatter", "HighLowOpenClose", "Candlestick","Column", "Pyramid", "Funnel", "Bubble", "Gantt", "HighLowClose" plots. value "Polygonal" is applicable for "RadarArea", "RadarBubble", "RadarScatter", "RadarLine" plots.
BarLineStyle? { Color?: string ; Style?: "Default" | "None" | "Dotted" | "Dashed" | "Solid" | "Double" | "DashDot" | "DashDotDot" | "Groove" | "Ridge" | "Inset" | "WindowInset" | "Outset" | `=$` ; Width?: string } -
BarLineStyle.Color? string -
BarLineStyle.Style? "Default" | "None" | "Dotted" | "Dashed" | "Solid" | "Double" | "DashDot" | "DashDotDot" | "Groove" | "Ridge" | "Inset" | "WindowInset" | "Outset" | `=$` -
BarLineStyle.Width? string -
BarLines? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the connecting lines between plot parts that belong to the same category or details.
ClippingMode? "None" | "Clip" | "Fit" Gets or sets a value indicating the manner that the plot area draws a plot that does not fit. value "None" equals to "Fit" value "Clip" indicates that the plot area cuts off a plot on the edge of its right or bottom padding value "Fit" indicates that the plot area should use all the available space to fit a plot
CustomLabels? DvPlotCustomLabel[] -
InnerRadius? number Gets or sets a value in percentage of the outer radius indicating the size of a hole in the center of the disk for "Pie", "PolarColumn", and "PolarBar" plots.
LineAspect? "Default" | "Spline" | "StepCenter" | "StepLeft" | "StepRight" Gets or sets a value indicating the style of the line that connects data points for "Line" and "Area" plots. value "Default" indicates the straight line value "Spline" indicates the bezier curve value "StepCenter" indicates the stepped line value "StepLeft" indicates the stepped line value "StepRight" indicates the stepped line
LineStyle? { Color?: string ; Style?: "Default" | "None" | "Dotted" | "Dashed" | "Solid" | "Double" | "DashDot" | "DashDotDot" | "Groove" | "Ridge" | "Inset" | "WindowInset" | "Outset" | `=$` ; Width?: string } Gets or sets a value indicating the properties of the line connecting data points for "Line" and "Area" plots, or the properties of the border of geometrical shapes for other plots.
LineStyle.Color? string -
LineStyle.Style? "Default" | "None" | "Dotted" | "Dashed" | "Solid" | "Double" | "DashDot" | "DashDotDot" | "Groove" | "Ridge" | "Inset" | "WindowInset" | "Outset" | `=$` -
LineStyle.Width? string -
Offset? number Gets or sets a value in percentage that translates geometrical shapes of a plot.
Opacity? number Gets or sets a value in percentage indicating the opacity of geometrical shapes of a plot.
Overlays? DVOverlay[] -
Pointers? DvPlotPointer[] -
Radial? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a plot has radial shape.
Rules? DvChartRule[] Gets or sets a value indicating the additional rules of plot appearance.
ShowNulls? "Gaps" | "Connected" | "Zeros" Gets or sets a value indicating the arrangement of data points for Null values. value "Gaps" indicates that the plot will prevent connection between a null data point and its previous and next points value "Zero" indicates that null data points will be considered to have 0 value value "Connected" indicates that the plot will connect the previous and the next points of a null point
StartAngle? number Gets or sets a value in arcdegree indicating the rotation of a "Pie", "PolarColumn", or "PolarBar" plot clockwise.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string } Represents the style of geometrical shapes of a plot.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of geometrical shapes of a plot in a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Sweep? number Gets or sets a value in arcdegree from 0 to 360 that determines the arc length occupied by a "Pie", "PolarColumn", or "PolarBar" plot.
SymbolOpacity? number Gets or sets a value in percentage indicating the opacity of symbols in a "Line" or "Area" plot.
SymbolShape? "Auto" | "X" | "Dot" | "Box" | "Diamond" | "Triangle" | "Dash" | "Plus" Gets or sets a value indicating the symbols shape for a "Line" or "Area" plot.
SymbolSize? number Gets or sets a value of symbol size in a "Line" or "Scatter" plot.
SymbolStyle? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle } Represents the style of symbols for a "Line" or "Area" plot.
SymbolStyle.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of the symbols in a "Line" or "Area" plots. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
SymbolStyle.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the border properties for symbols in a "Line" or "Area" plot.
Symbols? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a "Line" or "Area" plot displays symbols.
Text? { ConnectingLine?: { Border?: BorderStyle } ; LinePosition?: "Auto" | "Center" ; Offset?: number ; OverlappingLabels?: "Auto" | "Show" | "Hide" ; Style?: { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` } ; Template?: string ; TextPosition?: "Auto" | "Center" | "Inside" | "Outside" } Represents properties for labels of a plot of a chart.
Text.ConnectingLine? { Border?: BorderStyle } Represents properties of connecting lines between labels and respective parts of a plot.
Text.ConnectingLine.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the line properties for connecting lines.
Text.LinePosition? "Auto" | "Center" Gets or sets a value indicating the starting point of the connecting line relative to the respective part of a plot.
Text.Offset? number Gets or sets a value indicating the offset of labels relative to the respective part of a plot
Text.OverlappingLabels? "Auto" | "Show" | "Hide" Gets or sets a value indicating the handling of overlapping labels. value "Auto" hides some labels to prevent the overlapping value "Show" shows all labels even if the overlapping persists
Text.Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` } Represents the style for labels of a plot of a chart.
Text.Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background for labels of a plot of a chart.
Text.Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the border properties for labels of a plot of a chart.
Text.Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color for labels of a plot of a chart. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Text.Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for labels of a plot of a chart.
Text.Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for labels of a plot of a chart. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Text.Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for labels of a plot of a chart. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Text.Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for labels of a plot of a chart. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Text.Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for labels of a plot of a chart. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Text.Template? string Gets or sets a value indicating the contents of a label.
Text.TextPosition? "Auto" | "Center" | "Inside" | "Outside" Gets or sets a value indicating the position of labels relative to the respective part of a plot
Tooltip? { Template?: string } Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a part of a plot.
Tooltip.Template? string -
UnpivotData? boolean -


Ƭ DvChartRule: Object

Represents the additional rules of plot appearance.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Condition? string Gets or sets an expression that should evaluate to a boolean value indicating whether the rule should be applied.
Name? string -
RuleProperties? { TargetProperty?: "BackgroundColor" | "LineWidth" | "LineStyle" | "LineColor" | "SymbolBackgroundColor" | "SymbolLineColor" | "SymbolLineStyle" | "SymbolLineWidth" | "LabelTemplate" | "TooltipTemplate" ; Value?: string }[] Represents the effect of a rule.


Ƭ DvChartTextStyle: Object

Represets style information for textual elements of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text.
FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough


Ƭ DvChartValueAggregateEncoding: Object

Represents the properties for data values of a plot of a chart.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Aggregate? DvChartAggregate Gets or sets a value indicating the aggregate function that applies to the encoding values.
Field? { FieldType?: "Complex" ; Subfields?: { Caption?: string ; Key?: string ; Value?: string }[] } | { Captions?: string[] ; Value?: string[] } Represents an encoding value


Ƭ DvPlotCustomLabel: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
OffsetX? string
OffsetY? string
Style? { Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `WritingMode?`: ``"lr-tb"`` \| ``"tb-rl"`` \| \`=\)` }
Style.Color? string
Style.FontFamily? string
Style.FontSize? string
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$`
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$`
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$`
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$`
Text? string


Ƭ DvPlotPointer: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
End? string
NeedlePinWidth? string
NeedleWidth? string
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string }
Style.BackgroundColor? string


Ƭ EmbeddedImage: Object

Represent an image that is embedded within a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ImageData? string Gets or sets image data in base64 format for an embedded image
MIMEType? string Get or sets the image format of an embedded image Supported values are "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", and "image/svg+xml"
Name? string Get or sets a unique identifier for an embedded image


Ƭ Field: Object

Represents information about a DataSet field

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DataField? string Gets or sets the name of the field that is returned by the DataSet query
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a field
Value? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that evaluates to a value for this field


Ƭ Filter: Object

Represents a filter to apply to rows of data within a DataSet, a group, or a data region

Type declaration

Name Type Description
FilterExpression string Gets or sets an expression that is evaluated for each instance of a group, or for each row of data that is associated with a DataSet, a group, or a data region. This expression is then compared to the value of the FilterValues element by using the Operator. Failed comparisons result in the row or instance being filtered out of its containing group, dataset, or data region.
FilterValues string[] Gets or sets the values to compare to a FilterExpression
Operator FilterOperator Gets or sets an operator to use to compare the values of FilterExpression and FilterValues


Ƭ FilterOperator: "Between" | "Equal" | "Like" | "NotEqual" | "GreaterThan" | "GreaterThanOrEqual" | "LessThan" | "LessThanOrEqual" | "TopN" | "BottomN" | "TopPercent" | "BottomPercent" | "In"

Represents the opeator to use to compare the values of Filer.FilterExpression and Filter.FilterValues


Ƭ FixedPageSection: Object

Represents the structure and layout information for a page of a fixed layout report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
BottomMargin? string -
Height? string -
LeftMargin? string -
PaperOrientation? "Portrait" | "Landscape" -
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets the collection of report items contained in a fixed page
RightMargin? string -
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents appearance information for a fixed page
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a fixed page The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a fixed page
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a fixed page
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a fixed page
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a fixed page
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a fixed page
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a fixed page
ThrowIfPlaceHoldersEmpty? boolean -
TopMargin? string -
Visibility? Visibility -
Width? string -


Ƭ Grouping: Object

Represents information about data categorization

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DocumentMapLabel? string Gets or sets an expression indicating the text of a link to the instance of grouping in the Report Map
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each instance of a grouping
GroupExpressions? string[] Gets or sets the collection of expressions by which to group the data in a grouping.
Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a grouping
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether each instance of a grouping has its page numbering.
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of page breaks generated by instances of a grouping. value "None" indicates that no page breaks are generated. value "Start" indicates each instance of a grouping inserts the page break before its content value "End" indicates each instance of a grouping inserts the page break after its content value "StartAndEnd" indicates each instance of a grouping inserts the page break before and after its content value "Between" indicates each instance of a grouping starts on a new page
PageBreakDisabled? string Gets or sets an expression that evaluates to a value indicating whether the page break option should be ignored
ParentGroup? string Gets or sets an expression that identifies the parent group in a recursive hierarchy


Ƭ Image: Object

Represents properties for an Image in a Report.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as hyperlinks) that is associated with an Image.
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of an Image for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of an Image
HorizontalAlignment? "Center" | "Left" | "Right" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the actual image within an Image report item. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Left" indicates that an Image aligns the actual image to the left value "Center" indicates that an Image centers the actual image value "Right" indicates that an Image aligns the actual image to the right
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with an Image that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Image from the left of the image's container
MIMEType? string Get or sets the image format of an Image. Supported values are "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png", and "image/svg+xml".
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for an image
Sizing? "Clip" | "Fit" | "AutoSize" | "FitProportional" Gets or sets a value indicating the behavior of an Image if the actual image does not fit within the specified size of the image. value "AutoSize" indicates that the border of the image will grow or shrink to accommodate the dimensions of the actual image. value "Fit" indicates that the actual image is resized to exactly match both the Height and Width dimensions of an Image report item. value "FitProportional" indicates that the actual image is resized to fit within the image dimensions, while preserving the aspect ratio. value "Clip" indicates that the actual image is clipped to fit the dimensions of the image report item.
Source? "External" | "Embedded" | "Database" Gets or sets the type of source for an Image value "External" indicates that the Value property must contain a string constant or an expression that evaluates to the location of an image. value "Embedded" indicates that the Value property must contain a string constant or an expression that evaluates to the name of an embedded image in the report. value "Database" indicates that the Value property contain an expression (such as a field in the database) that evaluates to the binary data for an image.
Style? { Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for an Image.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for an Image
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for an Image
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for an Image
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of an Image and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of an Image and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of an Image and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of an Image and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for an Image
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for an Image
StyleName? string -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over an Image at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Image from the top of the image's container
Type "image" Should be set to "image"
Value? string Gets or sets a value indicating location or the actual data of an image, depending on the value of the Source property.
VerticalAlignment? "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or expression indicating the vertical alignment for the actual image within an Image report item. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned image value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered image alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned image
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether an Image is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of an Image
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of an Image


Ƭ InputField: InputFieldText | InputFieldCheckbox

Represents the input control for fillable PDF forms.


Ƭ InputFieldCheckbox: Object

Represents properties for a checkbox Input Field

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of an Input Field for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CheckSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the size of the check mark for a Checkbox Input Field. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
CheckStyle? "Cross" | "Diamond" | "Square" | "Check" | "Circle" | "Star" Gets or sets a value indicating the style of the check mark for a CheckBox Input Field.
Checked? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether a Checkbox Input Field is initially checked.
FieldName? string Gets or sets the name of a field in the fillable PDF form
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of an Input Field.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with an Input Field that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Input Field from the left of the field's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for an Input Field
Readonly? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a PDF document reader is allowed to modify the field's value.
Required? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a PDF document reader must provide the field's value.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TextAlign?: "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for an Input Field.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a field in the fillable PDF form The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for an Input Field.
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for an Input Field.
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for an Input Field.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for an Input Field.
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that an input field aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that an input field aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that an input field aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that an input field centers the text value "Justify" indicates that an input field stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for an Input Field.
TabIndex? number -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over an Input Field at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Input Field from the top of the field's container
Type "inputfield" Should be set to "inputfield"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether an Input Field is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of an Input Field.
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of an Input Field


Ƭ InputFieldText: Object

Represents properties for a text Input Field

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of an Input Field for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
FieldName? string Gets or sets the name of an Input Field in the fillable PDF form
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of an Input Field.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with an Input Field that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Input Field from the left of the field's container
MaxLength? number Gets or sets a value indicating the maximum allowed length of the field's value.
Multiline? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a multi-line value for a field is accepted.
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for an Input Field
Password? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fillable PDF form displays the field's value as a series of asterisks.
Readonly? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a PDF document reader is allowed to modify the field's value.
Required? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a PDF document reader must provide the field's value.
SpellCheck? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field's value is handled by spell-check.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; Format?: string ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TextAlign?: "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for an Input Field.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a field in the fillable PDF form The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for an Input Field.
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for an Input Field.
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a field in the fillable PDF form.
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value of a field in the fillable PDF form is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for an Input Field.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for an Input Field.
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for text within a field in the fillable PDF form. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that an input field aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that an input field aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that an input field aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that an input field centers the text value "Justify" indicates that an input field stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for an Input Field.
TabIndex? number -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over an Input Field at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Input Field from the top of the field's container
Type "inputfield" Should be set to "inputfield"
Value? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the initial field's value.
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether an Input Field is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of an Input Field.
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of an Input Field


Ƭ Layer: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
DesignerDataFieldVisible? boolean
DesignerLock? boolean
DesignerTransparency? number
DesignerVisible? boolean
Name string
TargetDevice? string


Ƭ Line: Object

Represents properties for a Line in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Line for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
EndPoint? { X?: string ; Y?: string } Represents the end point of a line
EndPoint.X? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of the end point a line from the left of the line's container.
EndPoint.Y? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of the end point a line from the top of the line's container.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Line that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
LineColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that evaluates to the color of a Line The value or the expression result should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
LineStyle? "Default" | "None" | "Dotted" | "Dashed" | "Solid" | "Double" | "DashDot" | "DashDotDot" | "Groove" | "Ridge" | "Inset" | "WindowInset" | "Outset" | `=$` Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the style of a Line value "None" indicates that no border is drawn. value "Dotted" indicates a dotted line for a border. value "Dashed" indicates a dashed line for a border. value "Solid" indicates a solid line for a border. value "Double" indicates a double solid line for a border. value "Groove" indicates a 3D grooved border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Ridge" indicates a 3D ridged border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Inset" indicates a 3D inset border. The effect depends on the border color value. value "Outset" indicates a 3D outset border. The effect depends on the border color value.
LineWidth? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that evaluates to the width of a Line The value or the expression result should be in Length units
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Line
StartPoint? { X?: string ; Y?: string } Represents the start point of a line
StartPoint.X? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of the start point a line from the left of the line's container.
StartPoint.Y? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of the start point of a line from the top of the line's container.
Type "line" Should be set to "line"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Line is hidden
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Line


Ƭ List: Object

Represents properties for a List in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a List
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a List for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
ConsumeWhiteSpace? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether all whitespace in a List should be consumed when contents grow
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a List.
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a List
FixedHeight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed height of a List
FixedWidth? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed width of a List
Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating the expressions by which to group the data in a List
GrowDirection? "Column" | "ColumnReverse" | "Row" | "RowReverse" List layout grow direction
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a List
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a List should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a List that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a List from the left of the list's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a List
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating a List has its page numbering
NoRowsMessage? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text to render instead of the list layout when no rows of data are available for a List.
OverflowName? string Gets or sets a value indicating the name of the overflow place holder for a fixed List layout.
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a List
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of the report items within a List
RowsOrColumnsCount? number Number of rows or columns (depends on the GrowDirection value)
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to sort repeated list regions
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; Direction?: "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontFamily?`: `string` ; `FontSize?`: `string` ; `FontStyle?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Italic"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=\({string}\` ; `Format?`: `string` ; `Language?`: `string` ; `LeftBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `PaddingBottom?`: `string` ; `PaddingLeft?`: `string` ; `PaddingRight?`: `string` ; `PaddingTop?`: `string` ; `RightBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `TextAlign?`: ``"Center"`` \| ``"General"`` \| ``"Left"`` \| ``"Right"`` \| ``"Justify"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TopBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `VerticalAlign?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Top"`` \| ``"Middle"`` \| ``"Bottom"`` \| \`=\)` ; WritingMode?: "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` } Represents style information for a List
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a List The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a List
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a List
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a List
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a NoRowsMessage The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a NoRowsMessage is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a NoRowsMessage
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a NoRowsMessage.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a List
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a List
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a List aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a List aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a List aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a List centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a List stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a List
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a NoRowsMessage is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
StyleName? string -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a List at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a List from the top of the list's container
Type "list" Should be set to "list"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a List is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a List
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a List


Ƭ OverflowPlaceholder: Object

Represents properties for an Overflow Place Holder in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of an Overflow Place Holder.
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Overflow Place Holder from the left of its container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for an Overflow Place Holder
OverflowName? string Gets or sets the name of the OverflowPlaceHolder that should be used in case of more data needs to be arranged. Check the Fixed Page Layout documentation for more information.
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of an Overflow Place Holder from the top of its container
Type "overflowplaceholder" Should be set to "overflowplaceholder"
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of an Overflow Place Holder.


Ƭ Page: Object

Represents the structure and layout information of report pages

Type declaration

Name Type Description
BottomMargin? string Gets or sets the width of the bottom margin of a page in Length units default "1in"
ColumnSpacing? string Gets or sets the spacing between each column for a multi-column rendering of a report in Length units default "0in"
Columns? number Gets or sets the default number of columns used to render a report default 1
LeftMargin? string Gets or sets the width of the left margin of a page in Length units default "1in"
PageHeight? string Gets or sets the height for rendering in Length units default "11in"
PageWidth? string Gets or sets the width for rendering in Length units default "8.5in"
PaperOrientation? "Portrait" | "Landscape" -
RightMargin? string Gets or sets the width of the right margin of a page in Length units default "1in"
TopMargin? string Gets or sets the width of the top margin of a page in Length units default "1in"


Ƭ PageSection: Object

Represents the structure and layout information for the page header or page footer

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Height? string Gets or sets the height of a page section in Length units
PrintOnFirstPage? boolean Get or sets the value indicating whether the page header or page footer is shown on the first rendered page in a report
PrintOnLastPage? boolean Get or sets the value indicating whether the page header or page footer is shown on the last rendered page in a report
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets the collection of report items contained in a page section
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents appearance information for a page section
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets the expression indicating the color of the background of a page section
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a page section
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a page section
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a page section
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a page section
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a page section
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a page section


Ƭ ParameterValue: Object

Represents a value/label pair for a report parameter's valid values

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Label? string Gets or sets the text to use to describe the report parameter value to display in a parameter drop-down at runtime
Value? string Gets or sets the value for a report parameter


Ƭ ParameterValuesOrder: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Condition? "None" | "Value" | "Label"
Direction? "Ascending" | "Descending"


Ƭ PartItem: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Bookmark? string
CustomProperties? { Name: string ; Value: string }[]
DataElementName? string
DataElementOutput? DataElementOutput
FixedHeight? string
FixedWidth? string
Height? string
Label? string
LayerName? string
Left? string
Library? string
Name string
OverflowName? string
Properties? { Name: string ; Value?: string }[]
ReportPart? string
ToolTip? string
Top? string
Type "partitem"
Visibility? Visibility
Width? string
ZIndex? number


Ƭ Query: Object

Represents the information that is necessary to execute and retrieve data for a DataSet

Type declaration

Name Type Description
CommandText? string Gets or sets the query to execute to obtain data for a DataSet
DataSourceName string Gets or sets the name of a data source against which to execute a query


Ƭ Rectangle: Object

Represents properties for a Container in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Container for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
ConsumeWhiteSpace? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether all whitespace in a Container should be consumed when contents grow
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Container
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Container should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Container that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Container from the left of the container's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Rectangle
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
Overflow? "Auto" | "Scroll" | "Clip" | "Grow" Gets or sets a value indicating the container's behavior in case of it's content does not fit in. value "Auto" indicates standard (default) behavior which is "Grow" for report and "Scroll" for dashboard. value "Scroll" indicates that the container's content is clipped and a scrollbar is displayed (supported only in report viewer with dashboard mode active). value "Clip" indicates that the container's content is clipped. value "Grow" indicates that the container's size is increased to fit the content.
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Container
ReportItems? ReportItem[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of report items that are contained within a Container
RoundingRadius? RoundingRadius Gets or sets a value indicating the container's border radius.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for a Container
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Container The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Container
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Container
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Container
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Container
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Container
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Container
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Container at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Container from the top of the container's container
Type "rectangle" Should be set to "rectangle"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Container is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Container
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Container


Ƭ Report: Object

Represents a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Author? string Gets or sets the author of a Report
Body? Body Gets or sets a value indicating properties for the body of report pages.
Classes? { ClassName?: string ; InstanceName?: string }[] -
CodeModules? string[] -
ConsumeContainerWhitespace? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether all whitespace in a report should be consumed when contents grow
DataSets? DataSet[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of data sets of a report.
DataSources? DataSource[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of data sources of a report.
Description? string Gets or sets the description of a Report
DocumentMap? DocumentMap Gets or sets a value indicating properties for the map of a report.
EmbeddedImages? EmbeddedImage[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of embedded images of a report.
EmbeddedStylesheets? Stylesheet[] -
FixedPage? { DataSetName?: string ; Filters?: Filter[] ; Group?: Grouping ; Pages?: FixedPageSection[] ; SortExpressions?: SortExpression[] } Represents properties for a fixed page layout.
FixedPage.DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a fixed page layout.
FixedPage.Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a fixed page layout.
FixedPage.Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating the expressions by which to group the data in a fixed page layout.
FixedPage.Pages? FixedPageSection[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of pages in a fixed page layout.
FixedPage.SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions that are applied to the filtered data of a fixed page layout to order the data.
Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a report.
LayoutOrder? "ZOrder" | "NOrder" Gets or sets the pages order layout ('Z' or 'N').
Libraries? { Name: string ; Path: string }[] -
Name? string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Report
Page? Page Gets or sets a value indicating the structure and layout information of report pages.
PageFooter? PageSection Gets or sets a value indicating properties for the footer of report pages.
PageHeader? PageSection Gets or sets a value indicating properties for the header of report pages.
ReportParameters? ReportParameter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of parameters of a report.
ReportParts? { Description?: string ; DisplayName?: string ; Name: string ; Properties?: { Category?: string ; DefaultValue?: string ; Description?: string ; DisplayName?: string ; Name: string ; PropertyType?: "string" | "boolean" | "length" | "integer" | "float" | "color" | "fontFamily" | "fontSize" | "fontStyle" | "fontWeight" | "textDecoration" | "lineWidth" | "borderStyle" | "lineStyle" }[] ; ReportItemName?: string ; SizeMode?: "Grow" | "Fit" }[] -
ReportSections? ReportSection[] -
StartPageNumber? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of the first page for page numbering of a report.
Stylesheet? { Source?: "Embedded" | "Shared" ; Value?: string } -
Stylesheet.Source? "Embedded" | "Shared" -
Stylesheet.Value? string -
ThemeUri? string Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a report theme
Themes? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of themes available for a report
Version? "9.0.0" -
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of the body of a report.


Ƭ ReportItem: Textbox | Checkbox | List | Table | Tablix | Line | Rectangle | BandedList | Subreport | Shape | TableOfContents | Barcode | DvChart | Image | Bullet | FormattedText | InputFieldText | InputFieldCheckbox | Sparkline | RichtextPara | RichtextHtml | OverflowPlaceholder | PartItem | ContentPlaceHolder

Represents supported Report Item Types


Ƭ ReportItemType: "textbox" | "checkbox" | "list" | "table" | "tablix" | "line" | "rectangle" | "bandedlist" | "subreport" | "shape" | "tableofcontents" | "barcode" | "dvchart" | "image" | "bullet" | "formattedtext" | "inputfield" | "sparkline" | "richtext" | "overflowplaceholder" | "partitem" | "contentplaceholder"

Represents names of supported Report Item Types


Ƭ ReportParameter: Object

Represents information about a parameter to a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AllowBlank? boolean Get or sets a value indicating whether an empty string is allowed as a value for a report parameter
DataType "String" | "Boolean" | "Date" | "DateTime" | "Integer" | "Float" Gets or sets the data type of a report parameter
DefaultValue? DefaultValue Get or sets the default value or values to use for a report parameter if values are not provided by the user
DisplayFormat? string Gets or sets the date and time format
Hidden? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a report parameter is not displayed to the user at runtime
MultiValue? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a report parameter can take a set of values rather than a single value
Multiline? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input control for a report parameter value allows multiple lines
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a report parameter
Nullable? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of a report parameter can be null
Prompt? string Get or sets the text or an [expression] to use when prompting the user to provide the value or values for a report parameter
SelectAllValue? string Gets or sets the text that appears for the "Select All" option for the input of a multi-value report parameter
ValidValues? ValidValues Gets or sets the possible values that can be used for the a report parameter


Ƭ ReportSection: { Body?: Body ; DataElementName?: string ; DataElementOutput?: DataElementOutput ; DisplayName?: string ; Label?: string ; Name: string ; Page?: Page ; PageFooter?: PageSection ; PageHeader?: PageSection ; Type: "Continuous" ; Visibility?: Visibility ; Width?: string } | { DataElementName?: string ; DataElementOutput?: DataElementOutput ; DisplayName?: string ; FixedPage?: { DataElementName?: string ; DataElementOutput?: DataElementOutput ; DataSetName?: string ; Filters?: Filter[] ; Group?: Grouping ; Pages?: FixedPageSection[] ; SortExpressions?: SortExpression[] } ; Label?: string ; Name: string ; Page?: Page ; Type: "FixedPage" ; Visibility?: Visibility ; Width?: string }


Ƭ Richtext: RichtextPara | RichtextHtml


Ƭ RichtextHtml: Object

Represents properties for a RichText in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a RichText for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CanGrow? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of a RichText can increase to match its contents
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a RichText
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a RichText should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a RichText that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a RichText from the left of the richtext's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a RichText
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle ; VerticalAlign?: "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` } Represents style information for a RichText
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a RichText. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a RichText
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a RichText.
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a RichText.
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of text within a RichText. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a RichText.
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text within a RichText. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text within a RichText. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a RichText. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a RichText.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a RichText and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a RichText and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a RichText and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a RichText and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a RichText.
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a RichText.
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within a richtext. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a RichText at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a RichText from the top of the richtext's container
Type "richtext" Should be set to "richtext"
Value? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that is displayed for a RichText.
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a RichText is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a RichText
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a RichText.


Ƭ RoundingRadius: Object

Represents the border radius of a container

Type declaration

Name Type Description
BottomLeft? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the bottom left border radius of a container
BottomRight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the bottom right border radius of a container
Default? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the default border radius of a container
TopLeft? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the top left border radius of a container
TopRight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the top right border radius of a container


Ƭ Shape: Object

Represents properties for a Shape in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Shape for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Shape
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Shape that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Shape from the left of the shape's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Shape
RoundingRadius? RoundingRadius Gets or sets a value indicating the shape's border radius.
ShapeStyle? "Rectangle" | "RoundRect" | "Ellipse" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the shape type. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Rectangle" indicates a rectangular shape value "RoundRect" indicates a rectangular shape with rounded corners value "Ellipse" indicates an ellipse
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for a Shape
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Shape. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Shape
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Shape
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Shape
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Shape
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Shape
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Shape
StyleName? string -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Shape at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Shape from the top of the shape's container
Type "shape" Should be set to "shape"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Shape is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Shape
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Shape


Ƭ SortExpression: Object

Represents an expression used in sorting

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Direction? "Ascending" | "Descending" Gets or sets a value indicating the sort order. value "Ascending" indicates that the data is sorted in ascending order value "Descending" indicates that the data is sorted in descending order default "Ascending"
Value? string Gets or sets an expression that results in a data by which to order


Ƭ Sparkline: Object

Represents properties for a Sparkline

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AccessibleDescription? string -
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Sparkline for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a Sparkline.
FillColor? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the background color of geometrical shapes within a sparkline of "Area", "Columns", "Whiskers", and "Stacked Columns" types. The value or the expression result should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a Sparkline
GradientEndColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the end color for the background gradient of geometrical shapes within a sparkline of "Area", "Columns", "Whiskers", and "Stacked Columns" types. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
GradientStyle? SparklineGradientStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the type of background gradient of geometrical shapes within a sparkline.
Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating expressions by which to group the data in a Sparkline.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Sparkline.
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Sparkline that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Sparkline from the left of the sparkline's container
LineColor? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the line color for a sparkline of "Line" type. The value or the expression result should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
LineWidth? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that evaluates to the line width for a sparkline of "Line" type. The value or the expression result should be in Length units
MarkerColor? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the foreground color of a marker at the last point of a sparkline of "Line" type. The value or the expression result should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
MarkerVisibility? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a marker at the last point of a sparkline of Line type.
MaximumColumnWidth? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the maximum width of columns for a sparkline of "Columns" and "Whiskers" types. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Sparkline
RangeFillColor? string Gets or sets expression that evaluates to the background color of the range within a sparkline. The value or the expression result should be either a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
RangeGradientEndColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the end color for the background gradient of the range within a sparkline. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
RangeGradientStyle? SparklineGradientStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the type of background gradient of the range within a sparkline.
RangeLowerBound? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the lower bound of the range for a sparkline.
RangeUpperBound? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the upper bound of the range for a sparkline.
RangeVisibility? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display a range of values for a sparkline.
SeriesValue? string Gets or sets an expression indicating the range of data values displayed in a sparkline.
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to sort the data in a Sparkline.
SparklineType? "Columns" | "Line" | "Area" | "Whiskers" | "StackedBar" Gets or sets a value indicating the type of a Sparkline.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Sparkline at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Sparkline from the top of the sparkline's container
Type "sparkline" Should be set to "sparkline"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Sparkline is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Sparkline.
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Sparkline


Ƭ SparklineGradientStyle: "None" | "LeftRight" | "TopBottom" | "Center" | "DiagonalLeft" | "DiagonalRight" | "HorizontalCenter" | "VerticalCenter"

Represents the type of background gradient of a Sparkline.


Ƭ StyleProperties: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Angle? string
BackgroundColor? string
BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage
Border? BorderStyle
BottomBorder? BorderStyle
Calendar? "Default" | "Gregorian" | "GregorianArabic" | "GregorianMiddleEastFrench" | "GregorianTransliteratedEnglish" | "GregorianTransliteratedFrench" | "GregorianUSEnglish" | "Hebrew" | "Hijri" | "Japanese" | "Korean" | "Taiwan" | "ThaiBuddhist" | `=$`
CharacterSpacing? string
Color? string
Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$`
DisplayFillCharacters? string
DisplayPageNumber? string
FontFamily? string
FontSize? string
FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$`
FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$`
Format? string
HeadingLevel? string
Language? string
LeadingChar? string
LeftBorder? BorderStyle
LineSpacing? string
MaxLevel? string
MinCondenseRate? string
NumeralLanguage? string
NumeralVariant? string
PaddingBottom? string
PaddingLeft? string
PaddingRight? string
PaddingTop? string
RightBorder? BorderStyle
ShrinkToFit? string
TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$`
TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$`
TextIndent? string
TextJustify? "Auto" | "Distribute" | "DistributeAllLines" | `=$`
TopBorder? BorderStyle
UnicodeBiDi? "Normal" | "Embed" | "BidiOverride" | `=$`
UprightInVerticalText? "None" | "Digits" | "DigitsAndLatinLetters" | `=$`
VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$`


Ƭ Stylesheet: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Name string
Styles StylesheetStyle[]


Ƭ StylesheetStyle: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Name string
Parent? string
Properties? StyleProperties


Ƭ Subreport: Object

Represents properties for a Subreport in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Subreport for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Subreport
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Subreport should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Subreport that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Subreport from the left of the subreport's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Subreport
NoRowsMessage? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text to render instead of the subreport layout when no rows of data are available for a Subreport.
Parameters? { Omit?: string ; ParameterName?: string ; Value?: string }[] Gets or sets a value indicating the parameters to be evaluated and passed to the Subreport.
ReportName? string Gets or sets a value indicating either the location of the report definition to use for the Subreport or the Id to be resolved by the custom resource locator
Style? { Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; Direction?: "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontFamily?`: `string` ; `FontSize?`: `string` ; `FontStyle?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Italic"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=\({string}\` ; `Format?`: `string` ; `Language?`: `string` ; `LeftBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `PaddingBottom?`: `string` ; `PaddingLeft?`: `string` ; `PaddingRight?`: `string` ; `PaddingTop?`: `string` ; `RightBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `TextAlign?`: ``"Center"`` \| ``"General"`` \| ``"Left"`` \| ``"Right"`` \| ``"Justify"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TopBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `VerticalAlign?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Top"`` \| ``"Middle"`` \| ``"Bottom"`` \| \`=\)` ; WritingMode?: "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` } Represents style information for a Subreport
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Subreport
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Subreport
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a NoRowsMessage The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a NoRowsMessage is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a NoRowsMessage
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a NoRowsMessage.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Subreport
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Subreport
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a Subreport aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a Subreport aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a Subreport aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a Subreport centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a Subreport stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Subreport
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a NoRowsMessage is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the TextBox.Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the TextBox.Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Subreport at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Subreport from the top of the subreport's container
Type "subreport" Should be set to "subreport"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Subreport is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Subreport
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Subreport


Ƭ Table: Object

Represents properties for a Table in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Table for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a Table.
Details? TableDetails Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of detail rows for a Table.
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a Table
FixedHeight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed height of a Table
FixedWidth? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed width of a Table
Footer? TableFooter Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of footer rows in a Table.
FrozenColumns? number Get or sets a value indicating how many columns should remain visible while scrolling a wide table in the report viewer that operates in Galley mode
FrozenRows? number Get or sets a value indicating how many rows should remain visible while scrolling a long table in the report viewer that operates in Galley mode
Header? TableHeader Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of header rows in a Table.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Table
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Table should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Table that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Table from the left of the table's container
MaxDetailsPerPage? string -
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a table
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating a Table has its page numbering
NoRowsMessage? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text to render instead of the list layout when no rows of data are available for a Table.
OverflowName? string Gets or sets a value indicating the name of the overflow place holder for a fixed Table layout
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Table
PreventOrphanedFooter? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely table footer should be prevented.
PreventOrphanedHeader? boolean -
RepeatBlankRows? "None" | "FillPage" | "FillGroup" -
RepeatToFill? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a fixed table layout should fill the unused space with empty table rows
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to sort repeated table rows
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; Direction?: "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontFamily?`: `string` ; `FontSize?`: `string` ; `FontStyle?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Italic"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=\({string}\` ; `Format?`: `string` ; `Language?`: `string` ; `LeftBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `PaddingBottom?`: `string` ; `PaddingLeft?`: `string` ; `PaddingRight?`: `string` ; `PaddingTop?`: `string` ; `RightBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `TextAlign?`: ``"Center"`` \| ``"General"`` \| ``"Left"`` \| ``"Right"`` \| ``"Justify"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TopBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `VerticalAlign?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Top"`` \| ``"Middle"`` \| ``"Bottom"`` \| \`=\)` ; WritingMode?: "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` } Represents style information for a Table
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Table The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Table
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Table
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Table
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a NoRowsMessage The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a NoRowsMessage is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a NoRowsMessage
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a NoRowsMessage.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Table
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a Table and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Table
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a Table aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a Table aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a Table aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a Table centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a Table stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Table
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a NoRowsMessage is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the TextBox.Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the TextBox.Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
StyleName? string -
TableColumns? TableColumn[] Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of columns in a Table.
TableGroups? TableGroup[] Gets or sets a value indicating the collection of table groups consisting of group expressions, group headers, and group footers for a table.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Table at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Table from the top of the table's container
Type "table" Should be set to "table"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Table is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Table
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Table


Ƭ TableCell: Object

Represents the contents of a cell in a Table.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ColSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of columns that the cell spans.
Item ReportItem Gets or sets a value indicating a report item that is contained within a cell of a Table
RowSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of rows that the cell spans.


Ƭ TableColumn: Object

Represents a column in a Table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
AutoWidth? "None" | "Proportional" -
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of a column in a Table
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a column


Ƭ TableDetails: Object

Represents the details rows for a Table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating the expressions by which to group the detail data in a Table.
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to sort detail data in a Table
TableRows? TableRow[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of the details rows for a Table
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of the detail rows in a Table.


Ƭ TableFooter: Object

Represents the footer rows for a Table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
PrintAtBottom? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a table footer always prints at the bottom of the page
RepeatOnNewPage? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether rendered footer rows are repeated on every Page where the header’s parent Table is rendered
TableRows? TableRow[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of the footer rows for a Table


Ƭ TableGroup: Object

Represents a group in a Table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Footer? TableFooter Gets or sets a value indicating a footer for a TableGroup.
Group? Grouping Gets or sets a value indicating expressions by which to group the data in a TableGroup.
Header? TableHeader Gets or sets a value indicating a header for a TableGroup.
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a TableGroup should be kept together on one Page if possible
PreventOrphanedFooter? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a lonely TableGroup footer should be prevented.
PreventOrphanedHeader? boolean -
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions by which to the data in a TableGroup
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of a TableGroup.


Ƭ TableHeader: Object

Represents the header rows for a Table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
RepeatOnNewPage? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether rendered header rows are repeated on every Page where the header’s parent Table is rendered
TableRows? TableRow[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of the header rows for a Table


Ƭ TableOfContents: Object

Represents properties for a Table of Contents in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Table of Contents for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Table of Contents from the left of its container
Levels? TableOfContentsLevel[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of levels in the hierarchy of a Table of Contents
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Table of Contents
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Table of Contents
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; LeftBorder?: BorderStyle ; MaxLevel?: string ; RightBorder?: BorderStyle ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle } Represents style information for a Table of Contents
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Table of Contents The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Table of Contents
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Table of Contents
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Table of Contents
Style.MaxLevel? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the allowed depth of the levels hierarchy of a Table of Contents
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Table of Contents
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Table of Contents
StyleName? string -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Table of Contents at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Table of Contents from the top of its container
Type "tableofcontents" Should be set to "tableofcontents"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Table of Contents is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Table of Contents
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Table of Contents


Ƭ TableOfContentsLevel: Object

Represents a level of the hierarchy in a Table of Contents

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DisplayFillCharacters? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a level should fill space between the text and the page number
DisplayPageNumber? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a level should display the page number
LevelName? string Gets or sets a value indicating a unique identifier for a level in a Table of Contents.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontWeight?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Lighter"`` \| ``"Thin"`` \| ``"ExtraLight"`` \| ``"Light"`` \| ``"Medium"`` \| ``"SemiBold"`` \| ``"Bold"`` \| ``"ExtraBold"`` \| ``"Heavy"`` \| ``"Bolder"`` \| \`=\)` ; LeadingChar?: string ; PaddingBottom?: string ; PaddingLeft?: string ; PaddingRight?: string ; PaddingTop?: string ; TextAlign?: "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=\({string}\` ; `TextDecoration?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"None"`` \| ``"Underline"`` \| ``"DoubleUnderline"`` \| ``"Overline"`` \| ``"LineThrough"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextIndent?: string } Represents style information for a level in a Table of Contents
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a the text within a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within within a level in a Table of Contents.
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for textwithin within a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text within a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.LeadingChar? string Gets or sets a value indicating the character that should be used to fill the space between the text and the page number.
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a Table of Contents and a level's text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a Table of Contents and a level's text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a Table of Contents and a level's text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a Table of Contents and a level's text. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a Level aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a Level aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a Level aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a Level centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a Level stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a level in a Table of Contents. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TextIndent? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the indetation of a level text.
StyleName? string -


Ƭ TableRow: Object

Represents a row of cells in a table

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a TableRow
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a row
TableCells? TableCell[] Gets or sets a value indicating the contents of a row in a Table.
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating the presence of a row in a Table.


Ƭ Tablix: Object

Represents properties for a Tablix in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Body? TablixBody Gets or sets a value indicating the body of a Tablix.
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a Tablix for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
ColumnHierarchy? TablixHierarchy Gets or sets a value indicating the column hierarchy of a Tablix.
Corner? TablixCornerRow[] Gets or sets a value indicating the corner of a Tablix.
DataSetName? string Gets or sets the name of the dataset to use to bind data to a Tablix.
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters to be applied to the data for each row of a Tablix
FixedHeight? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed height of a Tablix
FixedWidth? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the fixed width of a Tablix
FrozenColumns? number Get or sets a value indicating how many columns should remain visible while scrolling a wide table in the report viewer that operates in Galley mode
FrozenRows? number Get or sets a value indicating how many rows should remain visible while scrolling a long tablix in the report viewer that operates in Galley mode
GroupsBeforeRowHeaders? number Gets or sets a value indicating the count of dynamic member columns of the first Tablix column group to render before the tablix row header.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Tablix
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Tablix should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Tablix that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
LayoutDirection? "LTR" | "RTL" Gets or sets a value indicating the layout direction of Tablix columns. value "LTR" indicates that Tablix columns are rendered starting at the left and progressing to the right. value "RTL" indicates that Tablix columns are rendered starting at the right and progressing to the left.
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Tablix from the left of the tablix's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Tablix
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating a Tablix has its page numbering
NoRowsMessage? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text to render instead of the tablix layout when no rows of data are available for a Tablix.
OverflowName? string Gets or sets a value indicating the name of the overflow place holder for a fixed Tablix layout.
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Tablix
RepeatColumnHeaders? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether tablix column headers are repeated on each page where the column traverses a page break.
RepeatRowHeaders? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether Tablix row headers are repeated on each page where the row traverses a page break.
RowHierarchy? TablixHierarchy Gets or sets a value indicating the row hierarchy of a Tablix.
SortExpressions? SortExpression[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions that are applied to the filtered data of a Tablix to order the data.
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; Color?: string ; Direction?: "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontFamily?`: `string` ; `FontSize?`: `string` ; `FontStyle?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Italic"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=\({string}\` ; `Format?`: `string` ; `Language?`: `string` ; `LeftBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `PaddingBottom?`: `string` ; `PaddingLeft?`: `string` ; `PaddingRight?`: `string` ; `PaddingTop?`: `string` ; `RightBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `TextAlign?`: ``"Center"`` \| ``"General"`` \| ``"Left"`` \| ``"Right"`` \| ``"Justify"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TopBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `VerticalAlign?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Top"`` \| ``"Middle"`` \| ``"Bottom"`` \| \`=\)` ; WritingMode?: "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` } Represents style information for a Tablix
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Tablix The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Tablix
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a Tablix
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a Tablix
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a NoRowsMessage The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a NoRowsMessage is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a NoRowsMessage
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a Checkbox The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a NoRowsMessage is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a NoRowsMessage.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a Tablix
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a List and a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a Tablix
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a Tablix aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a Tablix aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a Tablix aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a Tablix centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a Tablix stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a Tablix
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within NoRowsMessage. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a NoRowsMessage is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the TextBox.Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the TextBox.Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
StyleName? string -
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a Tablix at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Tablix from the top of the tablix's container
Type "tablix" Should be set to "tablix"
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Tablix is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Tablix
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a Tablix


Ƭ TablixBody: Object

Represents the rows and columns of a Tablix.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Columns? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating the widths of the columns of the body of a Tablix. The widths should be specified in Length units
Rows? TablixBodyRow[] Gets or sets a value indicating the rows of the body of a Tablix.


Ƭ TablixBodyCell: Object

Represents the content of a cell in the TablixBody.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ColSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of columns that the cell spans.
Item? ReportItem Gets or sets a value indicating a report item that is contained within a cell of a TablixBody.
RowSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of rows that the cell spans.


Ƭ TablixBodyRow: Object

Represents a collection of cells that form the TablixBody.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Cells? TablixBodyCell[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of cells of a row in the body of a Tablix.
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a row in a Tablix


Ƭ TablixCornerCell: Object

Represents the content of a cell in the TablixCorner.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
ColSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of columns that the cell spans.
Item? ReportItem Gets or sets a value indicating a report item that is contained within a cell of a TablixCorner.
RowSpan? number Gets or sets a value indicating the number of rows that the cell spans.


Ƭ TablixCornerRow: TablixCornerCell[]

Represents a row in a TablixCorner


Ƭ TablixGrouping: Object

Represents expressions by which to categorize data and properties of the resulting data categorization in a Tablix

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DocumentMapLabel? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a Tablix Group instance that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Filters? Filter[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of filters for a Tablix Group.
GroupExpressions? string[] Gets or sets a value indicating a collection of expressions of a Tablix Group.
Name? string Gets or sets a value indicating a unique identifier for a TablixGrouping.
NewPage? "Next" | "Odd" | "Even" -
NewSection? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating a Tablix Member has its page numbering
PageBreak? "None" | "Start" | "End" | "StartAndEnd" | "Between" Gets or sets a value indicating the location of a page breaks generated by a Tablix Group.
PageBreakDisabled? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the generated page break should be disabled. The value or the expression result should be either "true" or "false"
ParentGroup? string Gets or sets a value indicating an Id of a parent group
PrintFooterAtBottom? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether a group footer always prints at the bottom of the page


Ƭ TablixHeader: Object

Represents contents in a tablix column group area or row group area.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Item? ReportItem Gets or sets a value indicating a report item that is contained within a TablixHeader


Ƭ TablixHierarchy: Object

Represents the hierarchy of TablixMembers for a Tablix.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Members? TablixMember[] Gets or sets a value indicating members of a TablixHierarchy.


Ƭ TablixMember: { BodyCount?: number ; BodyIndex?: number ; Group?: TablixGrouping ; Header?: TablixHeader ; KeepTogether?: boolean ; KeepWithGroup?: "None" | "Before" | "After" ; RepeatOnNewPage?: boolean ; SortExpressions?: SortExpression[] ; Visibility?: Visibility } & { Children?: TablixMember[] }

Represents the structure of an item in a Tablix hierarchy.


Ƭ TextRunImage: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Action? Action
Height? string
Label? string
MIMEType? string
Source? "External" | "Embedded" | "Database"
ToolTip? string
Type "image"
Value? string
Width? string


Ƭ TextRunText: Object

Type declaration

Name Type
Action? Action
Label? string
Style? { BackgroundColor?: string ; Color?: string ; FontFamily?: string ; FontSize?: string ; FontStyle?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" ; LineSpacing?: string ; Subscript?: string ; Superscript?: string ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" }
Style.BackgroundColor? string
Style.Color? string
Style.FontFamily? string
Style.FontSize? string
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic"
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder"
Style.LineSpacing? string
Style.Subscript? string
Style.Superscript? string
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough"
StyleName? string
ToolTip? string
Type "text"
Value? string


Ƭ Textbox: Object

Represents properties for a Textbox in a report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Action? Action Gets or sets an action (such as a hyperlink) associated with a Textbox
Bookmark? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the Id of a textbox for a Jump To Bookmark interactivity action.
CanGrow? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of a Textbox can increase to accommodate its contents
CanShrink? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the height of a Textbox can decrease to match its contents
Height? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the height of a Textbox
KeepTogether? boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entire contents of a Textbox should be kept together on one Page if possible
Label? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text associated with a textbox that appears in the Report Map and Table of Contents
Left? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Textbox from the left of the text box's container
Name string Gets or sets a unique identifier for a Textbox
Style? { Angle?: string ; BackgroundColor?: string ; BackgroundImage?: BackgroundImage ; Border?: BorderStyle ; BottomBorder?: BorderStyle ; CharacterSpacing?: string ; Color?: string ; Direction?: "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=\({string}\` ; `FontFamily?`: `string` ; `FontSize?`: `string` ; `FontStyle?`: ``"Default"`` \| ``"Normal"`` \| ``"Italic"`` \| \`=\)` ; FontWeight?: "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=\({string}\` ; `Format?`: `string` ; `HeadingLevel?`: `string` ; `Language?`: `string` ; `LeftBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `LineSpacing?`: `string` ; `MinCondenseRate?`: `string` ; `PaddingBottom?`: `string` ; `PaddingLeft?`: `string` ; `PaddingRight?`: `string` ; `PaddingTop?`: `string` ; `RightBorder?`: [`BorderStyle`](Core.Rdl#borderstyle) ; `ShrinkToFit?`: `string` ; `TextAlign?`: ``"Center"`` \| ``"General"`` \| ``"Left"`` \| ``"Right"`` \| ``"Justify"`` \| \`=\)` ; TextDecoration?: "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=\({string}\` ; `TextJustify?`: ``"Auto"`` \| ``"Distribute"`` \| ``"DistributeAllLines"`` \| \`=\)` ; TopBorder?: BorderStyle ; VerticalAlign?: "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=\({string}\` ; `WrapMode?`: ``"NoWrap"`` \| ``"CharWrap"`` \| ``"WordWrap"`` \| \`=\)` ; WritingMode?: "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` } Represents style information for a Textbox
Style.Angle? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text rotation in degrees relative to the text baseline. The value or the expression result should be a number.
Style.BackgroundColor? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the color of the background of a Textbox The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.BackgroundImage? BackgroundImage Gets or sets the background image properties for a Textbox
Style.Border? BorderStyle Gets or sets the default border properties for a textbox
Style.BottomBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the bottom border properties for a fixed page
Style.CharacterSpacing? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the space between characters of text for a textbox. The value or the expression result should be in Length units
Style.Color? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the foreground color of a textbox The value or the expression result should be a cross-browser color name or to a hexadecimal color code, such as #face0d.
Style.Direction? "Default" | "LTR" | "RTL" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether text within a textbox is written left-to-right or right-to-left. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "LTR" indicates that text is written left-to-right. value "RTL" indicates that the text is written right-to-left.
Style.FontFamily? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the name of the font family for text within a textbox
Style.FontSize? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font size for text in a textbox. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.FontStyle? "Default" | "Normal" | "Italic" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the font style for text in a textbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Normal" indicates that the font is not italicized. value "Italic" indicates that that the font is italicized.
Style.FontWeight? "Default" | "Normal" | "Lighter" | "Thin" | "ExtraLight" | "Light" | "Medium" | "SemiBold" | "Bold" | "ExtraBold" | "Heavy" | "Bolder" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the thickness of font for text within a textbox The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Thin" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 100 value "ExtraLight" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 200 value "Light" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 300 value "Normal" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 400 value "Medium" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 500 value "SemiBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 600 value "Bold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 700 value "ExtraBold" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 800 value "Heavy" indicates a font thickness that matches CSS font weight 900
Style.Format? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating a formatting code that is used when the numeric value in a Textbox is formatted. Supported formats are - Standard Numeric Format Strings - Custom Numeric Format Strings - Standard Date and Time Format Strings - Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Style.HeadingLevel? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the position of a textbox content in the Table of Contents hierarchy. The value or the expression result should be a number.
Style.Language? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the default language to use for dates and number formatting within a textbox.
Style.LeftBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the left border properties for a fixed page
Style.LineSpacing? string Gets or sets a value or an expression determining the height of a line of text for a textbox. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.MinCondenseRate? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the lower bound for the ratio of the decreased font size to the original one. The value or the expression result should be a percentage value, such as "50%"
Style.PaddingBottom? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the bottom edge of a textbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingLeft? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the left edge of a textbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingRight? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the right edge of a textbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.PaddingTop? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the padding between the top edge of a textbox and its contents. The value or the expression result should be in Length units.
Style.RightBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the right border properties for a fixed page
Style.ShrinkToFit? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether a textbox can decrease the font size of its content to fit it into the report item's size
Style.TextAlign? "Center" | "General" | "Left" | "Right" | "Justify" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the horizontal alignment for the text within a textbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "General" indicates that a textbox aligns numbers and dates to the right and everything else to the left value "Left" indicates that a textbox aligns the text to the left value "Right" indicates that a textbox aligns the text to the right value "Center" indicates that a textbox centers the text value "Justify" indicates that a textbox stretches the multiline text so that each line has equal width
Style.TextDecoration? "Default" | "None" | "Underline" | "DoubleUnderline" | "Overline" | "LineThrough" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating text formatting for text in a TextBox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "None" indicates that there is no text formatting value "Underline" indicates that the text is underlined value "Overline" indicates that the text has an overline value "LineThrough" indicates that the text has a strikethrough
Style.TextJustify? "Auto" | "Distribute" | "DistributeAllLines" | `=$` Gets or sets a value indicating text arrangement for a textbox that has TextAlign set to "Justify" value "Auto" indicates that a textbox changes the space between words, except for the last line value "Distribute" is the same as "Auto" value "DistributeAllLines" indicates that a textbox changes the space between words for all lines
Style.TopBorder? BorderStyle Gets or sets the top border properties for a fixed page
Style.VerticalAlign? "Default" | "Top" | "Middle" | "Bottom" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the vertical alignment for the text within a textbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "Top" indicates top-aligned text value "Middle" indicates vertically-centered text alignment value "Bottom" indicates bottom-aligned text
Style.WrapMode? "NoWrap" | "CharWrap" | "WordWrap" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating how words should break when reaching the end of a line for a textbox. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "NoWrap" indicates that line breaks do not occur value "CharWrap" indicates that line breaks occur at any character value "WordWrap" indicates that line breaks occur at the end of words
Style.WritingMode? "lr-tb" | "tb-rl" | `=$` Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating whether the textual content within a textbox is laid out horizontally or vertically as well as the direction in which text moves. The value or the expression result should be one of the following. value "lr-tb" indicates that if the TextBox.Direction is "LTR", textual content flows horizontally from left to right. For RTL direction, content moves horizontally from right to left. The following horizontal line resides below the previous line. value "tb-rl" indicates that id if the TextBox.Direction is LTR, textual content flows vertically from top to bottom, and the following vertical line resides to the left of the previous line. For RTL direction, content flows vertically from bottom to top, and the following vertical line resides to the right of the previous line.
StyleName? string -
ToggleImage? { InitialState: string } Represents the initial state (+/-) of a toggle image if it is displayed as part of a Textbox
ToggleImage.InitialState string Gets or sets a value or an expression initial state of a toggle image. If the value or expression result is true, then the toggle image is interpreted as expanded and displays a minus sign. If the value or expression result is false, then the toggle image is interpreted as collapsed and displays a plus sign.
ToolTip? string Gets or sets a value or an expression indicating the text displayed when a report reader hovers over a textbox at preview time
Top? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the distance of a Textbox from the top of the text box's container
Type "textbox" Should be set to "textbox"
UserSort? UserSort Gets or sets an end-user sort configuration that is displayed as part of a Textbox within the UI.
Value? string Gets or sets a value or an expression that is displayed for a Textbox
Visibility? Visibility Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Textbox is hidden
Width? string Gets or sets a value in Length units indicating the width of a Textbox
ZIndex? number Gets or sets a value indicating the stack order of a textbox


Ƭ UserSort: Object

Represents information about an end-user sort control that is displayed as part of a Textbox in a rendering of a Report

Type declaration

Name Type Description
SortExpression string Gets or sets an expression on which to sort
SortExpressionScope? string Gets or sets the name of the scope (data region or Group) in which to evaluate the SortExpression.
SortTarget? string Gets or sets the name of a data region, Group, or DataSet to which to apply the sort


Ƭ ValidValues: Object

Represents possible values for a report parameter and for populating UI selection lists for users to select a parameter value

Type declaration

Name Type Description
DataSetReference? DataSetReference Gets or sets the fields from a dataset to use to obtain a list of values and, optionally, labels for use in value validation and for populating the UI for the report parameter
OrderBy? ParameterValuesOrder Get or set the order of values ​​or labels to use when validating values ​​and to populate the user interface for a report parameter.
ParameterValues? ParameterValue[] Get or sets the list of values and, optionally, labels for use in value validation and for populating the UI for the report parameter


Ƭ Visibility: Object

Represents properties to determine whether a report item is displayed in a rendered report.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
Hidden? string Gets or sets an expression indicating whether a report item is initially hidden
ToggleItem? string Gets or sets the name of a Textbox that is used to hide or unhide the containing report item