
Following are the breaking changes for Table.

On removing TableView from SheetView, data of TableView is also cleared When a table does not belong to SheetView, there is no business logic to keep the data of the TableView. Therefore, TableView is cleared on removing TableView from SheetView.

Shifting of Row/Column formula

Now row/column formula will not shift due to data shifting in range that intersects with row/column formula. The range that is shifted will have their formula converted to value and then shift.
Set formula to header cell

User can input formula to the header cell of table. Spread will change the entered formula to the corresponding text.

Can't create table that overlaps with row filter An exception is thrown to stop table creation if the table being created overlaps with the existing row filter.
Table can not be set to a non-existent table style name A Table can not be set to a non-existent table style name, other than the predefined ones.
Modified default TableColumn names on adding columns Now on adding columns in a table, the columns are named according to the preceding column name. For example, if four columns are added between Column3 and Column4, then the name of these columns will be Column32, Column33, Column34, and Column35.
Changed color of Built-in table style Now the color of the built-in table style is more precise, similar to Excel.

Show/Hide header row resets Table filter

Following the behavior of Excel, when current header row of a Table is hidden, the state of Table Filter is reset, and SheetView clears all data at the row index of the header row.
TableStyle.PropertyChanged TableStyle.PropertyChanged event is an obsolete in Spread for WinForms 11.
Styles on adjacent cells in a table are extended  On adding rows/columns, styles applied on the adjacent cells are extended.
Changed events are fired on moving table column/row Moving table column/row is a series of action. In Spread for WinForms 10, only one event was fired on moving table row/column, which was not clear enough. In Spread for WinForms 11, every action of table fires one event which reflects the correct series of actions.
Table filter state is retained In Spread for WinForms 10, sheet filter was not stored. Hence, there was no way to clear the filter. This was resolved using SaveAsFiltered flag. In Spread for WinForms 11, with the introduction of Table feature, table’s filter state is stored irrespective of save flag.
Table is moved when calling SheetView.MoveRange with dataOnly=true

In Spread for WinForms 10, when SheetView.MoveRange was called with dataOnly=true, only the values and formulas in the table used to move. In Spread for WinForms 11, using the same command, along with value and formulas,  table is also moved.

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