| Class | Description |
| AutoGeneratingListColumnEventArgs | Provides data for the GcListBox.AutoGeneratingColumn event. |
| BlackoutDatesCollection | Represents a collection of non-selectable dates in a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalendar. |
| BooleanToDoubleConverter | Represents the BooleanToDoubleConverter class, which converts System.Boolean values to and from System.Double values. |
| ButtonEditElement | Represents a edit element that displays a button-like user interface (UI) which can be used in the GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.GcSpreadSheet control. |
| CalculatorButton | Represents the CalculatorButton class.Represents a CalculatorButton control for an operation in GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalculator. |
| CalendarButton | Represents a CalendarButton control for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.CalendarInfo presentation. It represents a month when GcDropDownCalendar.DisplayMode property is GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.CalendarMode.Year; represents a year when GcDropDownCalendar.DisplayMode property is GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.CalendarMode.Decade. |
| CalendarCommands | Provides a set of GcDropDownCalendar operations related commands. |
| CalendarDateEventArgs | Provides data for the GcDropDownCalendar.FocusedDateChanged event. |
| CalendarDateRange | Represents a range of dates in a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalendar. |
| CalendarDayButton | Represents a CalendarDayButton control for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.DayInfo presentation. It represents a day when GcDropDownCalendar.DisplayMode property is GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.CalendarMode.Month. |
| CalendarDayButtonStyleSelector | Represents the CalendarDayButtonStyleSelector class, which allow user to set simple style for CalendarDayButton according to some conditions. |
| CalendarHeaderButton | Represents the CalendarHeaderButton class. |
| CalendarInfo | Represents a CalendarInfo contains the advanced information for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.CalendarButton presentation. |
| CalendarItem | Represents a CalendarItem control which currently displays a month, a year or a decade on a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalendar. |
| CalendarModeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for GcDropDownCalendar.DisplayModeChanged event. |
| ClickDateEventArgs | Provides the data for the GcDropDownCalendar.ClickDate event and the GcDropDownCalendar.DoubleClickDate event. |
| ComboDropDownWindow | Indicates the dropdown window for the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcComboBox. |
| ConditionCollection | Represents collection of the SelectorCondition. |
| ControlBase | Represents the base class for all controls. |
| ControlNavigationCommands | Provides a set of System.Windows.Controls.Control related navigation commands. |
| ControlValidator | Represents the base class to validate and do the operation according to validation result. |
| ControlValidatorCollection | Represents a collection of ControlValidator. |
| ControlValidatorSet | Represents a ControlValidatorSet which contains a set of ControlValidator. |
| ControlValidatorSetTypeConverter | Provides a type converter to convert string objects to ControlValidatorSet objects. |
| DateADDisplayField | Represents DateADDisplayField class which displays the A.D. name when GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime is not active. |
| DateAmPmDisplayField | Represents DateAmPmDisplayField class which displays AM/PM string based on the value of GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateAmPmField | Represents DateAmPmField class which displays AM/PM string based on the value of GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateDayDisplayField | Represents the DateDayDisplayField class which displays the day part of GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateDayField | Represents the DateDayField class which displays the day part of GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateDisplayField | Abstract class that defines the base function for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime display field. |
| DateDisplayFieldCollection | Represents a collection of DateDisplayField. |
| DateDisplayFieldsBuilder | Represents a builder to build some specify GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateDisplayField by a format. The type is abstract and user can just use its static method. |
| DateDisplayFieldSet | Represents a DateDisplayFieldCollection wrapper that can be used as a dependency property. |
| DateDisplayFieldSetTypeConverter | Provides a type converter to convert string objects to DateDisplayFieldSet object. |
| DateEraDisplayField | Represents DateEraDisplayField class which shows the era for GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateEraField | Represents DateEraField class which displays era for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateEraYearDisplayField | Represents DateEraYearDisplayField class which displays Japanese era year for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateEraYearField | Represents DateEraYearField class which displays era year for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateField | Abstract class that represents DateField class which is the base class of fields for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateFieldCollection | Represents a collection for DateField. |
| DateFieldsBuilder | Abstract class that represents a builder to build some specify GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateField by a format. |
| DateFieldSet | Represents a DateFieldCollection wrapper that can be used as a dependency property. |
| DateFieldSetTypeConverter | Provides a type converter to convert string objects to DateFieldSet object. |
| DateFormatConverter | Represents a converter that converts a date time convertible value to a string based on the pattern. |
| DateHourDisplayField | Represents DateHourDisplayField class which displays hour for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime control when it is not active. |
| DateHourField | Represents DateHourField class which displays hour for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime control. |
| DateInputDisplayField | Represents a batch of DateDisplayField which would be affected by GcDateTime's value. |
| DateInputField | Represents DateInputField class to define editable fields for GcDateTime. |
| DateLiteralDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateLiteralDisplayField class which displays literals for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateLiteralField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateLiteralField class which displays literals for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateMinuteDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateMinuteDisplayField class which displays minute for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateMinuteField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateMinuteField class which displays minute for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateMonthDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateMonthDisplayField class which displays month for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateMonthField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateMonthField class which displays month for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateSecondDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateSecondDisplayField class which displays second for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateSecondField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateSecondField class which display second for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateShortHourDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateShortHourDisplayField class which displays short hour for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateShortHourField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateShortHourField class which displays short hour for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DateSystemFormatDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateSystemFormatDisplayField class which displays system format System.DateTime string for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateWeekdayDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateWeekdayDisplayField class which displays weekday for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateYearDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateYearDisplayField class which displays year for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime when it is not active. |
| DateYearField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.DateYearField class which displays year for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime. |
| DayInfo | Represents a DayInfo contains the information for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.CalendarDayButton presentation. |
| DayOfWeekCondition | Represents the DayOfWeekCondition class. |
| DayOfWeekHoliday | Represents the yearly holidays set by the day of the week rules. |
| DisplayField | Represents the basic display unit which is shown when control lost keyboard focus. |
| DropDownButton | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.DropDownButton handling mouse click to open the drop down window of the edit controls. |
| DropDownWindow | Represents a DropDownWindow hosts the drop down child control of the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDateTime and the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| EditBase | Represents the base class for the text editors control. |
| EditorPresenter | Displays the content of a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcTextBox. |
| ErasSectionHandler | Handles the access to eras configuration section. |
| Field | Represents the basic input and display unit in GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.FieldsEditorControl. |
| FieldContentPresenter | Represents the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.FieldContentPresenter, which provides the container for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.Primitives.Field. |
| FieldsEditingCommands | Provides a set of FieldsEditorControl related field editing commands. |
| FieldsEditorControl | Represents the base class for the formatted text editors. |
| FieldSet | Represents the FieldSet class, which is a base class for accessing fields. |
| FieldsPresenter | Used within the template of a fields control to specify the place in the control’s visual tree where the container of Field is to be added. |
| ForceDayOfWeekHoliday | Represents the forced holidays of a specific year which set by day of week rules. |
| ForceDayOfWeekWorkday | Represents the forced workdays of a specific year, which set by day of week rules. |
| ForceHoliday | An implementation of the forced holidays which will be based on the exact specified dates and not yearly. |
| ForceWorkday | An implementation of the forced workdays which will be based on the exact specified dates and not yearly. |
| GcComboBox | Represents a selection control that combines a text box and a drop-down containing a list box that allows users to select an item from a list. |
| GcDateTime | Represents a control which provides you more powerful editing and display capability for DateTime type value. |
| GcDropDownCalculator | Represents a GcDropDownCalculator control which could perform calculation operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. |
| GcDropDownCalendar | Represents a GcDropDownCalendar control that enables a user to select a date by using a visual calendar display. |
| GcListBox | Represents a control that displays a list of data items. |
| GcMask | Represents an editor control with specified format which can be user-defined. |
| GcNumber | Represents a number editor control that can input a number or calculate from dropdown calculator. |
| GcTextBox | Represents a GcTextBox control that can be used to display or edit text with specific format. |
| HeaderInfo | Represents a HeaderInfo contains the information for header button presentation in GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalendar. |
| Holiday | An implementation of the yearly holidays - which means holidays defined here will appear yearly regardless of the year. |
| HolidayBase | Represents a base class implement the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.IHoliday. |
| HolidayCollection | Represents a collection of instances of the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.IHoliday, such as GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Holiday, GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.ForceHoliday and GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.ForceWorkday classes. |
| HolidayGroup | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.HolidayGroup which holds a group of holiday settings. |
| HolidaySetting | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.HolidaySetting which holds the calendar holidays. |
| HolidaySettingBase | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.HolidaySettingBase which is the base for setting holiday in GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalendar. |
| HolidaySettingCollection | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.HolidaySettingCollection which is the collection of holiday settings. |
| InputBindingHelper | Provides a helper allows user set System.Windows.Input.InputBinding for multiple controls through resource. |
| InputTextValidator | Represents whether it is valid when GcDateTime.Value is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). |
| IntegerItem | Represents the item in which the content is an System.Int32 value. |
| Item<T> | Represents the item which content is specified type of . |
| ItemCheckEventArgs | Provides data for the GcListBox.ItemCheck event. |
| KeyExitEventArgs | Provides data for the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.EditBase.KeyExit event. |
| ListBoxLengthConverter | Converts instances of other types to and from ListBoxLength instances. |
| ListCheckBoxColumn | Represents a GcListBox column that hosts System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox controls in its SubItems. |
| ListColumn | Represents a column used in GcListBox.Columns. |
| ListColumnCollection | Represents a collection of instances of the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.ListColumn. |
| ListHeader | Represents an individual GcListBox column header. |
| ListHeadersPresenter | Used within the template of a GcListBox to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the ListHeaders are to be added. |
| ListImageColumn | Represents a GcListBox column that hosts System.Windows.Controls.Image controls in its SubItems. |
| ListItem | Represents a selectable item in a GcListBox with GcListBox.UseMultipleColumn is true. |
| ListItemBase | Represents a selectable item in a GcListBox with GcListBox.UseMultipleColumn is false. |
| ListItemsPresenter | Used within the template of a GcListBox to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the ListItemBases are to be added. |
| ListSubItemColumn | Represents a GcListBox column that hosts user customized SubItem. |
| ListTemplateColumn | Represents a GcListBox column that hosts template-specified content in its SubItems. |
| ListTextColumn | Represents a GcListBox column that hosts System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock controls in its SubItems. |
| MaskEnumerationField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.MaskEnumerationField class which contains an enumeration for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcMask. |
| MaskField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.MaskField class to define fields for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcMask. |
| MaskFieldCollection | Represents a collection for MaskField object. |
| MaskFieldsBuilder | Abstract class that represents a builder to build some specify MaskField by a format. |
| MaskFieldSet | Represents a MaskFieldCollection wrapper that can be used as a dependency property. |
| MaskFieldSetTypeConverter | Provides a type converter to convert string objects to MaskFieldSet object. |
| MaskFormatConverter | Represent the converter used to convert text with special format. |
| MaskLiteralField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.MaskLiteralField class which displays literals for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcMask. |
| MaskPatternField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.MaskPatternField class which can filter input text based on pattern for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcMask. |
| NotifyCollection<T> | Represents a dynamic data collection class, which is a base class for access collection data. |
| NumberDecimalGeneralFormatDisplayField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.NumberDecimalGeneralFormatDisplayField class to define general format display fields for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberDecimalPartDisplayField | Represents NumberDecimalPartDisplayField class which displays the decimal part for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberDecimalPartField | Represents NumberDecimalPartField class which displays decimal part for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberDecimalSeparatorDisplayField | Represents NumberDecimalSeparatorDisplayField class which displays decimal separator for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberDecimalSeparatorField | Represents NumberDecimalSeparatorField class which displays decimal separator for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberDisplayField | Abstract class that represents the base class of GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.NumberDisplayField for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberDisplayFieldCollection | Represents the NumberDisplayField collection which provides access to NumberDisplayField of GcNumber. |
| NumberDisplayFieldsBuilder | Abstract class that represents a builder to build a specify GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.NumberDisplayField array by a format. |
| NumberDisplayFieldSet | Represents a NumberDisplayFieldCollection wrapper that can be used as a dependency property. |
| NumberDisplayFieldSetTypeConverter | Provides a type converter to convert string objects to NumberDisplayFieldSet object. |
| NumberField | Abstract class that represents the base field class for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberFieldSet | Represents a GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType.Editors.NumberFieldCollection wrapper that can be used as a dependency property. |
| NumberFieldSetTypeConverter | Provides a unified way of converting types of values to other types, as well as for accessing standard values and sub properties. |
| NumberFormatConverter | Represents a converter that converts a decimal value to a string based on the pattern. |
| NumberIntegerPartDisplayField | Represents NumberIntegerPartDisplayField class which displays integer part for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberIntegerPartField | Represents NumberIntegerPartField class which displays integer part for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberLiteralDisplayField | Represents NumberLiteralDisplayField class which displays literals for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberMoneyPatternDisplayField | Represents NumberMoneyPatternDisplayField class which displays money pattern string for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberSignDisplayField | Represents NumberSignDisplayField class which displays sign strings for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber when it is not active. |
| NumberSignField | Abstract class that represents the sign field class for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberSignPrefixField | Represents GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Fields.NumberSignPrefixField class which displays sign prefix string for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| NumberSignSuffixField | Represents NumberSignSuffixField class which displays sign suffix string for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcNumber. |
| ObjectItem | Represents the item in which the content is an System.Object. |
| PrepareListItemEventArgs | Provides data for the GcListBox.PrepareListItem event. |
| PropertyCondition | Represents the PropertyCondition class which use to judge condition through property of button data. |
| RangeValidator | Represents whether GcDateTime.Value or GcNumber.Value is in the valid Range. |
| ResultStringEventArgs | Provides the data for the GcImeManager.ResultString attached event. |
| SelectedDatesCollection | Represents the SelectedDatesCollection class, which is the set of the selected dates in a GcDropDownCalendar control. |
| SelectorCondition | Represents the SelectorCondition class which is the base class for condition of style selector. |
| SelectorSetter | Represents the SelectorSetter class. |
| SelectorSetterCollection | Represents a SelectorSetterCollection which is the collection of SelectorSetter. |
| SpinButton | Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.SpinButton control for spin operations. |
| StringItem | Represents the item in which the content is a string. |
| StyleSelector<T> | Represents the StyleSelector<T> class. |
| SubItem | Represents an individual GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcListBox sub item. |
| SubItemCollection | Represents a collection of SubItems in a ListItem. |
| SubItemsPresenter | Used within the template of a GcListBox to specify the location in the control's visual tree where the SubItems are to be added. |
| SubmittedEventArgs | Provides data for the DropDownWindow.SubmittedEvent attached event. |
| TextChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.EditBase.TextChanging event. |
| ValueContext | Provide data context for the GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType.DataTemplateCellType. |
| WeeklyHoliday | Represents a WeeklyHoliday carrying the holiday override policy on the specific day of week. |
| WeekNumber | Represents a WeekNumber control for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.WeekNumberInfo presentation. It represents the number of the week index of the year. |
| WeekNumberInfo | Represents a WeekNumberInfo contains the information for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.WeekNumber presentation. |
| WeekTitle | Represents a WeekTitle control for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.WeekTitleInfo presentation. It represents the day of week. |
| WeekTitleInfo | Represents a WeekTitleInfo contains the information for GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.Primitives.WeekTitle presentation. |
| WeekTitleStyleSelector | Represents the WeekTitleStyleSelector class, which allow user to set simple style for WeekTitle according to some conditions. |