Spread WPF 18
GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType.Editors Namespace / FieldsEditingCommands Class / MoveToFirstFieldStart Property

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    MoveToFirstFieldStart Property
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    Represents the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.FieldsEditingCommands.MoveToFirstFieldStart command, which requests that the caret move to the start of the first field.
    Public Shared ReadOnly Property MoveToFirstFieldStart As RoutedUICommand
    Dim value As RoutedUICommand
    value = FieldsEditingCommands.MoveToFirstFieldStart
    public static RoutedUICommand MoveToFirstFieldStart {get;}

    The default key gesture for this command is Ctrl+Home.

    Take GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcMask as an example: when the format of GcMask is "--\D{3}-\D{4}--", this command make the caret index stop at first position of literal field, but MoveToFirst make the caret index stop at the first position of first pattern field.

    See Also