Spread WPF 18
GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType.Editors Namespace / CalculatorOperation Enumeration

In This Topic
    CalculatorOperation Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the possible operation values of calculator.
    Public Enum CalculatorOperation 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As CalculatorOperation
    public enum CalculatorOperation : System.Enum 
    AddThe Add operation.
    BackspaceThe Backspace operation.
    CThe Clear operation.
    CEThe Clear Entry operation.
    DecimalPointThe DecimalPoint operation.
    Digit0The Digit0 operation.
    Digit1The Digit1 operation.
    Digit2The Digit2 operation.
    Digit3The Digit3 operation.
    Digit4The Digit4 operation.
    Digit5The Digit5 operation.
    Digit6The Digit6 operation.
    Digit7The Digit7 operation.
    Digit8The Digit8 operation.
    Digit9The Digit9 operation.
    DivideThe Divide operation.
    EqualThe Equal operation.
    MemoryClearThe MemoryClear operation.
    MemoryMinusThe MemoryMinus operation.
    MemoryPlusThe MemoryPlus operation.
    MemoryRecallThe MemoryRecall operation.
    MemorySaveThe MemorySave operation.
    MultiplyThe Multiply operation.
    NoneNo operation.
    PercentageThe Percentage operation.
    ReciprocalThe Reciprocal operation.
    SignThe Sign operation.
    SquareRootThe SquareRoot operation.
    SubtractThe Subtract operation.

    Each one of CalculatorOperation enumeration value stands for a operation which could be a digit input, an operator, a memory operation or other possible operations.

    And it is assigned to the System.Windows.Input.ICommandSource.CommandParameter for specifying the specific operation assigned to the command source.

    For example, registering a System.Windows.Input.KeyBinding to a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalculator control, the GcDropDownCalculator.ProcessCommand command should be assigned to the System.Windows.Input.InputBinding.Command of the System.Windows.Input.KeyBinding, and a CalculatorOperation enumeration value should be assigned to the System.Windows.Input.InputBinding.CommandParameter, then the GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcDropDownCalculator control will process the operation which is set to specified keys.

    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also