Spread WPF 18
GrapeCity.Wpf.SpreadSheet.CellType.Editors Namespace / BlinkStyle Enumeration

In This Topic
    BlinkStyle Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies constants indicating when the error content shows, supplied by a GrapeCity.Windows.InputMan.GcValidationIndicator, should blink to alert the user that a System.Windows.Controls.ValidationError has occurred.
    Public Enum BlinkStyle 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As BlinkStyle
    public enum BlinkStyle : System.Enum 
    AlwaysBlinkError Content will always blink when target property of System.Windows.FrameworkElement is validated failed.
    BlinkOnValidateError Content will blink when the target property of System.Windows.FrameworkElement is validated failed each time. And it will stop blinking after blinked some times.
    NeverBlinkError Content will never blink.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also