Spread WPF 17
GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.Data Namespace / ExcelSaveFlags Enumeration

In This Topic
    ExcelSaveFlags Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies what part of the spreadsheet to export to an Excel-compatible file.
    Public Enum ExcelSaveFlags 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As ExcelSaveFlags
    public enum ExcelSaveFlags : System.Enum 
    AutoRowHeightThe default row height is not saved. Excel automatically determines row heights based on the largest font that is set in each row.
    DataOnlySaves only the data to the Excel-compatible file.
    NoFlagsSetSaves the spreadsheet to the Excel-compatible file with no special options.
    NoFormulasSaves the displayed data, but not the formulas, to the Excel-compatible file.
    SaveAsFilteredSaves the filtered row results to the Excel-compatible file.
    SaveAsViewedSaves the spreadsheet as viewed to the Excel-compatible file.
    SaveBothCustomRowAndColumnHeadersSaves both the custom row headers and the custom column headers to the Excel-compatible file.
    SaveCustomColumnHeadersSaves the custom column headers to the Excel-compatible file.
    SaveCustomRowHeadersSaves the custom row headers to the Excel-compatible file.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also