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GrapeCity.Core Namespace / KnownColor Enumeration

In This Topic
    KnownColor Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the known system colors.
    Public Enum KnownColor 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As KnownColor
    public enum KnownColor : System.Enum 
    ActiveBorderThe system-defined color of the active window's border.
    ActiveCaptionThe system-defined color of the background of the active window's title bar.
    ActiveCaptionTextThe system-defined color of the text in the active window's title bar.
    AliceBlueA system-defined color.
    AntiqueWhiteA system-defined color.
    AppWorkspaceThe system-defined color of the application workspace. The application workspace is the area in a multiple-document view that is not being occupied by documents.
    AquaA system-defined color.
    AquamarineA system-defined color.
    AzureA system-defined color.
    BeigeA system-defined color.
    BisqueA system-defined color.
    BlackA system-defined color.
    BlanchedAlmondA system-defined color.
    BlueA system-defined color.
    BlueVioletA system-defined color.
    BrownA system-defined color.
    BurlyWoodA system-defined color.
    ButtonFaceThe system-defined face color of a 3-D element.
    ButtonHighlightThe system-defined color that is the highlight color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.
    ButtonShadowThe system-defined color that is the shadow color of a 3-D element. This color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face away from the light source.
    CadetBlueA system-defined color.
    ChartreuseA system-defined color.
    ChocolateA system-defined color.
    ControlThe system-defined face color of a 3-D element.
    ControlDarkThe system-defined shadow color of a 3-D element. The shadow color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face away from the light source.
    ControlDarkDarkThe system-defined color that is the dark shadow color of a 3-D element. The dark shadow color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the darkest color.
    ControlLightThe system-defined color that is the light color of a 3-D element. The light color is applied to parts of a 3-D element that face the light source.
    ControlLightLightThe system-defined highlight color of a 3-D element. The highlight color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the lightest color.
    ControlTextThe system-defined color of text in a 3-D element.
    CoralA system-defined color.
    CornflowerBlueA system-defined color.
    CornsilkA system-defined color.
    CrimsonA system-defined color.
    CyanA system-defined color.
    DarkBlueA system-defined color.
    DarkBlue2010A system-defined color.
    DarkCyanA system-defined color.
    DarkCyan2010A system-defined color.
    DarkGoldenrodA system-defined color.
    DarkGoldenrod2010A system-defined color.
    DarkGrayA system-defined color.
    DarkGray2010A system-defined color.
    DarkGreenA system-defined color.
    DarkGreen2010A system-defined color.
    DarkGreyA system-defined color.
    DarkGrey2010A system-defined color.
    DarkKhakiA system-defined color.
    DarkKhaki2010A system-defined color.
    DarkMagentaA system-defined color.
    DarkMagenta2010A system-defined color.
    DarkOliveGreenA system-defined color.
    DarkOliveGreen2010A system-defined color.
    DarkOrangeA system-defined color.
    DarkOrange2010A system-defined color.
    DarkOrchidA system-defined color.
    DarkOrchid2010A system-defined color.
    DarkRedA system-defined color.
    DarkRed2010A system-defined color.
    DarkSalmonA system-defined color.
    DarkSalmon2010A system-defined color.
    DarkSeaGreenA system-defined color.
    DarkSeaGreen2010A system-defined color.
    DarkSlateBlueA system-defined color.
    DarkSlateBlue2010A system-defined color.
    DarkSlateGrayA system-defined color.
    DarkSlateGray2010A system-defined color.
    DarkSlateGreyA system-defined color.
    DarkSlateGrey2010A system-defined color.
    DarkTurquoiseA system-defined color.
    DarkTurquoise2010A system-defined color.
    DarkVioletA system-defined color.
    DarkViolet2010A system-defined color.
    DeepPinkA system-defined color.
    DeepSkyBlueA system-defined color.
    DesktopThe system-defined color of the desktop.
    DimGrayA system-defined color.
    DimGreyA system-defined color.
    DodgerBlueA system-defined color.
    FirebrickA system-defined color.
    FloralWhiteA system-defined color.
    ForestGreenA system-defined color.
    FuchsiaA system-defined color.
    GainsboroA system-defined color.
    GhostWhiteA system-defined color.
    GoldA system-defined color.
    GoldenrodA system-defined color.
    GradientActiveCaptionThe system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar.
    GradientInactiveCaptionThe system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar.
    GrayA system-defined color.
    GrayTextThe system-defined color of dimmed text. Items in a list that are disabled are displayed in dimmed text.
    GreenA system-defined color.
    GreenYellowA system-defined color.
    GreyA system-defined color.
    HighlightThe system-defined color of the background of selected items. This includes selected menu items as well as selected text.
    HighlightTextThe system-defined color of the text of selected items.
    HoneydewA system-defined color.
    HotPinkA system-defined color.
    HotTrackThe system-defined color used to designate a hot-tracked item. Single-clicking a hot-tracked item executes the item.
    InactiveBorderThe system-defined color of an inactive window's border.
    InactiveCaptionThe system-defined color of the background of an inactive window's title bar.
    InactiveCaptionTextThe system-defined color of the text in an inactive window's title bar.
    IndianRedA system-defined color.
    IndigoA system-defined color.
    InfoThe system-defined color of the background of a ToolTip.
    InfoTextThe system-defined color of the text of a ToolTip.
    IvoryA system-defined color.
    KhakiA system-defined color.
    LavenderA system-defined color.
    LavenderBlushA system-defined color.
    LawnGreenA system-defined color.
    LemonChiffonA system-defined color.
    LightBlueA system-defined color.
    LightBlue2010A system-defined color.
    LightCoralA system-defined color.
    LightCoral2010A system-defined color.
    LightCyanA system-defined color.
    LightCyan2010A system-defined color.
    LightGoldenrodYellowA system-defined color.
    LightGoldenrodYellow2010A system-defined color.
    LightGrayA system-defined color.
    LightGray2010A system-defined color.
    LightGreenA system-defined color.
    LightGreen2010A system-defined color.
    LightGreyA system-defined color.
    LightGrey2010A system-defined color.
    LightPinkA system-defined color.
    LightPink2010A system-defined color.
    LightSalmonA system-defined color.
    LightSalmon2010A system-defined color.
    LightSeaGreenA system-defined color.
    LightSeaGreen2010A system-defined color.
    LightSkyBlueA system-defined color.
    LightSkyBlue2010A system-defined color.
    LightSlateGrayA system-defined color.
    LightSlateGray2010A system-defined color.
    LightSlateGreyA system-defined color.
    LightSlateGrey2010A system-defined color.
    LightSteelBlueA system-defined color.
    LightSteelBlue2010A system-defined color.
    LightYellowA system-defined color.
    LightYellow2010A system-defined color.
    LimeA system-defined color.
    LimeGreenA system-defined color.
    LinenA system-defined color.
    MagentaA system-defined color.
    MaroonA system-defined color.
    MediumAquamarineA system-defined color.
    MediumAquamarine2010A system-defined color.
    MediumBlueA system-defined color.
    MediumBlue2010A system-defined color.
    MediumOrchidA system-defined color.
    MediumOrchid2010A system-defined color.
    MediumPurpleA system-defined color.
    MediumPurple2010A system-defined color.
    MediumSeaGreenA system-defined color.
    MediumSeaGreen2010A system-defined color.
    MediumSlateBlueA system-defined color.
    MediumSlateBlue2010A system-defined color.
    MediumSpringGreenA system-defined color.
    MediumSpringGreen2010A system-defined color.
    MediumTurquoiseA system-defined color.
    MediumTurquoise2010A system-defined color.
    MediumVioletRedA system-defined color.
    MediumVioletRed2010A system-defined color.
    MenuThe system-defined color of a menu's background.
    MenuBarThe system-defined color of the background of a menu bar.
    MenuHighlightThe system-defined color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu.
    MenuTextThe system-defined color of a menu's text.
    MidnightBlueA system-defined color.
    MintCreamA system-defined color.
    MistyRoseA system-defined color.
    MoccasinA system-defined color.
    NavajoWhiteA system-defined color.
    NavyA system-defined color.
    OldLaceA system-defined color.
    OliveA system-defined color.
    OliveDrabA system-defined color.
    OrangeA system-defined color.
    OrangeRedA system-defined color.
    OrchidA system-defined color.
    PaleGoldenrodA system-defined color.
    PaleGreenA system-defined color.
    PaleTurquoiseA system-defined color.
    PaleVioletRedA system-defined color.
    PapayaWhipA system-defined color.
    PeachPuffA system-defined color.
    PeruA system-defined color.
    PinkA system-defined color.
    PlumA system-defined color.
    PowderBlueA system-defined color.
    PurpleA system-defined color.
    RedA system-defined color.
    RosyBrownA system-defined color.
    RoyalBlueA system-defined color.
    SaddleBrownA system-defined color.
    SalmonA system-defined color.
    SandyBrownA system-defined color.
    ScrollBarThe system-defined color of the background of a scroll bar.
    SeaGreenA system-defined color.
    SeaShellA system-defined color.
    SiennaA system-defined color.
    SilverA system-defined color.
    SkyBlueA system-defined color.
    SlateBlueA system-defined color.
    SlateGrayA system-defined color.
    SlateGreyA system-defined color.
    SnowA system-defined color.
    SpringGreenA system-defined color.
    SteelBlueA system-defined color.
    TanA system-defined color.
    TealA system-defined color.
    ThistleA system-defined color.
    TomatoA system-defined color.
    TransparentA system-defined color.
    TurquoiseA system-defined color.
    VioletA system-defined color.
    WheatA system-defined color.
    WhiteA system-defined color.
    WhiteSmokeA system-defined color.
    WindowThe system-defined color of the background in the client area of a window.
    WindowFrameThe system-defined color of a window frame.
    WindowTextThe system-defined color of the text in the client area of a window.
    YellowA system-defined color.
    YellowGreenA system-defined color.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also