Interface IFillFormat
public interface IFillFormat
Public Interface IFillFormat
Name | Description |
BackColor | Gets a ColorFormat object that represents the specified fill background color. |
FillRectangle | Gets or sets the rectangle for the specified fill. |
ForeColor | Gets a ColorFormat object that represents the specified foreground fill or solid color. |
GradientAngle | Gets or sets the angle of the gradient fill for the specified fill format. |
GradientColorType | Gets the gradient color type for the specified fill. |
GradientStops | Gets the end points for the gradient fill. |
GradientStyle | Gets or sets the gradient style for the specified fill. |
GradientVariant | Gets the shade variant for the specified fill as an integer value from 1 through 4. The values for this property correspond to the gradient variants (numbered from left to right and from top to bottom). |
PathShadeType | Gets or sets the path type for the specified fill. |
Pattern | Gets an PatternType value that represents the fill pattern. |
PictureEffects | Gets the IPictureEffects object that represents the picture or texture fill for the specified fill format. |
RotateWithObject | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fill style should rotate with the object. |
TextureAlignment | Gets or sets the texture alignment for the specified IFillFormat object. |
TextureHorizontalScale | Gets or sets the value for horizontally scaling the text for the IFillFormat object. |
TextureOffsetX | Gets or sets the offset X value for the specified fill. |
TextureOffsetY | Gets or sets the offset Y value for the specified fill. |
TextureTile | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the texture style is tile. |
TextureVerticalScale | Gets or sets the value for vertically scaling the text for the IFillFormat object. |
Transparency | Gets or sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear). |
Type | Gets a FillType value that represents the fill type. |
Visible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this IFillFormat is visible. |
Name | Description |
Gradient(GradientStyle, int, SchemeGradientStop[]) | Fills the shape with the specified gradient. |
Group() | Fills the shape with its parent group shape's fill. |
OneColorGradient(GradientStyle, int, double) | Fills the shape with a one-color gradient. |
Patterned(PatternType) | Fills the shape with a pattern fill. |
PresetGradient(GradientStyle, int, PresetGradientType) | Fills the shape with a preset gradient. |
Solid() | Fills the shape with a uniform color. Use this method to convert a gradient, textured, or background fill back to a solid fill. |
TwoColorGradient(GradientStyle, int) | Fills the shape with a two-color gradient. |
UserPicture(Stream) | Fills the shape with an image. |
UserPicture(string, bool) | Fills the shape with an image. |
UserTextured(Stream) | Fills the shape with small tiles of an image. If you want to fill the shape with one large image, use the UserPicture(Stream) method. |
UserTextured(string, bool) | Fills the shape with small tiles of an image. If you want to fill the shape with one large image, use the UserPicture(string) method. |