Interface that defines the methods and properties required by objects for defining Regional Settings (Regional Options).
public interface IRegionalSettings : ICloneable
Public Interface IRegionalSettings
Inherits ICloneable
Name | Description |
AMDesignator | Gets or sets the string that indicates morning in a 12-hour time. |
AbbreviatedDayNames | Gets or sets the array of abbreviated names of days. |
AbbreviatedMonthNames | Gets or sets the array of abbreviated names of months. |
Calendar | Gets or sets the Calendar for formatting date values |
CurrencyDecimalDigits | Gets or sets the number of decimal places in currency values. |
CurrencyDecimalSeparator | Gets or sets the string that indicates the currency decimal symbol. |
CurrencyGroupSeparator | Gets or sets the string that separates a currency group. |
CurrencyGroupSize | Gets or sets the number of digits in each currency group. |
CurrencyNegativePattern | Gets or sets the format for negative currency values. |
CurrencyPositivePattern | Gets or sets the format for positive currency values. |
CurrencySymbol | Gets or sets the string that indicates the currency symbol. |
CurrentYear | Gets or sets the current year if the year is not specified in a date value. |
DateSeparator | Gets or sets the string that separates the portions of a date value. |
DateTimeFormat | Gets the DateTimeFormatInfo object associated with the current culture. |
DayNames | Gets or sets the array of day names. |
DecimalSeparator | Gets or sets the string that indicates the decimal symbol. |
LongDateFormat | Gets or sets the format of a long date. |
MonthNames | Gets or sets the array of month names. |
NegativeSign | Gets or sets the string that indicates a negative value. |
NumberDecimalDigits | Gets or sets the number of decimal places in float numbers. |
NumberGroupSeparator | Gets or sets the string that separates a number group. |
NumberGroupSize | Gets or sets the number of digits in each number group. |
NumberLeadingZero | Gets or sets whether to display a leading zero in float numbers. |
NumberNegativePattern | Gets or sets the format for negative values. |
PMDesignator | Gets or sets the string that indicates afternoon and evening in a 12-hour time. |
PercentDecimalDigits | Gets or sets the number of decimal places in percent values. |
PercentNegativePattern | Gets or sets the format for negative percent values. |
PercentPositivePattern | Gets or sets the format for positive percent values. |
PercentSign | Gets or sets the string that indicates a percent value. |
PositiveSign | Gets or sets the string that indicates a positive value. |
ShortDateFormat | Gets or sets the format of a short date. |
TimeFormat | Gets or sets the format of a time value. |
TimeSeparator | Gets or sets the string that separates the portions of a time value. |
TwoDigitYearMax | Gets or sets the last year of a 100-year range that can be represented by a two-digit year. |