Represents an ordinary combo box cell.
public class ComboBoxCellType : BaseCellType, ICellType, IEditor, IFormatter, ICloneable, IPropertyAllowedSupport, INotifyEditorValueChanged, IEnhancedRenderer, IRenderer, IEnhancedPdfRenderer, IPdfSupport, IAllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell, IErrorIconSupport, IEditorVerticaAlignSupport, INumFmtSupportCellType, ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, IDisposable, IReuseEditorControl2, IReuseEditorControl, IAutoCompleteSupport, ICellType, ICloneable<ICellType>, IFormatter
Public Class ComboBoxCellType
Inherits BaseCellType
Implements ICellType, IEditor, IFormatter, ICloneable, IPropertyAllowedSupport, INotifyEditorValueChanged, IEnhancedRenderer, IRenderer, IEnhancedPdfRenderer, IPdfSupport, IAllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell, IErrorIconSupport, IEditorVerticaAlignSupport, INumFmtSupportCellType, ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, IDisposable, IReuseEditorControl2, IReuseEditorControl, IAutoCompleteSupport, ICellType, ICloneable(Of ICellType), IFormatter
Name | Description |
ComboBoxCellType() | Creates a new combo box cell with default settings. |
ComboBoxCellType(ComboBoxCellType) | Creates a new copy from the specified cell type ("Copy constructor"). |
ComboBoxCellType(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates a new combo box cell from serialization. |
Name | Description |
theme | Internal use only. |
Name | Description |
AcceptsArrowKeys | Gets or sets how arrow keys are processed by the combo box control. |
AllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell | Gets or sets whether to allow arrow keys to move the active cell. |
AllowEditorVerticalAlign | Gets or sets whether to allow vertical alignment in the editor. |
AutoCompleteCustomSource | Gets or sets the custom source (of strings) for automatic completion of entries in the combo box. |
AutoCompleteMode | Gets or sets how the automatic completion works for entries in the combo box. |
AutoCompleteSource | Gets or sets the source for automatic completion of entries in the combo box. |
AutoFillAutoCompleteCustomSource | Gets or sets a whether the AutoCompleteCustomSource is automatically filled with data from the column. |
AutoSearch | Gets or sets how a list of items in a combo box is searched based on input of a character key. |
BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the image to paint in the background of the combo box edit portion. |
ButtonAlign | Gets or sets where buttons are displayed. |
CharacterCasing | Gets or sets the case of characters in the text cell. |
CharacterSet | Gets or sets what characters to allow for the text cell. |
DoubleClickTextToDropDown | Gets or sets whether to display the combo box list when double-clicking the text area. |
DropDownOptions | Gets or sets the drop-down options for displaying the combo box list. |
DropDownWhenStartEditing | Gets or sets whether to display the combo box list when pressing the enter key. |
Editable | Gets or sets whether you can type into the edit portion of the combo box. |
EditorValue | Gets or sets what value is written to the underlying data model. |
ImageList | Gets or sets the image list of a combo box. |
ItemData | Gets or sets the corresponding data for the items in the drop-down list in the combo box. |
Items | Gets or sets the items for the drop-down list in the combo box. |
ListAlignment | Gets or sets the side of the cell on which the list aligns. |
ListControl | Gets or sets the control for the list portion. |
ListOffset | Gets or sets how many pixels to offset the list from the aligned edge of the cell. |
ListWidth | Gets or sets the width (in pixels) of the drop-down list. |
MaxDrop | Gets or sets the number of items to display at one time in the list portion. |
MaxLength | Gets or sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the combo box cell. |
StopEditingAfterDropDownItemSelected | Gets or sets whether to close the drop-down list and stop editing after pressing the enter key or clicking a combo box list item. |
Name | Description |
CancelEditing() | Cancels the editing of a cell. |
Clear() | Removes all items from the list. |
Clone() | Creates and returns an ordinary combo box cell. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
Format(object) | Formats the specified data into the format of the cell type and returns it as a string. |
GetEditorControl(Appearance, float) | Gets the edit control for this cell type with the specified appearance and scaling. |
GetEditorControl(Control, Appearance, float) | Gets the edit control for this cell type with the specified appearance and scaling. |
GetEditorValue() | Gets the unformatted value in the editor control. |
GetErrorIconBound(Graphics, Appearance, Rectangle, float) | Gets a rectangle to draw the error icon in. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Serializes the cell type. |
GetPreferredSize(Graphics, Size, Appearance, object, float) | Gets the preferred (maximum required) size of the cell for the renderer control. |
GetReservedCursor(object) | Gets the cursor reserved for this cell type. |
GetTextRectangle(Graphics, Rectangle, Font, Appearance, ref Rectangle, string) | Gets the rectangle in which text is drawn. |
InitializeEditorControl(Control, Appearance, float) | Initializes the editor control. |
IsCaretInTheBeginning() | Gets whether the caret is in the beginning. |
IsCaretInTheEnd() | Gets whether the caret is at the end. |
IsCaretInTheFirstLine() | Gets whether the caret is in the first line. |
IsCaretInTheLastLine() | Gets whether the caret is in the last line. |
IsReservedKey(KeyEventArgs) | Determines whether the specified key has special meaning to the editor control. |
IsReservedLocation(Graphics, int, int, Rectangle, Appearance, object, float) | Determines whether the specified cursor location has special meaning to the editor control. |
IsReusable(Control) | Checks if this celltype is reusable. |
IsValid(object) | Determines whether the specified value is valid. |
PaintCell(PdfGraphics, RectangleF, Appearance, object, bool, bool, float) | Paints (prints) the cell to PDF when not in edit mode, to the specified graphics interface with the specified appearance settings. |
PaintCell(Graphics, Rectangle, Appearance, object, bool, bool, float) | Paints the cell when not in edit mode to the specified graphics interface with the specified appearance settings. |
Parse(string) | Parses the specified string to the data type of the cell type and returns it as an object. |
RemoveItem(int) | Removes the individual item specified by index from the list. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |
SetEditorValue(object) | Sets the value of the editor control. |
ShowSubEditor() | Shows the subeditor control associated with the cell. |
StartEditing(EventArgs, bool, bool) | Starts the editing of a cell. |
StopEditing() | Stops the editing of a cell. |
ToHorizontalAlignment(CellHorizontalAlignment) | Converts a FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellHorizontalAlignment value to the corresponding FarPoint.Win.HorizontalAlignment value. |
ToVerticalAlignment(CellVerticalAlignment) | Converts a FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellVerticalAlignment value to the corresponding FarPoint.Win.VerticalAlignment value. |