Represents a view of a chart model using either GDI (2D) or OpenGL (3D) rendering.
[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(FpChart), "Source.FpChart.png")]
public class FpChart : Control, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IXmlSerializable, ISerializable
<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(FpChart), "Source.FpChart.png")>
Public Class FpChart
Inherits Control
Implements IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, IDisposable, IXmlSerializable, ISerializable
Name | Description |
FpChart() | Initializes a new instance of the FpChart class. |
FpChart(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | The constructor for binary deserialization. |
Name | Description |
About | Gets the version information about the component. |
AllowUndo | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow undo and redo. If not enabled, no action will be added to undo list of the undo manager. |
CreateParams | Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. |
DefaultSize | Gets the default size of the component. |
DoubleBuffered | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker. |
GripFlatStyle | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grip has 3D style or flat style |
Interactive | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the selection of plot area, legend area, label area or series. Users can perform actions such as move, resize, copy, cut, paste, delete with the selected object. |
Model | Gets or sets the chart model. |
SelectedObject | Gets or sets the selected object. Could be a plot area, legend area, label area or series info. |
UndoManager | Gets the undo manager which can be used to manage undo and redo actions. |
ViewType | Gets or sets whether the chart is rendered in 2D or 3D. |
Name | Description |
DestroyHandle() | Destroys the handle associated with the control. |
Dispose(bool) | Releases referencing resources before being destroyed |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Serializes appropriated properties |
HitTest(int, int) | Returns the object at the specified location. |
LoadFromTemplate(Stream) | Loads from a template which contain a chart model and chart view type in the specified stream.. |
OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) | Raises the KeyDown event. |
OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) | Raises the KeyUp event. |
OnLostFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the LostFocus event. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseDown event. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseMove event. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseUp event. |
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) | Raises the Paint event. |
OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs) | Called when selection changed. |
OnSizeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the SizeChanged event. |
ProcessDialogKey(Keys) | Processes a dialog key. |
RaiseActionDoing(CancelEventArgs) | Raises the performing action events, such as move, resize, delete, cut and paste. |
RaiseActionDone(EventArgs) | Raises the action done events, such as move, resize, delete, cut and paste. |
Render(Graphics, ChartModel, Rectangle, bool) | Renders the chart to a graphic. |
RenderImage(Rectangle?) | Renders the chart's image to a bitmap and return this bitmap. |
SaveToTemplate(Stream) | Saves to a template which contain a chart model and chart view type in the specified stream. |
ScaleControl(SizeF, BoundsSpecified) | |
WndProc(ref Message) | Processes Windows messages. |
Name | Description |
ActionDoing | Occurs when on performing actions such as move, resize, delete, cut and paste. |
ActionDone | Occurs when on actions done such as move, resize, delete, cut and paste. |
SelectionChanged | Occurs when the selection changed. |