Name | Description | |
AddChart | Overloaded. Adds the chart control. | |
AddColumns | Adds columns to the data model at the specified index. | |
AddImage | Overloaded. | |
AddRows | Adds rows to the data model. | |
AddRowToDataSource | Adds the unbound row to the data source. | |
AddSpanCell | Adds a span of cells to a sheet. | |
AddSparkline | Overloaded. Adds the sparkline. | |
AddSquareSparkline | Adds the sparkline. | |
AddUnboundRows | Adds unbound rows to the data model. | |
AutoFilterColumn | Automatically filters the rows in the specified column according to the specified filter. | |
AutoFilterReset | Resets the filters on the rows in the specified column. | |
ClearConditionalFormating | Overloaded. Removes all of the conditional formatting from the cell at the specified row and column. | |
ClearConditionalFormatings | Removes all of the conditional formatting from the sheet. | |
ClearConditionalFormats | Removes all of the conditional formats from the cell at the specified row and column. | |
ClearRange | Removes all of the data, formatting, formulas, and notes from a range of cells on this sheet. | |
ClearRowFilter | Clears the row filter for this sheet. | |
ClearSparklineGroupsInRange | Clears all sparkline groups. | |
ClearSparklines | Clears all sparklines. | |
ExpandAll | Expands or collapses all the levels of hierarchy | |
ExpandRow | Expands or collapses the specified row in the hierarchical display. | |
FindChildView | Gets the child view in a hierarchical display with the specified row and data relation index. | |
GetCellFromTag | Gets a cell with a specific tag on the sheet. | |
GetCellRangeSpanCombined | Gets the cell range of the combined span. | |
GetCellType | Gets the cell type for a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetChildRelation | Gets the name of the child data relation in a hierarchical display at the specified index. | |
GetChildView | Gets a child sheet in a hierarchical display for the specified row and the specified relation index. | |
GetChildVisible | Gets whether the child view is displayed in a hierarchical display. | |
GetClip | Overloaded. Gets a tab-delimited string that contains the formatted text in a specified range. | |
GetClipValue | Gets a tab-delimited string that contains the unformatted text in a specified range. | |
GetColumnAllowFilter | Gets whether this column contains a column filter definition. | |
GetColumnAutoText | Gets the automatic text displayed in the specified column header. | |
GetColumnFromTag | Gets a column on this sheet with a specific tag. | |
GetColumnLabel | Gets the text in the column header cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetColumnMerge | Gets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined in a single cell across multiple rows. | |
GetColumnSizeable | Gets whether the user can resize a specified column. | |
GetColumnSortIndicator | Gets the sort indicator to display at the specified column. | |
GetColumnVisible | Gets whether a column is displayed. | |
GetColumnWidth | Gets the width of the specified column in pixels. | |
GetConditionalFormats | Overloaded. Gets the conditional formats for the cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetConditionalFormatting | Overloaded. Gets all the conditional formatting in the specified cell range. | |
GetCustomName | Overloaded. Gets the string value for a custom name on this sheet from the model. | |
GetDataKey | Gets the identifier for the specified row if it is visible. | |
GetDefaultEditor | Gets the default editor used to edit the cell. | |
GetDefaultRenderer | Gets the default renderer used to render the cell. | |
GetDropDownFilterItems | Gets the filter items to be displayed in the drop-down list for the specified column. | |
GetEditor | Gets the editor used to edit a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetExpression | Gets the formula of the specified cell on this sheet. | |
GetFormatter | Gets the formatter used to format a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetFormula | Gets the formula in the cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetGroupFooterInfo | Gets the group footer information for the sheet. | |
GetGroupInfo | Gets the group information for the sheet. | |
GetModelColumnFromViewColumn | Gets the index in the model for the specified column. | |
GetModelRowFromViewRow | Gets a row index in a model for a specified row in a sheet. | |
GetNote | Gets the cell note for a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetRenderer | Gets the renderer used to render a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetRowAutoText | Gets the automatic text displayed in the specified row header. | |
GetRowExpandable | Gets whether the row on this sheet is expandable in the hierarchical display. | |
GetRowFromTag | Gets a row on this sheet with a specific tag. | |
GetRowHeight | Gets the height of the specified row. | |
GetRowLabel | Gets the text in the specified row header cell. | |
GetRowMerge | Gets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns. | |
GetRowSizeable | Gets whether the user can resize the specified row. | |
GetRowVisible | Gets whether a row is displayed. | |
GetSelections | Gets an ordered array of FarPoint.Web.Spread.Model.CellRange objects, from largest to smallest, containing the selected cells on the sheet with minimal overlap between the ranges. | |
GetSpanCell | Gets the span of cells at a specified cell. | |
GetSparkline | Gets the sparkline information. | |
GetStyleInfo | Gets the composite cell style information for a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetTag | Gets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet. | |
GetText | Gets the formatted text in the cell using the IFormatter object for the cell. | |
GetUnboundValue | Gets the unbound value for a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetValidConditionalFormat | Gets the valid conditional format. | |
GetValue | Gets unformatted data from a cell at the specified row and column. | |
GetViewColumnFromModelColumn | Gets the sheet column index for a specified model column. | |
GetViewRowFromModelRow | Gets a sheet row index for the specified model row. | |
GroupSparkline | Overloaded. Groups the sparkline and sets the type of the new group. | |
IsColumnBound | Gets whether the column is bound to a data source column. | |
IsRowBound | Gets whether the specified row is bound to a data source. | |
IsRowExpanded | Gets whether the row is expanded in the hierarchical display. | |
LoadFormulas | Loads formulas that are deserialized, but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized. | |
LoadTextFile | Overloaded. Loads a text file with the specified name into the sheet. | |
LoadViewState | Loads a saved view state for a sheet. | |
MoveColumn | Moves the column or columns to a specified location. | |
MoveRow | Moves the row or rows to a specified location. | |
Open | Overloaded. Opens a sheet saved as XML from the specified file and loads it into the sheet. | |
OpenExcel | Overloaded. Opens an Excel file and loads the specified Excel sheet into this sheet. | |
Recalculate | Evaluates all the formulas in the sheet that have changed since the last calculation cycle. | |
RecalculateAll | Evaluates all the formulas in the sheet (including those that have not changed since the last calculation cycle). | |
RemoveColumns | Removes the columns at the specified index. | |
RemoveRows | Removes the rows at the specified index. | |
RemoveSpanCell | Removes the span from a range of cells that contain a specified anchor cell. | |
Reset | Sets the sheet to its default values. | |
ResetViewColumnIndexes | Resets all column indexes in the sheet to be the same as the column indexes in the corresponding data model. | |
ResetViewRowIndexes | Resets all row indexes in the sheet to be the same as the row indexes in the corresponding data model. | |
Save | Overloaded. Saves the contents of the sheet to XML in the specified file. | |
SaveHtml | Overloaded. Saves the sheet as HTML content to the stream | |
SaveTextFile | Overloaded. Saves the sheet to a text file with the specified name. | |
SaveTextFileRange | Overloaded. Saves the range of cells (and may include headers) to a text file as specified. | |
SaveViewState | Saves the current view state of the sheet. | |
SetChildVisible | Sets whether to display the child view in a hierarchical display. | |
SetClip | Sets a tab-delimited string that contains the formatted text in a specified range. | |
SetClipValue | Sets a tab-delimited string that contains the unformatted text in a specified range. | |
SetColumnLabel | Sets the value for a specified cell in a column header. | |
SetColumnMerge | Sets whether or how cells in a column on this sheet that have the same content are joined in a single cell across multiple rows. | |
SetColumnSizeable | Sets whether users can resize individual columns. | |
SetColumnSortIndicator | Sets the sort indicator to display at the specified column. | |
SetColumnVisible | Sets whether a column is displayed. | |
SetColumnWidth | Sets the width of the specified column in pixels. | |
SetConditionalFormat | Overloaded. Sets conditional formatting based on a specified comparison for a specified cell. | |
SetConditionalFormatting | Overloaded. Sets conditional formatting for a specified cell on the sheet based on specified rules. | |
SetExpression | Sets a formula in a specified cell on this sheet. | |
SetFormula | Sets the formula for a specified cell. | |
SetFormulaConditionalFormat | Overloaded. Sets conditional formatting based on a specified formula for a specified cell. | |
SetModelDataColumn | Binds the model column to the data source column. | |
SetNote | Sets the cell note for a specified cell. | |
SetRowExpandable | Sets whether the row on this sheet can be expanded to show the child view in the hierarchical display. | |
SetRowHeight | Sets the height of the specified row in pixels. | |
SetRowLabel | Sets the value for a specified cell in the row header. | |
SetRowMerge | Sets whether or how cells in a row on this sheet that have the same content are joined into a single cell across multiple columns. | |
SetRowSizeable | Sets whether users can resize individual rows. | |
SetRowVisible | Sets whether a row is displayed. | |
SetStyleInfo | Sets the style for a cell, a column, a row, or an entire sheet. | |
SetTag | Sets the application-defined tag value for the specified cell, column, row, or entire sheet. | |
SetText | Sets the formatted text in the cell using the IFormatter object for the cell. | |
SetValue | Sets the value for a cell at the specified row and column. | |
Sort | Sorts a range of cells in the data model. | |
SortColumns | Overloaded. Sorts all the columns in the sheet according to the specified parameters. | |
SortRows | Overloaded. Sorts all the rows in the sheet according to the specified parameters. | |
ToString | Returns the name of the sheet. | |
UngroupSparkline | Overloaded. Ungroups the sparkline. |