Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetAxisModel interface for an axis model for a sheet, which represents rows and columns on a sheet.
public class DefaultSheetAxisModel : BaseSheetAxisModel, ISheetAxisModel, IPageBreakSupport, INotifySheetAxisModelChanging, IMovable, ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IOptimizedSheetAxisModelSupport2, IOptimizedSheetAxisModelSupport, IOptimizedEnumerationSupport2, IOptimizedEnumerationSupport, IAutoFilterIndexSupport2, IAutoFilterIndexSupport
Public Class DefaultSheetAxisModel
Inherits BaseSheetAxisModel
Implements ISheetAxisModel, IPageBreakSupport, INotifySheetAxisModelChanging, IMovable, ISerializeSupport, ISerializable, IOptimizedSheetAxisModelSupport2, IOptimizedSheetAxisModelSupport, IOptimizedEnumerationSupport2, IOptimizedEnumerationSupport, IAutoFilterIndexSupport2, IAutoFilterIndexSupport
Name | Description |
DefaultSheetAxisModel() | Creates an axis model (DefaultSheetAxisModel object) with zero rows, zero columns, and no parent model. |
DefaultSheetAxisModel(int, SheetAxisOrientation) | Creates an axis model (DefaultSheetAxisModel object) with the specified number of rows or columns, and no parent model. |
DefaultSheetAxisModel(int, SheetAxisOrientation, ISheetAxisModel) | Creates an axis model (DefaultSheetAxisModel object) with the specified parent model and number of rows or columns. |
DefaultSheetAxisModel(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Creates an axis model (DefaultSheetAxisModel object) from serialization. |
Name | Description |
Count | Gets the number of rows or columns in the model. |
Orientation | Gets the axis orientation; whether the object is a row or a column. |
Parent | Gets or sets the parent sheet axis model. |
Name | Description |
Clear(int, int) | Removes the values from the specified rows or columns. |
Copy(int, int, int) | Copies one or more rows or columns and pastes them at the specified location. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads an object from XML. |
FireChanged(int, int, SheetAxisModelEventType) | Fires the Changed event. |
GetAutoFilterIndex(int) | Gets the automatic filter index for the specified row or column. |
GetMergePolicy(int) | Gets the cell merge policy for the specified row or column. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Saves the DefaultSheetAxisModel to the SerializationInfo object. |
GetPageBreak(int) | Gets whether a page break occurs at the specified row or column. |
GetResizable(int) | Gets whether users can resize the specified row or column. |
GetSize(int) | Gets the size of the specified row or column. |
GetSortIndicator(int) | Gets the sort indicator for the specified row or column. |
GetTag(int) | Gets the data associated with the specified row or column. |
GetVisible(int) | Gets whether the control displays the specified row or column. |
IsEmpty() | Determines whether there are no rows and columns in the model. |
IsPropertySet(int, SheetAxisProperty) | Determines whether the specified SheetAxisModel property is set. |
Move(int, int, int) | Moves one or more rows or columns and pastes them at the specified location. |
ResetProperty(int, SheetAxisProperty) | Resets the specified SheetAxisModel property to its default value. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the Spread to XML. |
SetAutoFilterIndex(int, int) | Sets the automatic filter index for the specified row or column. |
SetMergePolicy(int, MergePolicy) | Sets the cell merge policy for the row or column. |
SetPageBreak(int, bool) | Sets whether a page break occurs at the specified row or column. |
SetResizable(int, bool) | Sets whether users can resize the specified row or column. |
SetSize(int, int) | Sets the size of the specified row or column. |
SetSortIndicator(int, SortIndicator) | Sets the sort indicator for the specified row or column. |
SetTag(int, object) | Sets the data associated with the specified row or column. |
SetVisible(int, bool) | Sets whether the control displays the specified row or column. |
Swap(int, int, int) | Swaps one or more rows or columns. |