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PaintCell Method

PaintCell(string, TableCell, Appearance, Inset, object, bool)

Gets a control and renders it in the cell based on the specified appearance, margin, and value.

public override Control PaintCell(string id, TableCell parent, Appearance style, Inset margin, object value, bool upperLevel)
Public Overrides Function PaintCell(id As String, parent As TableCell, style As Appearance, margin As Inset, value As Object, upperLevel As Boolean) As Control
Type Name Description
string id

Unique identifier of the control

TableCell parent

Parent cell (TableCell object) for the control

Appearance style

Style settings (Appearance object) for the control

Inset margin

Margin settings (Inset object) for the control

object value

Value (as object) to put in the control

bool upperLevel

Whether to render to a up-level browser

Type Description