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Add Button in a Tab

SpreadJS Designer Component allows you to add a button or checkbox in the Ribbon as explained below:

Add 'Save Data' Button

Follow the below steps to add a 'Save Data' button in the 'Home' tab of the ribbon component.

  1. Access the default configuration.

    // Configure Workbook and Worksheet
    var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook("ss");
    var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
    // Access the default config
    var config = GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.DefaultConfig;
  2. Create the "Save Data" button layout structure and add it to the "buttonGroups" field of the "HOME" ribbon.

    // Layout of the new button
    var saveData = {
        "label": "Save Data",
        "thumbnailClass": "",
        "commandGroup": {
            "children": [
                    "direction": "vertical",
                    "commands": [
    // Add new button to config ribbon tab
  3. Set the above command to commandMap in your project.

    // Create command for the new button
    config.commandMap = {
        cmdSaveData: {
        title: "Save data to server",
        text: "Save",
        iconClass: "cmdSaveData",
        bigButton: "true",
        commandName: "cmdSaveData",
        execute: async (context, propertyName, fontItalicChecked) => {
        // customize operator
        alert('Save data successfully.');
  4. Add CSS style setting for "cmdSaveData" button.

    <!-- CSS style setting for new button -->
    <style>.cmdSaveData {
        background-image: url('./saveData.png');
        background-size: 35px 35px;
  5. Initialize the designer instance by passing config parameter for customizable configuration.

    // Initialize the designer instance
    var designer = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Designer.Designer(document.getElementById("designerHost"), config, spread);

The below output will be generated:

Note: You can also override the default behavior of a button/command by defining its desired commandMap in the project.

Add Checkbox in Ribbon

You can add a checkbox to the ribbon element and manage its checked or unchecked state. Follow step 1 listed above by adding a label name for the checkbox and creating a MyCheckbox command. Further, set the MyCheckbox command to commandMap in your project as shown below:

config.commandMap = {
    MyCheckbox: {
        title: "Custom Checkbox",
        text: "MyCheckbox",
        type: 'checkbox',
        commandName: "MyCheckbox",
        execute: async (context, propertyName) => {
        let state = context.getData("myCheckState");
        context.setData("myCheckState", !state);
        getState: (context) => {
            return context.getData("myCheckState");

Next, follow step 4 as listed above to generate the below output: