hidden?: booleanSet to true to hide the field from the list of Form Filler fields.
nolabel?: booleanSet to true to hide the field label and display the full-width input control.
orderindex?: numberOptional. Specifies the order of fields in the Form Filler dialog box.
rowcustomcss?: stringApplies an additional custom CSS class to the outer DOM container of the form field input control.
validator?: ((fieldValue: string | string[], field: WidgetAnnotation, args: { caller: ValidationCallerType }) => boolean | string)Custom validator function called on the mapped field before saving changes or after changing the value if GcProps.validateoninput is set to true. Return true or null for a successful result. Return a string with a validation error message for failure (to be displayed in the user interface).
Defines appearance, behavior, and validation settings for the input field inside the Form Filler dialog.