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com.grapecity.documents.excel Package / PivotFilterType Enumeration
In This Topic
    PivotFilterType Enumeration
    In This Topic
    The type of pivot filter
    CaptionBeginsWithFilters the data where the caption starts with the specified value.
    CaptionBetweenFilters the data where the caption is between the specified values.
    CaptionContainsFilters the data where the caption contains the specified value.
    CaptionEndsWithFilters the data where the caption ends with the specified value.
    CaptionEqualFilters the data where the caption is equal to the specified value.
    CaptionGreaterThanFilters the data where the caption is greater than the specified value.
    CaptionGreaterThanOrEqualFilters the data where the caption is greater than or equal to the specified value.
    CaptionLessThanFilters the data where the caption is less than the specified value.
    CaptionLessThanOrEqualFilters the data where the caption is less than or equal to the specified value.
    CaptionNotBeginsWithFilters the data where the caption does not start with the specified value.
    CaptionNotBetweenFilters the data where the caption is not between the specified values.
    CaptionNotContainsFilters the data where the caption does not contain the specified value.
    CaptionNotEndsWithFilters the data where the caption does not end with the specified value.
    CaptionNotEqualFilters the data where the caption is not equal to the specified value.
    CountFilters the specified number of items containing top/bottom values.
    DateBetweenFilters the data where the date is between the specified values.
    DateEqualFilters the data where the date is equal to the specified value.
    DateNewerThanFilters the data where the date is newer than the specified value.
    DateNewerThanOrEqualFilters the data where the date is newer than or equal to the specified value.
    DateNotBetweenFilters the data where the date is not between the specified values.
    DateNotEqualFilters the data where the date is not equal to the specified value.
    DateOlderThanFilters the data where the date is older than the specified value.
    DateOlderThanOrEqualFilters the data where the date is older than or equal to the specified value.
    LastMonthFilters the data for the last month.
    LastQuarterFilters the data for the last quarter.
    LastWeekFilters the data for the last week.
    LastYearFilters the data for the last year.
    M1Filters the data for January.
    M10Filters the data for October.
    M11Filters the data for November.
    M12Filters the data for December.
    M2Filters the data for February.
    M3Filters the data for March.
    M4Filters the data for April.
    M5Filters the data for May.
    M6Filters the data for June.
    M7Filters the data for July.
    M8Filters the data for August.
    M9Filters the data for September.
    NextMonthFilters the data for the next month.
    NextQuarterFilters the data for the next quarter.
    NextWeekFilters the data for the next week.
    NextYearFilters the data for the next year.
    PercentFilters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified percent of the total of the field values.
    Q1Filters the data for the first quarter.
    Q2Filters the data for the second quarter.
    Q3Filters the data for the third quarter.
    Q4Filters the data for the fourth quarter.
    SumFilters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified sum of the values.
    ThisMonthFilters the data for the current month.
    ThisQuarterFilters the data for the current quarter.
    ThisWeekFilters the data for the current week.
    ThisYearFilters the data for the current year.
    TodayFilters the data for today.
    TomorrowFilters the data for tomorrow.
    ValueBetweenFilters the data where the value is between the specified values.
    ValueEqualFilters the data where the value is equal to the specified value.
    ValueGreaterThanFilters the data where the value is greater than the specified value.
    ValueGreaterThanOrEqualFilters the data where the value is greater than or equal to the specified value.
    ValueLessThanFilters the data where the value is less than the specified value.
    ValueLessThanOrEqualFilters content where the value is less than or equal to the specified value.
    ValueNotBetweenFilters content where the value is not between the specified values (inclusive).
    ValueNotEqualFilters content where the value is not equal to the specified value.
    YearToDateFilters content where the date is within the current year-to-date period.
    YesterdayFilters content where the date is yesterday.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also