Member | Description |
CaptionBeginsWith | Filters the data where the caption starts with the specified value. |
CaptionBetween | Filters the data where the caption is between the specified values. |
CaptionContains | Filters the data where the caption contains the specified value. |
CaptionEndsWith | Filters the data where the caption ends with the specified value. |
CaptionEqual | Filters the data where the caption is equal to the specified value. |
CaptionGreaterThan | Filters the data where the caption is greater than the specified value. |
CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual | Filters the data where the caption is greater than or equal to the specified value. |
CaptionLessThan | Filters the data where the caption is less than the specified value. |
CaptionLessThanOrEqual | Filters the data where the caption is less than or equal to the specified value. |
CaptionNotBeginsWith | Filters the data where the caption does not start with the specified value. |
CaptionNotBetween | Filters the data where the caption is not between the specified values. |
CaptionNotContains | Filters the data where the caption does not contain the specified value. |
CaptionNotEndsWith | Filters the data where the caption does not end with the specified value. |
CaptionNotEqual | Filters the data where the caption is not equal to the specified value. |
Count | Filters the specified number of items containing top/bottom values. |
DateBetween | Filters the data where the date is between the specified values. |
DateEqual | Filters the data where the date is equal to the specified value. |
DateNewerThan | Filters the data where the date is newer than the specified value. |
DateNewerThanOrEqual | Filters the data where the date is newer than or equal to the specified value. |
DateNotBetween | Filters the data where the date is not between the specified values. |
DateNotEqual | Filters the data where the date is not equal to the specified value. |
DateOlderThan | Filters the data where the date is older than the specified value. |
DateOlderThanOrEqual | Filters the data where the date is older than or equal to the specified value. |
LastMonth | Filters the data for the last month. |
LastQuarter | Filters the data for the last quarter. |
LastWeek | Filters the data for the last week. |
LastYear | Filters the data for the last year. |
M1 | Filters the data for January. |
M10 | Filters the data for October. |
M11 | Filters the data for November. |
M12 | Filters the data for December. |
M2 | Filters the data for February. |
M3 | Filters the data for March. |
M4 | Filters the data for April. |
M5 | Filters the data for May. |
M6 | Filters the data for June. |
M7 | Filters the data for July. |
M8 | Filters the data for August. |
M9 | Filters the data for September. |
NextMonth | Filters the data for the next month. |
NextQuarter | Filters the data for the next quarter. |
NextWeek | Filters the data for the next week. |
NextYear | Filters the data for the next year. |
Percent | Filters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified percent of the total of the field values. |
Q1 | Filters the data for the first quarter. |
Q2 | Filters the data for the second quarter. |
Q3 | Filters the data for the third quarter. |
Q4 | Filters the data for the fourth quarter. |
Sum | Filters top/bottom items that comprise not less than the specified sum of the values. |
ThisMonth | Filters the data for the current month. |
ThisQuarter | Filters the data for the current quarter. |
ThisWeek | Filters the data for the current week. |
ThisYear | Filters the data for the current year. |
Today | Filters the data for today. |
Tomorrow | Filters the data for tomorrow. |
ValueBetween | Filters the data where the value is between the specified values. |
ValueEqual | Filters the data where the value is equal to the specified value. |
ValueGreaterThan | Filters the data where the value is greater than the specified value. |
ValueGreaterThanOrEqual | Filters the data where the value is greater than or equal to the specified value. |
ValueLessThan | Filters the data where the value is less than the specified value. |
ValueLessThanOrEqual | Filters content where the value is less than or equal to the specified value. |
ValueNotBetween | Filters content where the value is not between the specified values (inclusive). |
ValueNotEqual | Filters content where the value is not equal to the specified value. |
YearToDate | Filters content where the date is within the current year-to-date period. |
Yesterday | Filters content where the date is yesterday. |