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Class SelectorItem

Direct Known Subclasses:
DropDownItem, ListBoxItem

public abstract class SelectorItem extends Object
Provides a base class for item types in a selection control.
  • Constructor Details

    • SelectorItem

      public SelectorItem()
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public final String getValue()
      Gets the content of this item.
    • setValue

      public final void setValue(String value)
      Sets the content of this item.
    • UpdateBindingValue

      public final void UpdateBindingValue(String value)
      Updates the binding value with the specified value.
      value - The new value to set for the binding.
    • isReadOnly

      public final boolean isReadOnly()
      Checks if the object is in read-only mode.
      True if the object is in read-only mode, False otherwise.
    • setReadOnly

      public final void setReadOnly(boolean value)
      Sets the read-only mode of the object.
      value - True to set the object as read-only, False to set it as editable.