Document Solutions for PDF
GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Layers Namespace / OptionalContentProperties Class / RemoveLayers Method
Indicates whether to remove content associated with the specified layers.
An array of OptionalContentGroup objects that specify the layers to be removed.

In This Topic
    RemoveLayers Method
    In This Topic
    Removes specified layers, optionally removing content associated with those layers.
    Public Sub RemoveLayers( _
       ByVal removeContent As System.Boolean, _
       ByVal ParamArray layers() As OptionalContentGroup _
    public void RemoveLayers( 
       System.bool removeContent,
       params OptionalContentGroup[] layers


    Indicates whether to remove content associated with the specified layers.
    An array of OptionalContentGroup objects that specify the layers to be removed.
    See Also