GrapeCity.Documents.Svg.SvgMatrix class renamed to Matrix and moved to GrapeCity.Documents.Common namespace.
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.InterpolationMode enum has been moved to GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing namespace.
New Features and Improvements
Added GcGraphics.InterpolationMode property that gets or sets the sampling mode to use when drawing images with resizing.
Added GcGraphics.IsInterpolationModeSupported() method, which indicates whether the current graphics implementation supports a specified interpolation mode.
Added the following classes and enums to GrapeCity.Documents.Layout namespace that implements a flat layout model based on constraints. Instead of setting the exact position of a visual element, constraints define rules for how that position depends on the positions of other elements:
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutHost class: Represents the host and origin of a coordinate system for LayoutView objects.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutView class: Represents a transformed surface with a set of LayoutRect objects.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutRect class: Represents a rectangle with constraints.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.AnchorPoint class: Represents a point to be used as an anchor.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Contour class: Represents a closed figure on a LayoutView.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutException class: Represents an error that occurred when resolving constraints in a LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Constraint class: The base class for LayoutRect constraints.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.AngleConstraint class: Determines the rotation angle of the target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.AspectRatioConstraint class: Determines the aspect (width to height) ratio of the target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.StarSizeConstraint class: Determines the proportional width or height (weight) of the target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.SizeConstraint class: Restricts the width or height of the target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.PositionConstraint class: Determines the position of the sides or centers of the target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.ContourConstraint class: Determines the min/max position of sides relative to the contour.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.AnchorParam enum: Specifies the source parameter of the anchor LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.TargetParam enum: Specifies the target parameter of the constraint's target LayoutRect.
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.ContourPosition enum: Specifies the position of the anchor for a contour constraint.
Added the following classes that use LayoutHost and related classes and enums to draw simple or complex tables with merged, rotated, auto-sized, multilayer cells with customizable styles:
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.TableRenderer class: A helper class for drawing tables on a GcGraphics (e.g., GcPdfGraphics or GcBitmapGraphics).
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.TableCell class: Represents the layout, style, and data of a table cell. Cells can contain simple text, multi-formatted TextLayout, or owner-drawn content.
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.FrameStyle class: Describes the inner border and filling of a table cell or table frame.
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.CellStyle class: Describes the relative position, inner border, filling, and layout of a table cell.
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.FrameBorders enum: Specifies which border lines are drawn in a table cell or table frame.
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.FixedTableSides enum: Specifies which sides of a table are fixed. The position of those sides does not depend on the table's content.
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.CellPosition enum: Specifies whether a table cell appears behind or on top of other cells.
The default encoding used by GcBitmap.SaveAsIco() changed from Argb32 to Png.