Define interface of custom cell renderer function.
Predefined or custom column action
Defines values for IColumnChangedEventArgs.type
Defines interface of IColumn.cssClass function
Defines column editor types.
Defines type of one data record in a dataset.
Data scope types
Type alias for array of data records or a custom data source interface.
DataView selection.
Defines values for IEditingEventArgs.status
Represents an event handler. Event handlers are functions invoked when events are raised.
Defines available filter operators
Defines interface of formatting callback used to format displayed values in the DataView
Defines label formatter
A function that is used to specify the grouping name
Defines interface of custom renderer function of header row
Defines interface of IHierarchyDescriptor.offset callback
Defines month names.
Defines type of selected record
Defines signature of sort converter.
Defines interface for text-based editors.
Defines values for IGanttOptions.timeLineScale
Defines week days.
Defines available values for [[IGridLayoutOptions.autoAddRowPosition]]