| Name | Description |
| AnchorX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| AnchorY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| AnimationMode | Gets or sets the update animation. |
| AutomationId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| BackgroundColor | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Behaviors | Gets the behaviors collection. |
| Binding | Gets or sets the name of the property that contains Y values for the series. |
| BindingContext | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) |
| Bounds | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| CascadeInputTransparent | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Layout) |
| Children | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Layout<View>) |
| class | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| ClassId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| CustomPalette | Gets or sets the custom chart palette. |
| Dispatcher | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) |
| Effects | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| FlowDirection | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Footer | Gets or sets the chart footer text. |
| FooterAlignment | Gets or sets chart footer alignment. |
| FooterStyle | Gets or sets chart footer style. |
| GestureRecognizers | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| Header | Gets or sets the chart header text. |
| HeaderAlignment | Gets or sets chart header alignment. |
| HeaderStyle | Gets or sets chart header style. |
| Height | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| HeightRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| HorizontalOptions | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| Id | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| InputTransparent | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsClippedToBounds | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Layout) |
| IsEnabled | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsFocused | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsTabStop | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| IsVisible | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ItemsSource | Gets or sets the collection of objects that contains the series data. |
| LegendItemStyle | Gets or sets the legend item style. |
| LegendOrientation | Gets or sets the legend orientation. |
| LegendPosition | Gets or sets the chart legend position. |
| LegendStyle | Gets or sets the legend style. |
| LegendTitle | Gets or sets the legend title. |
| LegendTitleStyle | Gets or sets the legend title style. |
| LegendToggle | Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking legend items toggles the series visibility in the chart. |
| LoadAnimation | Gets or sets the load animation. |
| Margin | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| MinimumHeightRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| MinimumWidthRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Navigation | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| Opacity | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Padding | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Layout) |
| Palette | Gets or sets the chart palette. |
| Parent | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| PlotStyle | Gets or sets chart plot area style. |
| Resources | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Rotation | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| RotationX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| RotationY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Scale | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ScaleX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ScaleY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| SelectedIndex | Gets or sets the index of selected element. |
| SelectionMode | Gets or sets the chart selection mode. |
| SelectionStyle | Gets or sets the style of selected element. |
| ShowTooltip | Gets or sets the ShowTooltip. |
| Site | IComponent Site |
| Style | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| StyleClass | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.NavigableElement) |
| StyleId | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) |
| TabIndex | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| ToolTip | Gets or sets the chart tooltip. |
| ToolTipContent | Gets or sets the chart tooltip content. |
| TranslationX | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| TranslationY | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Triggers | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| UpdateAnimation | Gets or sets the update animation. |
| VerticalOptions | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) |
| Visual | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Width | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| WidthRequest | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| X | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |
| Y | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |