ComponentOne Bitmap for WPF
C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11 Namespace / PixelShaderStage Class / SetShaderResources Method

In This Topic
    SetShaderResources Method (PixelShaderStage)
    In This Topic
    void ID3D11DeviceContext::PSSetShaderResources([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumViews,[In, Buffer, Optional] const void** ppShaderResourceViews)
    Overload List
    Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11.CommonShaderStageBase)
    Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11.CommonShaderStageBase)
    Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11.CommonShaderStageBase)
    Bind an array of shader resources to the shader stage. (Inherited from C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11.CommonShaderStageBase)
    See Also